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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Hey, folx, thought I'd post a query here to see if I can save myself some design time. Perchance does anyone out there have the Aura Vision chart from page 65 of The Ultimate Mentalist typed into their computer? I'd like to include a similar power in the "Mental & Psionic Powers" section of The UNTIL Superpowers Database, and I can re-key it all in if I have to (it wasn't in my original manuscript for the book), but if someone's already done the work I'd like to save myself the time and effort. Feel free to e-mail it to me at SteveL@herogames.com if you've got it and are willing to share.
  2. If your GM's willing to allow it, sure, but I wouldn't consider it an official rule without further review.
  3. Assuming the GM doesn't object, I don't see why not.
  4. If you just wanted to use the Levels for DCV, buy 5-point DCV Levels with a -1 Limitation, Only To Counteract The Negative DCV Modifier For Sweep. You should, of course, get your GM's permission for this, since it presents some potential for unbalancing the game. As noted on 5E 245, anything that halves DCV is applied last. Therefore you'd have to buy enough Levels to counteract the halving of the character's normal DCV and the halving of the Levels themselves. For example: character has 10 DCV. When he performs a Sweep, that drops to 5 DCV. To counteract that, you need to add +5 DCV. But since the DCV Levels themselves are halved, you'd have to buy 10 of them, costing 50 Active Points, 25 Real Points.
  5. That's up to the GM, but I think Analyze would probably also be required. In fact, I built a power just like this using Discriminatory and Analyze for The UNTIL Superpowers Database the other day.
  6. Just check the description of the Power in question. Does the description of Suppress mention that Power Defense applies? Sure does. Therefore, yes, Power Defense protects against Suppress. Offhand I can think of Dispel, Drain, Suppress, Transfer, and Transform as the major Power Defense-related powers. But of course it often sees use against NNDs, UAA powers, and things like that.
  7. No, not at all. It wasn't appropriate for this forum, so I transferred it to "HERO System Discussion," where lots of people can talk about it.
  8. The "Fifth Edition Questions" board is not intended for design philosophy discussions, which I generally don't get involved with anyway for a whole bunch of reasons. I've transferred your question to the "HERO System Discussion" board, where Herodom Assembled can discuss and debate at will.
  9. If you want the power to cost no END, you have to pay for the Advantage. You cannot apply both Reduced Endurance and Costs Endurance to the same power (5E 185, Rules FAQ). You can have a power in an EC that normally costs END, but to which the Advantage Reduced Endurance (0 END) has been applied (5E 204).
  10. I can't give you a complete list, since Power Defense could be defined as applying to lots of attacks (to stop an Uncontrollable attack, for example), if appropriate. Generally speaking, the powers against which Power Defense normally offers protection have that listed in their description.
  11. This is dealt with extensively in the Rules FAQ. You can put a partially-Limited power in a Power Framework slot. You cannot, however, have a partially-Limited reserve for a Multipower, or the like.
  12. No, you don't have to. You won't come back to life with your limbs if they've been hacked off unless you do, though.
  13. See 5E 103 and the first question under "Endurance Reserve" in the Rules FAQ.
  14. Apply a Limitation stating that they're affected as if they were in the EC. The value of the Limitation depends on how common things like Drains, Suppresses, etc. are in the campaign; in most games I suspect it would be a -1/4, perhaps a -1/2 at most.
  15. Good news on this front (at least for me) -- my copies of TE just arrived. I have no idea how they arrived, though. I went outside to check on the progress of the ice and snow that's falling, and when I turned around to come back in, saw the box of books next to the door. I never heard anyone drop 'em off. No one rang the bell. Either the UPS guy was in a hurry... ...or they're magic books! Anyhow, the book looks great, and if I have copies, by now most distributors should as well. That means stores'll be gettin' TE soonly.
  16. Virtually no effort's going to be put into that for this product. We have too much space to cover in this book, and too many fictional worlds. The only exception would be using easily-obtained information, such as assigning the right spectral type to some stars (though even that tends to be debatable in some instances ). Reasonable efforts to follow real-world data will have to wait for Interstellar Hero and Solar Hero (or whatever we end up callin' 'em), which deal with a much smaller scope of space nearer to Earth, thus narrowing the focus and making research tasks easier.
  17. It's vague because there's no specific answer. It depends on too many factors to answer definitively. Most importantly, look at the angle of Knockback; a character Knocked Back upward from the ground certainly won't fall to earth, while one blasted from above very likely will. But if the character uses movement to brace against Knockback, that may change the equation; other factors could also play in.
  18. There's nothing illegal about putting a partially-Limited power in a Power Framework slot. But it's flatly illegal to have one Power Framework modifying another in that way. The possibilities for abuse are simply too great.
  19. The rules for Aiding a Multipower are on 5E 74-75; it's certainly possible to buy an Aid that could work on any power in a Multipower. It's possible to have a partially-Limited power in a Multipower slot. However, the standard rules governing the size of the slot (i.e., that it cannot exceed the value of the reserve) apply.
  20. As noted in the rulebook on 5E 196, Linked powers must be used proportionately. In cases where the proportionality might not be obvious, or where the lesser power is a flat-rate power that can't be "divided" into increments easily, it's up to the GM to determine how this works.
  21. By the book, that's completely illegal. If you're the GM, of course, you can alter the rules however you want, if you like that type of power construction and want to allow it.
  22. Of those three books, I think TE had the smallest print run; OTOH, it's still "fresh." CU has been out a while, so we're probably closer to running out of it. CU's also the cheapest of the three. But honestly, since Darren keeps the numbers, I dunno. I'd say just buy whichever one interests you the most.
  23. Check the index under: Hex, targeting a specific one, DCV of That'll take you to the right page.
  24. To make sure I understand what you're asking, I'm going to rephrase the question from a more "generic" perspective. That way we're all on the same page. You're asking: If a character has a suite of related powers (Fire Powers, in this case), which includes some Constant powers such as Force Field and Damage Shield. He also has Flight, and the Flight should always function as long as any of his Constant powers are active. The Flight costs END. The only restriction I see here is that the character has to pay the extra END for the Flight. He can simply choose to use his Flight by hovering a couple of centimeters off the ground, paying 1 END for minuscule use of Flight. In many cases, he's going to want to use Flight while these other powers are active (in fact, probably in most cases), so he's not hindered at all then. At most, I think this guy might deserve a 5-point Physical Limitation, or a -1/4 (maximum) Side Effect on the Constant powers. Frankly, though, given the relatively minor nature of what you're talking about, it would probably work just as well not to give him any Limitation/Disadvantage and not worry about it.
  25. That's to account for the extra points needed to build them above and beyond their Disadvantages. It's listed that way in Champions, CU, CKC, the HSB, and the other books we've done, too.
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