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Posts posted by fdw3773

  1. I'm retiring my Champions/Hero System to focus more on other projects and want to pass on my Hero System 5th Edition book, Champions campaign materials, and figures to another fan rather than recycle them. Please send me a private message if you'd like to have them for your collection and we'll go from there in mailing them out to you. Thanks! 😀



  2. 31 minutes ago, Turmoil666 said:

    Hi All


    I'm starting a new campaign of Danger International (Dark Champions, no powers) shortly.  I'm struggling to find a Hero 5e Revised, form-Fillable, PDF Character sheet. 


    Can anybody help me?



    I don't have a Form Fillable PDF, but here's a fillable 5th Edition Character Template in Microsoft Word where you type in the data and print out.


  3. Before the pandemic and more recently as people are starting in-person gaming again in friends' homes, I've overheard various D&D players/DMs discuss their respective campaigns where their player characters were epic-level (Level 20 or higher) and essentially demigods/planeswalkers as depicted in Magic: The Gathering in terms of power level. Basically, it would be the equivalent of creating a Champions character but for Fantasy Hero in the 400+ point range (or even more), depending if you're using 5th or 6th Edition rules.


    Has anyone done something similar in their respective Fantasy Hero campaign?

  4. 2 hours ago, Greywind said:

    Was that Sauron using the power of the ring, or was that Sauron exercising his might as one of the Maia? Keep in mind, Sauron imbued the One Ring with his own life force.

    My interpretation of that scene from the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring film was that Sauron was using the power of the One Ring to make his mace strikes more devastating, impacting multiple targets at once per strike with a death blow. The One Ring glowed before each strike, implying that it was powering up Sauron before the mace strike, sort of like how Green Lantern's power ring glows before he delivers a massive attack in the comics. 


    Like I said, it's kind of difficult to convert and script out the One Ring and the others for Fantasy Hero, whereas converting things like Perseus's winged sandals and cap of invisibility from Greek mythology were pretty self-explanatory from the story and easy to adapt.

  5. Has anyone tried converting the Rings of Power depicted in J.R.R. Tolkien's work (Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, etc.) to Fantasy Hero? I read the trilogy, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion years ago and the description of what kind of abilities each possessed were difficult to script out due to the vagueness of actual abilities in the text.


    A LoTR wiki does go into detail about the three Elven rings and little bit about the Dwarven rings. We know the One Ring gives its bearer invisibility and corrupts the user over time but since only Sauron knew how to wield its power that was briefly portrayed in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring film, it's kind of unclear of what the full extent of its abilities are.


    Your thoughts?

  6. Does anyone remember the super speed villain known as, "The Dash?" and where his game stats are published? I have Classic Enemies for 4th Edition, Enemies III for 3rd Edition, and Enemies II for 1st/2nd Edition with no sign of him. I remember him being featured in an issue of Flare in the early 1990s and reading his stats at one point for 3rd Edition (I think) but can't recall the publication.

  7. Firewing comes to mind for me for a Silver Surfer type character, who's been around since 3rd Edition if I remember correctly. Here's a brief snapshot from 4th Edition Classic Enemies:



    STR 40

    DEX 30

    CON 45

    BODY 15

    INT 20

    EGO 20

    PRE 40

    COM 20

    PD 15

    ED 15

    SPD 7

    REC 22

    END 90

    STUN 78




    1) 16d6 EB

    2) 12d6 Explosion

    3) 10d6 EB, Armor Piercing

    4) 12d6 EB, Affects Desolid

    5) Force Field +20 PD, +20 ED, Hardened

    Flash Defense 5

    Full Life Support

    20'' Flight

    Faster Than Light Travel (32 LY/Year)

  8. 6 hours ago, Jhamin said:

    A noble goal to be sure, but it always seems to fall apart for more complex characters with more powers or longer power writeups.  I notice you don't include her everyman skills for example.  Powergirl is relatively simple next to a version of Batman that has martial arts, a utility belt bought as a multipower, paid points for the batmobile, and a long list of skills and contacts.

    How would your template work if a character had to bleed over to a 2nd page?


    Not trying to be negative, I'm curious as I feel that my character sheets always go off the rails because the PCs have too much info to fit on one page.


    Thanks for your feedback! Yes, a challenge is that if too much is placed on the sheet, it's a giant blob of text that no one can understand. Generally, if the character sheet data carried over to a second page, I'd simply use the second page (e.g. Powers on page one, Skills and Complications on page two) and print it front and back to keep it all on one sheet since I'm using Microsoft Word. In the case of complex characters like Batman and character write-ups in general, here are a couple of my design notes that have come from my interactions with players at the conventions:


    1) Players aren't interested in every little detail, so I strive to keep the character sheet easy to follow. Excessive details are kept off. Based on their feedback, the excessive data was what turned most of them off from the Hero System in the past. This is why points for each individual ability or power aren't listed or the hit location chart, along with everyman skills as you mentioned. The overall point total is listed for me to gauge power level and to give incoming players a basic idea for 6th Edition (e.g. Cyclops is 400 points as a standard hero, Wolverine is about 500 points, and so on since many played 4th Edition or earlier and previously used the basic factor that 250 to 300 points was a standard hero).


    For example, players like to see that Superman's Fortress of Solitude is listed as a base and that Batman is a contact. But, do they care how many points are invested in the base and the notes that Batman as a contact has extremely useful skills and has significant contacts of his own? Not at all. But, are they annotated as such on Hero Designer to determine point totals? Yes.


    Another example would be Green Lantern's Power Ring. I simply list it as "OAF - Power Ring" and one of the Complications is that it cannot directly affect anything yellow instead of listing every detail such as, "OAF, Extremely Difficult to Replace, etc." even though I checked those blocks when using Hero Designer.


    2) In the case of Batman, his vehicle fleet are separate write-ups and I described the most common gadgets he's used in cartoons/animated and live action films, video games, and some of the comics I previously collected. Does it reflect every gadget he's ever used? Unfortunately, no. But, can players of different game experience levels readily get a feel of Batman and go from there? Yes.  


    Here's a recent version of Batman I did for 6th Edition:







  9. 5 hours ago, Sketchpad said:


    It's very clean and sharp, @fdw3773. My only recommendation would be to work on one line for Skills, one for Perks, and one for Talents. The same with Complications. What are you using to make the template?

    Thanks for your feedback!  🙂 My goal is to keep everything on one page, hence the split columns and combining of skills at times, but will see how it looks after I incorporate your recommendation. I'm simply using Microsoft Word to create the template, which is easy to fill in and edit as needed.


    Thanks again!

  10. Hi, Everyone!


    I've been revising/converting my 4th and 5th Edition stuff to 6th Edition as an on-again/off-again project and have trying to come up with a simplified format for characters. I modified a previous template to make it resemble what's published from Hero Designer but can fit on one page. Below is an example of a Power Girl write-up for your feedback in terms of presentation. While quite a bit resource intensive when I commit to printing, I think the final product looks sharp and more importantly, easy to follow for players showing up to my game table to play Champions since it lays out everything in a clean format.


    Thanks for your help (in advance)! 🙂




  11. Off hand, two 4th Edition references come to mind:


    Alien Enemies: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207037/Aliens-Enemies-4th-Edition

    There's a variety of alien races that you can use or modify into a hostile swarm or invasion. Of particular note are also the Eliminators, a group of xenophobic bunglers who are really bad shots but have really powerful and unstable weapons. They're basically a variation of the Ghostbusters team taken to the extreme. I'm adapting them for 6th Edition to use at the next game convention event once in-person gaming resumes on a large scale (hopefully in spring 2022).


    Invasions: Target Earth https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208565/Invasions-Target-Earth-4th-edition

    Some more alien and supernatural options for your consideration.


  12. On 6/5/2021 at 3:02 PM, Jhamin said:

    Isn't there a new Marvel Superhero RPG every 5-10 years or so?

    There was the classic FACERIP, the SAGA one that used cards instead of dice, the Marvel Universe one from 2003, Marvel HEROIC from 2012,
    .. I'm honestly kind of amazed the MCU didn't get its own yet.

    Yes, you are correct. The first, and arguably the best supported and received by fans, was the classic FASERIP system published by TSR that had a robust amount of support materials to go with it, followed by what you described that each flamed out quickly from lack of support or interest. 🤔


    Will see how long this new system will last.

  13. Here are write-ups for various Marvel characters in 6th Edition where the characters are in Microsoft Word format for easy printing and/or editing. Some of the files only have the Hero Designer File. The asterisk * indicates that only the Hero Designer File is included. Enjoy! 🙂



    Captain America





    Human Torch*

    Iron Man

    Jean Grey

    Mr. Fantastic







  14. I've posted an updated version of the 6th Edition DC Heroes where the characters are in Microsoft Word format for easy printing and/or editing. Some of the files only have the Hero Designer File, so I've included a blank character template to create if you want. The asterisk * indicates that only the Hero Designer File is included.






    Batwoman (Carrie Kelley)

    Black Canary*

    Blue Beetle*

    Booster Gold

    Captain Atom



    Green Lanterns: Arisia Rrab*, Boodikka, Hal Jordan, John Stewart*, Kilowog, Kyle Rayner*


    Martian Manhunter*


    Nuclear Man (foe)*

    Power Girl



    Wonder Woman


  15. 17 hours ago, Echo3Niner said:


    1. A Q from Star Trek - He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim. Despite his vast knowledge and experience spanning untold eons (and much to the exasperation of the object(s) of his obsession), he is not above practical jokes for his own personal amusement, for a Machiavellian and manipulative purpose, or to prove a point. He is said to be almost omnipotent and he is continually evasive regarding his true motivations.

    Same here. The idea of being a member of the Q Continuum and the power levels they possess are pretty mind boggling when you think about it. Q was the one who first "introduced" the Borg to the U.S.S. Enterprise and was able to move about as he pleased despite everything happening, kept Vash alive throughout all of her interplanetary explorations, and so on. The fact that they can be near omnipotent yet ignore the proverbial, "With great power comes great responsibility," adage can be both interesting and quite disconcerting at the same time. 🤔

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