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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. This hits me hard. Empire of the petal throne was the second (after the three booklets of D&D) I ever purchased, and I really enjoyed it. I guess I will need to take some time to seperate the artist from the art this time.
  2. Once again, the louder the talk, the less the courage...smh. Deserter, and a coward. I am sure his far right friends are a good fit for him. Major grain of salt. Likely trolling Putin into more paranoia and mistakes....
  3. Never trust a game system that is under 30!...?
  4. I am hoping the penalty rises to "urinating on an electric fence" levels for them some time soon.
  5. It'll be cheaper to cgi. I really think they should have plunked down the cash to "Reed Richards" her, seeing as they want her for the next generation of heroes.
  6. Oh I was thinking "NZ, Giant Potato is now You Tuber!"...?
  7. Its Mississippi, they don't cotton to Reading down thar....
  8. Its like having a Force Field, they can see out, but bigger predditors can't get to them. Empowering....?
  9. Wants to look better than "Moscow Mitch"? I'm too old, and medically not usable...I am sad.
  10. The thing I liked about SAS D20 was I could port over things like a Lvl 15+ Sorcerer of Wizard from D&D, or Trolls etc... and not have to spend time explaining as most "gamers" know that stuff cold...other wise. D20 works well but breaks down at the high end Even D&D does that at 15+ lvl... With M&M I was not so much "porting over" but rebuilding, so it was not as easy.
  11. That...could work! I was thinking...Tigra? She killed in Cats...right?...right?
  12. "Not to be pedantic...But..." Lol
  13. Well, let's imagine a perfectly spherical math......
  14. I'd likely start with Transform, cumlative (heals normally) AE Into obediant to Purple man...? add some bells and wistles, lim: Target must breath air/ not vs Life suppot...and you are pretty close...?
  15. My goodness is 12-13 mm going to be the new "tacti-cool"?
  16. Back in the day we called such "Rage-aholics"....
  17. Well...one sure cure I have found is being mindfully foolish.... Or just embrace being the "team leader"...?
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