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Posts posted by Rails

  1. 8 hours ago, Bazza said:

    Better idea. Give him a long metal object and tell him to hold it up and wait for the next thunderstorm. There is your future conductor. 


    This is not really a joke so much as a true story that the joke reminded me of.  While I was in high school band, we were practicing our field show when a thunderstorm started coming in.  Our director--who had a great sense of humor--was on top of the press box by himself with a megaphone when we started seeing lightning.  One of our drum majors yelled up to him, asking if we should end practice because of the storm.  The answer through the megaphone was, "No.  Run it again."

    We finished that run and the lightning was noticeably closer.  Same drum major yelled up, "That's getting closer and we have a lot of brass down here.  Shouldn't we stop?"  The answer from the director was, "I'm up here!  I'm in more danger than any of you.  One more time!"


    From the back of the band, someone yelled, "Yeah, but you're not a good conductor!"


    The megaphone clicked back on and we all hear chuckling through it before "OK!  Go home!"

  2. I can think of one hero I know was killed in a Champions game.  He'd been designed for a new player, but the player opted not to join the game on the night the character was being introduced.  One of our regular characters had been captured and was being experimented on by the big bad, so the team was trying to break him out of the villain's lair.  During the firefight in the holding area of the lab, a grenade got knocked into one of the cells . . . where the new character was being held.


    Since the player had decided not to join the game, the GM decided "BOOM!  First-Aid had no resistant defenses without his armor.  He's DEAD."


    Our *characters* had no idea the room was occupied and were fighting just to get out, so we never checked the room.

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