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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. It's also pretty close to To the Silver Age The Flash (Barry) Origin (struck by lightning while mixing chemicals)
  2. S' Okies, ermmmm allright you know what a catapult is? (throw rocks at walls to break them down) trebuchets are basically pretty similar to catapults. essentially I was talking about the Dwarves being the masters of big bulky seige equipment. but perhaps as a side note anywhere you feel there is overlap perhaps the Theifs _stole_ the concepts that make them over lap?
  3. ERm on the buying up the VPP assuming 45 points base _plus_ the control cost with a -1 in limitations would cost 45+ 11 (or 12 depending upon how strict the gm is on spending) =56 points. to raise that to 55 points would cost 10+ a control cost increase of 3 points=13 and a final cost of 69 points unless you are doing some sort of "stranger than thou" pricing.
  4. Whoah!!!!! What the flying flip makes you think that my spellcasting character is a non warrior? 'ell at the battle of Corraine I took out 10, 5th Bestiary zombies with one boulder!!!! see any warriours taking out that kind of scum with their froo froo little metal toys? NOTT!!!!! This has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood "Druid". Who BTW weilds a Bastard Sword, has no pets, and does all his magic through a spirit. And the dang Gm suggested(hinted? reinforced with threat of concept violation penalties?) very strongly that I not ignore STR(13), Con(15), Body(13), Dex (17) ect... because it is part of the philosopy of these druids to Play well with others, and that includes combat without magics. Also Don't assume that all Magics are Int Based!!! I personally in my favorite campaign have two of the three types of magic under my belt, Int and Pre, the other spellcaster has the EGO based magics.
  5. well the real answer might be a Skill vs Skill contest for the short term and Negative Skill Levels for the long term. However in a world like that a Drain of magical power may just be impossible! \ best answer? Talk to your Gm if you are the Gm, erm either post the writeup of the How/why behind the magic. or decide based upon the SFX of the magic.
  6. Well my job is for a State but dagnabbit even with the semi legenday reputation Gov't workers get we bend over backwards to get stuff done!!!!! dang well as bad as the small private businesses I used to know and work for.
  7. I hate falling for the mythos again... part of the suspension of disbelief..
  8. Isn't banded armor actually the Roman armor .... Dagnabbit!!! i even have a friend who wears it in the SCA.... loricus? I want to say llamanai, but that is Incan
  9. Waaaaaay too much at 100x. much less..... oh! ha ha! probably 1x GP after all SH suffers from sooo much inflation over the past millenia...... Personally I stole most of the list from ED ( i have it on disk) tweaked as necessary and changed the prices to Faustones( i have a very unique money scale).
  10. Post Movie Shrek ERmmmmm So he has a full, story worthy adventure and does not change? How about a base,(swamp) Contacts: group :fairy folk, lose the Hunted Faquaad and Contact: Dragon SFX (through Donkey) and instead of "wants to be left alone"have "In love With Princess Fiona" speaking of that how Would you writeup Princess Fiona? just rename the character?
  11. Good job susano, good for a not-so-serious fantasy romp. What does he look like after the movie and what does his princess look like too?
  12. Well actually the best answer I have for historical use is that pirates being unable to wear heavy armor but needing something more than"just Leathor" started adding studs to the leathor in places more vulneralbe than others (kidney belts and other places likely to get stabbed in the back). essentially it was one way to have _some_ of the protection of metal armor while at sea and still able to occasionally stop a nasty knife thrust. best bet mechanics wise? SFX for Combat Luck best bet # 2 1-6 Armor (6 would be hitting massive location of studs dead on with the weapon 1 would be a glancing blow in a lightly studded area.) separate activation roll from the to hit location mods.
  13. Teen Titans are on Cartoon Network. Erm also Teen Titans are a DC comic about the "sidekicks" of the JLA, at least intially. They Had: Wally West (current Flash), Dick Grayson, Robin(Now Nightwing), the Young Wonder Girl.... Etc... as a way of giving them their own comic.
  14. heh Could You imagine the D&D players screams for the Party Medic/Cleric if they continued to lose HP's from blood loss say one per round/every shot that did 5+ points of damage......
  15. Technically or Magically speaking about half of these books concern Magic Returns and the other half concern Magic was here all along. Like HP and Mage the Ascension both go into detail about the loong history both have of keeping magic a secret from muggles.
  16. Shouldn't that be... Its no book, it's a LIBRAIUM!!!!!!!!1
  17. Yes make BDSM jokes at the people wearing the studs.....? sorry Terry Gillam strikes again
  18. Erm actually if you Read FH you will note that Steve mentions that so long as the characters retain all of the penalties of Def 8 (or whatever) they can have it as leathor (or whatever) Personally Im planning on making a Def 8 silk veils wearing jazzit(1 pip killing, Autofirex2, Str 8, S length) weilding character...... then again im weird
  19. Heck D&D had to add the -10 rule in order to keep the game from being a "fight till you are dead" scenario. I remember when the big deal was having a Paladin/Cavalier with max hit points so you could fight till you were at -14!!!!! D&D is less realisitic in some ways because in hero you can wake up on your own and in D&D you either die or you can wander around some more. you can recover from most of the battle in either game but keep some of the damage. The main difference is when you drop whether or not you will be able to get up on your own. I also think it is more realistic for a person to be smart and avoid charging the entire army by themselves. In 3D&D in some situations you could whoop on a party of normals (Great Cleave springs to mind Also in D&D the knight can crush the party of normals and keep on trucking in HERO it is most likely a more serious fight.
  20. ERm there is a series of books about wizards of multible races (including humans, dinosaurs and housecats) can't remember the titles clearly (something about a moon?) Mercedes Lacky also has a series of urban fantasies beggining with Bedlams bard I would also check out her SERRAted Edge books i would also look for Ellen Guon and check on her works
  21. Herolover pretty much hit the nail on the head. The real big differences are how much Body healing you have and round by round Stun. Look at body healing: for ten points you get 1-3 points of body healed per day. that is it, not much else you can do. I have a character who was wearing leathor plus a 10 point armor spell got shot by six arrows simultaneously early in his career (multible attackers). Though he took no Body, he took enough stun to put him in the "recovers at Gm's option" slot. Three days later (all while being pursued by our enemy) a friendly NPC Shaman heals me to the point where i can recover on my own. I was and still am the only party healer. I can keep the party going _outside_ of combat, but inside of combat it really really sucks. Locations are also important. There are four spots that are doubled body(3-5, 14), suddenly the normal damage for an average person with 1d6+1 goes from 4 to 8 body on the average, sure plate will still stop that but the stronger and better armed people still will get above that. in Hero there is _nothing_ that guarantees success.
  22. ahh coming up with a backstory is part of the difficulty? not much I or anyone else can do with that in many ways. also the Trimera Webpage you are using is IIRC 4th, and is based off of the Heroes of Legend books by Paul Jaques, which in and of itself is very generic, it has to be if you are going to cover the entire spectrum of events possible in a fantasy game.... your best bet would be to build a character then use the random generator to generate a character then liblerally steal from the random character to fill in any gaps....
  23. Perhaps some sort of weird misscommunique the inverse of the Harry Potter fiasco? i shall wait a few weeks before even going to the closest FLGS, there is nothing even close to there so that makes it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy outta the way for me. i need to build up a thirst for the book and that aint happened yet. besides i gotta wait till after my B-day to even consider it.
  24. Hmmm where are the entertainment system operators?? Dee jays, Stand up comics, 'professional opponents" etc
  25. How about a spell that summons a 0 point character only to aid in recovery test times?
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