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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. That seems like a much better answer, to me. After all he is alien, why would he be identical except for having superpowers?
  2. For heroic settings, a straight penalty rather than halving actually works well, perhaps better than half. But yes, in a fantasy setting, would allow someone to study and train to learn to remove the half DCV penalty from bows. In a real world one, I'd allow someone to train for specific stunts to show on youtube as well.
  3. This is a puzzler that has come up a few times in my Fantasy Hero games. It makes sense that there be a way to steady yourself and increase your accuracy at range with a bow, but the system doesn't really represent that well. So probably a good alternate would be: "if an attack already reduces the character to 1/2 DCV, then the attack also becomes delayed by one segment" so that its just a bit slower to go off to represent stability and aiming time. Granted that seems like Set but Set just gives a flat +1 OCV.
  4. John Byrne was the first to say this is how it worked in his excellent Man of Steel post-Crisis Superman reboot, although i'd have just said "Kryptonians have no beard" and left it at that.
  5. And if you want to build a power to do so, what would it cost? I swear people take stuff personally on here like suggesting something might not be perfect is like you kicked their cat
  6. Yes, I know. I was just suggesting that a rule change may be in order and perhaps that might be something to consider. I mean, you can't take a 3 point power and immobilize people's arms from gestures, you can't use a 3 point power to negate concentration, etc. Seems like some parity and logic might be in order.
  7. The cost of speed tends to restrict its inflation, particularly if you impose normal characteristics maxima (i.e. pick a point after which the stat doubles in cost, usually 4 speed). For me, the difference in combat ability with speed is a feature, not a bug. It shows that someone with a lot of combat training will be much faster and readier in combat than someone with little or none. Its what makes Joe average lose to joe skilled.
  8. Flash, darkness, change environment, AVAD blast vs life support, drain CV all make sense, depending on what you want to happen.
  9. Again, its odd to me that making an area quiet should necessarily shut off incantations. Just because you're making no noise doesn't mean you aren't incanting, it seems to me. The GM would be the one to decide, but it strikes me that stopping someone from incantations would be more like a gag or an entangle on the target's mouth.
  10. The problem with DC is they see what ifs like Dark Knight Returns and Kingdom Come, then think that's badass and what they should do. So Wonder Woman as angry militant with a sword that cuts Superman is the new pattern instead of what she became in that world because of the situation.
  11. Not happy with many of the changes in WoW, particularly the character changes which appear to have been done mostly just to make things easier for the programmers. Glyphs weren't really eliminated, they are just books you can get and buy for some of the abilities. Almost all character specialization and customization is gone now.
  12. I added a mana stat for magic (everyone has it, but only mages use it), but if I ran another FH game it would be 1 END/5 strength for fighting. The cost of END and recover are so low they are basically meaningless which is a mistake in a heroic level game.
  13. I guess I'm gonna just bow out of this discussion since people don't seem to understand what I'm writing.
  14. ...OK let me repeat. Darkness vs sound is find as written. The cost is acceptable to me, as it is a minor effect. Silencing people is another story entirely, and quite powerful. That should cost more than 3 points. Is that more clear now? Not hearing: talking. A separate power, because being quiet doesn't mean you didn't incant.
  15. I agree, it seems pretty well balanced in 6th, finally.
  16. Its less significant outside fantasy hero, but removing recovery is also important. And the two together? Ignoring them is like they get in the way of the point you're trying to make rather than a side issue you can disregard. Particularly since the argument has been "it is more balanced in heroic" which is even less true with silence in it. That being said, you make a good point about darkness vs sound being only 3 points. The problem here isn't that darkness vs hearing should cost more. Its that being deaf shouldn't shut off incantations. Just because you can't be heard does not mean you didn't do the incantation. To me, a 10 point "silence" Change Environment power makes more sense than using darkness.
  17. I hope its exceptionally well written because the character isn't really very interesting
  18. If suffocate only did damage, then these arguments would be more compelling, but silencing and removing recovery is significantly more. Ignoring that suggests people know that and don't want to consider it.
  19. I just ignore the "lose duplicates when they die" rule. its one of the only rules in the entire game that makes you permanently lose points from your character (deep cover the other). I say they can heal back like any Body lost, unless the character buys a 1/4 limitation that the loss is permanent. Because it is, you know, a disadvantage.
  20. Its pretty easy to fix the stun mod system in Champions; use hit locations just for stun multiples. We've done it for years and it always works out great. Of course, if you shift over to the model that treats KA's as a blast AVAD vs resistant defenses, that fixes things well, too.
  21. Also, you can play through a given story a few different ways as well. How much light side or dark side you use, or how you interact with your followers.
  22. Its slightly more than +1/2, because you have to buy constant, but its cheaper than 5th edition.
  23. I treat transforms that create something out of "nothing" as a major, or total depending on how significant the item.
  24. Triplicate/Duplicate Lass who also went by various other names. Could turn into 3 girls, but then one died and she lost that form permanently.
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