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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. Godzilla vs Kong...meh and Invincable. I liked the comic, and I am liking the animated version.
  2. I have always seen OZ as outside the usual Comic universe. And so is able to do their "own thing" so there is a Mystic scene that is as big as can be, but "outsiders" don't get involved. I use the "Dreamtime" as concept of reallity changing mystic power. As for heroes, I just figure they are the same as elsewhere. There are a few comics based in Australia, so Catman is their version of Batman, and is now retired. The Kookaburra is the main Street level hero who works like Jack in the Box from Astro City. I usually assume there is a huge Ninja training ground in the out back. Coil would be a good "Agent" force to use, as they would naturally want to keep VIPER out. VIPER: Japan could be the source of costumed crime war for heroes to deal with. What are some typical Aussy things that would make good hero themes? I would want to try a char named Digger, with Earth Elemental control, or would that be offensive? I don't know enough.
  3. I can Telepathically talk to fish! They just ignore me....Jerks!
  4. There Are times I am glad that I am too old for this s#$%...:)
  5. Minor super power is still super?
  6. I get my first poke next Tuesday. The whole building at one go.
  7. You are on a roll! This is a Billion dollar project!
  8. Only way to reach all the spots! Lol. Man I Should move to Hollywood, I would Crush! Fishnets, Booty shorts, and a nice vest, you know Tasteful!
  9. From what I have seen on TV the fellow was out of it. Someone recorded inside the store while hiding and he sounded like he was babbling and taking shots. I am sure we'll here more later this week.
  10. Ok here is the pitch...Zatana is like a super hero, or something, she wears fishnets and booty shorts! We can shoot a lots of scenes in Dutch perspective. The fans will Love this!
  11. Slice of life film about a celebrity reporting team..."Waiting for (Gal) Gadot"
  12. Not Sure I know what you want...2D6 Rka, only usable with a Focus, 2D6 same, 2D6 same Limit not to exceed the focus damage -1/2 on all so pick up gun, make combined attack of 4 "shots" a single attack? add limit used charges +/- 0? Or...?
  13. True enough, but he Might have been cashing some big checks..:) Either he works for the Avengers or SHEILD, or is paid by the "job".
  14. Ah, by that point I was only half watching. But dudes who do "high speed, high tech" work like Falcon get pay in accordance to their ability, and the risk. A lot of SF, SEALs etc left service to work in the "private" sector because of the pay. This dude is a Super, he should have several paychecks based on what is shown. So he would not Need a loan. Getting one is just good business.
  15. But he is an Avenger now, Tony does not have a good pay and benefits package?
  16. Falcon and Winter Soldier. Meh. Also How the heck can Falcon be broke? He is an Officer (Rank unknown) and a freaking Avenger. His credit should be good.
  17. For a true Barbarian, that Is a short sword! (Aussie ) That's not a Greatsword! THIS is a Great sword!
  18. Kung fu priest Father Kane, and his Nun-chucks, blessed by the Holy Father himself! No monster is safe from being confronted for their sins!....:)
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