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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. The only problem I have with people and rules is if they are breaking the rules (or misusing or whatever) is if they are not aware of what they are doing. otherwise so long as they understand what they are doing(like changing the cost of all stats to 3 points/point) then fine ,im happy, gimme my 3d6 and let's rumble.
  2. Ewwwwwwww!!!!!! Le Schtroumpf you are gonna make me cheer on Care Bears arent you?
  3. I think part of the problem is the Splatbook/publish or perish theory. anything good has to be published first. I have a Gm who likes fantasy ( and probably nothing else done by Hero Games) and the first words out of his mouth when I suggested he run a HERO fantasy agme is "ill have to check out the splatbook on that!!!" Some people just don't get HERO.
  4. Ugh okies here is one that is just about as bad as a Gm supercharacter. I build well rounded very character concept oriented characters. these are the kind of characters that are more likely to go wide rather than specialise. On the other hand there are two munchkin players who rather go deep than wide. To give you an idea one character (who for no particular reason on Gods Green Earth is the same"classs" as i am ) has 15 dice to pierce the umbra (we are using special rules of Gnosis+Primal Urge, Powergamer #2 is our WereWolf GM.), MAx willpower and Max Gnosis, and to top it all off is a White Howler with 5 in Past Lives. To be fair to both the GM and Player, the White Howler is a character we rescued nearly six months ago from a Black Spiral Cairn following one of my dream quests. However the Player proceeded to take MY flipping phase of the moon rather than one of the Two open phases we had so now there is a great deal of competiton. And the guy can be a real arse though it is I think unintentional. Especially after I get done teaching him 7 Rites he then turns around next session and declares that i am _Not_ his mentor. This is the same guy that in ED Was a Nethermancer and Versatilitied Elemental Weaving in order to more or less out spellcast my Elvish Elementalist. In other words he has a habit of building characters that crawl up my backside. When I would rather not be going straight for Power power power I have to, to keep this guys mouth from running like a river how much better he is than me. Needless to say the next time he tries to get his rite of accomplishment for Wisdom it will be challenged. The Gm is just as bad, not only does he regularly kill of 20 Werewolves per story (the technocracy attacked a moot, the Catholic Church has apparently developed a Werewolf Specific SARS like attack) And i have a sneaking suspicion the Gm uses GM only info interchangeably with NPC only info. He also is a long time Shadowrunner with apparently zero desire to socialise in game. All social interaction attempts with our cairn outside of "the Gms plotted adventure"get more or less brushed aside. Even for an old shadowrunner he ignores my Contacts, my Mentor and just about everthing else aside from combat. im not even sure he reads the books and he throws incorrect Vampires (my own OOC speciality) and incorrect mages (another players OOC speciality) while claiming that they are not the gift critters in the books. ill take part of that back. he has read the Main second edition book (the edition we are playing) he not only states he does not have time but point blank refuses to read the other books or listen to our advice on the WW world.
  5. heh on the other hand just give all the guys a 19- acting roll (or feing death) and tell them they "think" they are dead.. Or no CDG unless they make a Healing roll first. and usually they should not CDG unless they think they are gonna keep on getting up. don't have them get up.
  6. Perhaps instead Gilligans Rangers? rather than Power Rangers- The Islands.
  7. Didn't the Shrinker work on the latex outfits of the Models Gang? heh "yeah it's even shrinkin my pants...." misquoting Mr. Fury! Build as an entangle, with a disad related tio the structual integrity of the clothing Annnnnnd Sideeffects if it it "broken" of nudity.
  8. Before I reply to the challenge would rescuing the Cast and Crew of Survivors IV count as a good or evil act?
  9. Actually her family claims some liniage to the Truehearts(as in Tess) of the Dick Tracy fame. when Dick Tracey was being intially written the artist was looking for inspiration and liked sweetheart but changed it since after all Tess was True not sweet, and it makes a great double consonate.
  10. Ooooh kinda like *impersonates Johnny Weismuller Tarzan* "Me-tallia" "You Shame!!!!!"
  11. Actually if you are worried about the binding there are several options first of which is your local kinko's/copy store simply ask them to remove the current binding and replace with a spiral binding, I have done this with my 1AD&D DMG and UA together in one volume and original (my own ) laminated artwork. Though not as spffy as some others it still is a great deal! Spiral binding also has the wonderful option of making your books lay flat. You can also get the cardboard backing placed on the inside of the front cover (probably after copying any information therin onto a separate sheet if necessary....) and lamaination also giving you a very durable book. Im waiting for damaged products to become availible to do that to some of my books and as gifts to friends..... having said that, these books are better made than SR or ED stuff and Rifts so far so good. i have known people to just rip the pages out of new books and place them in binders because teh books fell apart that fast so far my UMA which has been lent out quite a bit is no where near needing such treatment.
  12. Erm at this rate by the time we get to Western Hero and Cyber Hero stores are gonna need to purchase solid rolled steel shelving in order to carry the dang things. Either that or lay them out on the concrete and hope they dont crack the foundations!!!!!!!! Has anyone checked out Black and Read in the Denver area or Attatix (also Denver)?
  13. Yes but then they are not really Heroic if they are gonna lynch you over not allowing them to kill your imaginary friends.
  14. Challange: A series of sports related crimes are committed. Hmm..... how about a series of attacks on prominent politcal people during Professional sport events. The First family gets attacked while attending a foot ball, base ball, or Basket ball game. each time the family is protected by Hero's who "just happen to be in the area" Shortly after figuring this out The Players in their secret id's all recieve tickets to a sold out local game. the plot? most of the people at the game look kind of similar to the PC's in their secret ID. Someone has done an awful lot of research to find out as closely as possible what the heroes look like in their secret id and then bought out the game and discretely sent tickets to each of the Heroes by subtle means as well as hundreds of others also likely to be suspected Heroes. And of course the only people really standing out in the crowd is the First family, protected by bunches of security (who also pretty much stand out) at which point halfway through the game the Mercenary villains attack. the heroes win the day, but who staged not only this one but a massive series of other ones all appraently targeting the First family but likely inviting Heroes to foil their plans? Aliens using some subtle technology have decided that arena sports are too boring instead they prefer to play a combination of "Where is Waldo" plus Arena Combat. the bait is the Governments contacts with the aliens, the President is a tad more unscupulous than he is given credit for and is trying to gain some much needed space technology in order to advance the space race and prevent more "Challenger" incidents. Though the aliens have agreed to stop, and stop the situation, if the situation endangers the Presidents Family. Costumed Switcheroo New and Improved Zoot Suit Base Case
  15. What! is the subject line too long? or is he too dull to keep you guys awake? or is he too good?
  16. We are Heroes , Do we Truly need to Kill?
  17. Personally I like to think of the penalties for negative stun as akin to the Knockdown test from Earthdawn. More or less in HERO you get mentally knocked on your rump from getting slapped around. Essentially there are multible numbers of ways to take minor combat effects. some of the breakpoints may not be perfectly balanced, and the combat does not allways flow as it should. Perhaps part of the problems is one of difference between the Hero, and the mook. mooks are not nearly so motivated as a hero, heck a the few times i have gotten whupped there were points it took me a while to get the motivation to come back to the battle. Perhaps a mook even if he is "unstunned" could be waiting a chance to flee from the battle with his life intact rather than face death. Perhaps a Gm should consider this before the first game so as to remove the temptation of the player to deal with every fallen foe and move on.
  18. And my own favorite addendum to the package deal suggestion is to create your own skill Enhancer to replace the "package Deal". just as scholar can reduce the cost of KS's, so Would Skill enhancer Druid reduce the cost of Druidic skills.
  19. Heh Read Mercedes Lackey's White Griffon for Black mages of both good and ill intent. As well as about any other "archetype" as well as amerindish and whitebread.
  20. Tesuji, thise seems to be one of those cases wherein the Gm (our favorite person to point to ) just needs to let the recoveries slide for the mooks. of the last twelve battles I was in 11 of those were against Zombi/Skeletons (no stun there!!!!!!) and they kinda sucked. Most of the time the NPC's were kicking the arse of the badguys (40 out of a 46 man unit were NPC'S) while we were barely denting them. If it had been humans we were goingin up against the battles would have been about the same but we would have been actually hurting them. The only exception to the Zombi Munching battles was a pack of archers who would run (ride actually ) away at top speed (including an aid plus using their riding skills to urge their mounts on to greater speeds)anytime we got within 12". they had PSL's to get their no penalty range up to 32". They were a pain in the arse untill we snuck up on them in the dark and shot them/slit their throats in bed. does after the combat CDG occur in fantasy books? Yes, see the Mallorean by david eddings the Seeress of Kell has a really good description. and Daviod eddings actually thinks about it. I could also see Silk doing a bit of Skullduggery behind everyone elses back while no one was looking............
  21. Ill second the Beeeeuootiful Character design........... :evil: Im also not entirely certain I would give Stitch a 13- guitar playing skill, but I should check the Video before doing so.... ukelele mebbe instead?
  22. Hero Name : Fir Bolg Real Name : Alexander Davis Special Effect: Martial Brick. Source Of Power: Mystic incident Stats Value Characteristic Cost 31 STR (16 base+power) 6 14 DEX 12 16 CON 10 15 BODY 10 15 INT 5 14 EGO 8 16 PRE 6 14 COM 2 7 PD 1 5 ED 2 3 SPD 6 9 REC 0 32 END 0 39 STUN 0 TOTAL 68 Combat Stats OCV 5 DCV 5 ECV 5 Phases 4- 8- 12 Endurance Stun Powers/Skills Value Power/Skill 15 Hightened Strength +15: This is from a mystic incident that granted many of his other powers. This repersents the innate unknowability of his powers origin, what he does not understand he cannot improve except by accident. Fate delivered this to him, only fate can change it. This power is a side effect of the chaos wave exposure, in his modern sensibilities he believes that perhaps this is the strength he draws from the land. In part it ties in with the Invulnerability, when he pushes himself he does not hurt himself so he can "continually" push himself well beyond what normal people can simply because there is no pain or damage associated with the pushing. But there is something else that exists that is beyond that explainable push strength. Perhaps it is the Blood of the Giants that exists in the Oliphant Clan of yore, awakened again with the mystic forces flowing through his body. Perhaps the simpler explanation is that he is stronger because he has a stronger emotional source and lets that energy power him. --- Martial Arts ---(4+5+4+4+3+4+4=28) 28 Counterstike Defense: M block +2/+2 Block, Abort Ripost: Defensive Strike +1/+3 Str Stike Knockaway: M Disarm +2/+2 Disarm, +10 Str to roll Duke Roundhouses Roundhouse: M Strike +0/+2 Str Stike+2d6 LegShot: Legsweep +2/-1 Str Stike+1d6 target falls Side Step: M dodge -/+5 Dodge, affects all, Abort Weapon Elements: hands, Clubs, Fencing Swords, dagger, cloak, This martial art is a combination of several things Skip has learned in combat, ranging from early Tai quan do, and second hand lessons in Ninjitsu, to books and Tai Chi videotapes, from SCA combat practice to the impossible Bad kung fu movies. From this stew pot of the impossible Alex has developed his eclectic style of defense/offense. --- Powers --- Special Weapon: "The Wand" this is a Table Leg, it acts as a Big Club. During the same event that led to his exposure to the Chaos Wave that granted his Powers The Fighting Fir ripped off a table leg from a discarded table he found in the wreckage on the streets of Dallas. Events since have proven the Leg to be indestructible though it appears to be an ordinary carved oaken table leg. Any damage done to the table leg is absorbed and sent somewhere else. This Gentelman has, in a sentimental moment of understaement, given his weapon the nom de gurre of "The Wand". 20 40 active points Multipower "The Wand" (OAF, Unbreakable, Universal, Mystic Weapon Big Club -1) 8 Absorb Damage +11RPD/+11RED armor, 7 points of power defense the SFX is attacks that hit "The Wand" are absorbed this is the default for the weapon and is in addition to being "unbreakable" 8 Absorb DamageII 5d6 phisical damage Absorbtion, Phisical feeds end reserve, Trigger (+1/4) only when "The Wand" is used to block incoming attacks. 8 Deal Damage: base +3d6 PEB adds to HTH damage, up to +7d6 max total (35 AC) bonus damage, based upon how much "damage absorbed" previously. Base damage feeds from Fir Bolgs end, additional damage feeds from end reserve, 50 points end reserve (5 AC) 8 Images: the Wand disguises itself as an innocuous item when it is not in combat: Sight, sound & touch (30 points) -3 to opposing Per rolls. 5 +2 to All HTH combat rolls with "The Wand" ,(OAF, Unbreakable, Universal, Mystic Weapon Big Club -1) 42 Invulnerability+7 RPD/+7 RED(21 base): this is a side effect of the chaos wave exposure. This is something of a mystic shunt, energies that atack him are diverted in part to "The Land", becoming almost an atack on the environment. Testing has shown that objects in the vicinity of his body would recieve minor stress fractures and minor abrasions as if they too were being struck, though lightly. Examinations of testing areas indicate that possibly the area of effect could be several meters in area though the density and/or composition the the materials in the environment seemed to directly affect the size of the area affected. In addition the Clothing typically worn by The Wand Weilding Wizard of War suffered from the same sort of effects as Alex thus, some of his Invulnerability is somewhat transferable to people that he has chosen. UBO 1 at a time, self also, persistant, ranged, Activation roll (determine per by piece of clothing worn, depends upon how nekkid Fir Bolg is willing to get: max of 15- often less -1/2 ), Real armor Limitation (-1/4), OIF:Clothing is also Invulnerable SFX: Clothing is removed and worn by target (21 points cost). 7 A Good Leatherman:1 pip HKA, OAF (-1) plus :+1 Overall Skill Level, Doesn't Affect CV (-1/2), OAF (-1). Powers cost : 148 --- Skills/Talents --- Assuming use of Everyman skills 3 Break Fall 12 or Less 3 Tactics 12 or Less 3 Teamwork 12 or Less [9] 2 Contact [Work history documents] 11- 1 Transport Familiarity: Forklifts [12] 2 Acting 11- 3 Lightsleep [17] 2 Absolute range sense, RSR PS:Yard Dog Skill Roll 2 PS: Roleplayer 11- 3 PS: A Capella Singer 12 or Less 2 PS: Yard Dog 11- 2 PS: File Clerk 11- 2 PS: Temporary 11- 2 PS: Mail Clerk 11- 1 Environmental Movement: Icewalking. [ 29] 4 Environmental Movement: I kneel before GOD, not you. (no combat penalties while kneeling or sitting) 2 Resistance Talent: +2 to Ego rolls to resist interrogation 3 "The Wand" manipulation Power Skill (9+D/5) 3 Strength tricks Power Skill (9+S/5) 2 Oratory 11- 1 Computer Programming 8- 1 KS: Science Fiction 11- 1 KS: Fantasy 11- 1 KS: Magic Tricks 11- [47] 2 KS:Video games (9+I/5)- 2 KS: USSR (9+I/5)- 1 KS: Filing systems 11- [52] 2 KS Rolepaying games (9+I/5)- 2 KS: Lumber Yards (9+I/5)- [56] 2 KS: Religions (9+I/5)-- 2 KS: History (9+I/5)-- 2 KS: Art (9+I/5)- [61] 1 KS: Internet 11- 1 KS: Songs 11- 2 KS: SCA (9+I/5)- 1 KS: Bad Martial Art flicks 11- [66] 2 KS: Martial Arts (9+I/5)-- 1 KS: US Mail 11- 5 Temporary Skill: (Cramming) grants 8- [74] 2 Contortioninst 11- 1 Gambling: Chess 11- [77] 1 Contact: Cell phone 8- 1 Burecratics 8- 1 Acrobatics 8- 1 Language: Spanish 3 Skill enhancer: Scholar [89] Total: 89 ---Everyman Skills--- Climbing 8- Concealment 8- Conversation 8- Deduction 8- English (4 pt level) Paramedics 8- Persuasion 8- Shadowing 8- Stealth 8- TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles AK: DFW Area 8- TOTAL all fields 89+148+68= 305 Disadvantages Disadvantage Value Normal Charistics maxima": Fir Bolg can eventually reach a point in training where he maxes out his natural attributes. He is incapable of intrinsically increasing his stats beyond normal human maximum or through internal magical modifications. 20 DNPC: (Jessica Sweetheart) Normal 8 or less Currrently Alex is dating a rather charming person by the name of Jessica Sweetheart and they are currently trying the long distance relationship "thing". Alex has loved Jessica since the 8th grade, but was never sure of her feeelings for him until recently. 10 NPC: (Jerome Gardner boss) Normal 8- or less 5 [35] Hunted: Underlords of Dallas- As Powerful 8 or less 10 Watched : More Powerful, NCI, US Government 8 or less 15 Distinctive features: Mystic Aura 10 [70] Psych Lim: Honorable-- (Common, Strong) 15 Psych Lim: On a Mystical Quest-- ( Common, Strong) Alex is also in love with a mysterious woman who appears in his dreams. She is the reason he is currently in San Angelo, he must solve his feelings for this dream woman one way or another. 15 Phisical Lim: Needs Glasses (Inf, Great ) Doubles all range penalties while not wearing glasses 10 [110] Phisical Lim: ADDH (Fre, Great) 15 Rep: Experienced Hero, 8- or less 5 Secret ID (Alexander Davis) 15 Watched: Former Allies, As Powerful 8 or less 5 Dark Secret 5 Vulnerability X2 effects from drinking alcohol. 5 [160] Quirk: Oddball among Oddballs 1 Quirk: Believes self to be crazy 1 Quirk: Lefthanded Leo 1 Quirk: old RPG'er 1 Quirk:Will Consider trying Anything once 1 TOTAL: 160 Base 150 Disads total 160 310 Origin & Background: Alex has allways been mystically "aware", whether it was: "Don't go near that house!!" when he was growing up or other odd sensations, feelings, visions and general strangeness by which Alex was forever altered and separated from humanity. Alex Accepted his forced choice and stood apart from others who only barely intersected his life at best: school associates, his family, their friends, etc... But allways with a happy Heart filled with at worst a sort of dismissable malignant hatred of being misunderstood but at best he was, well for no better phrase intensly spiritually fulfilled. When the Mystic World experienced a Disaster of unprecendented proportions Alex got caught up in the Chaos and was swept into a conflict. During those early days Alex was allied with three of his friends in the Dallas area. They chose to make a difference in the lives of themselves and others by taking their powers to fight crime. Most of the Altered beings Chose to take their powers and carve a new life under Dallas. Since then Alex has left those early days and friends when a moral choice forced a schisim between himself and his friends. Currently Alex studies All forms of religion and mysticism as well as the Fine arts in all forms. He will probably arrive at the Bus Stop in the local city with little more than his backpack full of personal items and the dust of Dallas still on his shoes. Combat Tactics / M.O.:Alex's powers tend to push him to the forefront of a battle. The Wand + his natural abilities tend to make him a tank. But he prefers to make an emotional contribution to any group he is with. Often as a pre-combat warm up The Wand Weilder will tensely twist The Wand trying to break the Enchanted Item(to no avail of course). Personality /Character Traits: By fighting with not only his fists but his heart he can serve as the rallying point for a group of heroes, turning the tide of battle or at least trying to. The Battling Bard as he likes to think of himself tries to use propaganda and emotonal songs to influence the group (at a significantly lesser level than emotional control). Alex was a bit of a child intellect, reading at 5 or six levels above his education level. He also has an interest in the former USSR and Music of all sorts. Currrently Alex is dating a rather charming person by the name of Jessica Sweetheart and they are currently trying the long distance relationship "thing". Alex has loved Jessica since the 8th grade, but was never sure of her feeelings for him until recently. Alex is also in love with a mysterious woman who appears in his dreams. She is the reason he is currently in San Angelo, he must solve his feelings for this dream woman one way or another. Physical Description:Alex is a dark haired 5’ 11" average appearing guy in his 30’s. In his combat persona he wears a leathor jacket and denim jeans with a white tee shirt and a Blue Beret' with some odd badges/pins in it*. The jacket has several odd patches on it indicating either alliance with or membership in several groups. He has no real discernable accent, occasionally picking up an odd turn of phrase here or there or imitating one accent or another. For a Southern gentleman, he certainly has nothing to mark him as such in his speech. GM Notes:Character wise this character is more similar to the Captain America type of hero than the Thor type. The low inv to repersent Caps defensive capacity and Str for Cap's offensive(martial arts) capacity with The Wand and Cap's Shield being about even. This character tries to come close to the style of Cap at the begining of his run in the WWII comics. * Characters who have Russian knowledege could identify the pins worn on the cap." Concealing his secret identity: Fir Bolg as long as he is under direct observation appears to be an average person very similar to his base description. When not being directly observed the memeories of Fir Bolg begin to develop a hazy dream like state. Soon the person trying to recall what Fir Bolg looks like begins to have no clearer image than someone the observer dreamed of. Cameras and other technological devices seem to have trouble focusing on him. Speculation is that this is a side effect of the energy diffraction resulting from his Invulnerability. Items in brackets are notes in order to keep the point cost calculations straight.
  23. ERm I have a copy of the first issue of the Saddam Hussein "It's my Reich and I'm gonna do what I want to" comic book. Also er What about Good old Ronnie Regan? he had a few moies under his belt.
  24. Is it legal to have an aborbtion Triggered to go off when a block occurs(when I with the power uses a block) and would this allow anything to actually occur? Basically What I am trying to do is simulate the V&V power of Absorption (no damage taken but the "energy" is stored by the absorber to use later as defined by his power)
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