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Everything posted by Ndreare

  1. Although I do not like the way HERO puts su much enphasis on game mechanic, I had no problem with this in the case of the grimore. I simply read the flavor text and skip the game mechanic until it come time to buy the spell. HERO in general has a big problem with the whole "Game Mechanic is The Most Importent Part" thing something that has always been a bug of mine. If i read Palladium or DAD characters I often feel like the game mechanics were thrown in as an after thought (Which is a good thing) as oppossed to when I read a HERO product I feel like they thought of some excuse of a character to justify the compiled game mechanics. I do not run a true "Champions" game instead I always mix in a little of the comics just so I can feel the game. I feel that when Turakian age comes out it will probly have the same problem so I will probly just run the Palladium Fantasy Setting as my primary fanatasy world.
  2. I have had elves refered to with many different terms from the "What?" catagory to the "Hey You Cant Say That This is A Family Game" catagory. Dandylion picker to References of their pointed ears comming from Orc ancestry. (Which of course can offend the Character in question every time.) Mostly it is brought on by the elves attitude as they seem to be played out as very arogant holier than thow best at every thing and magic to types by my players.
  3. I would not have a problem but to me with the character and story. It seems all good but... As an NPC how powerfull are your PC's? the way you have set up the character and the huge variation of powers you already have for her the V.P.P. Limit Would only be -1/2 at most. After all how limited is she compared to the limits in the book. Not at all as an NPC you the GM will be all to tempted to say yeh I guess she would have tracked down the Silver Avenger so if she needs his super speed she can use it. The utilaty of that power is off the scale so should its cost. And remember if you are basing it on the fact that it will take her a full phase to change powers then remeberr that was included in the game mechanics when you purchased the power without the "0-phase to change +1" modifier. I would look at the AP max you allow the players and compare her powers AP to that (Remeber that that does not even include the huge value of Variable FX).
  4. Any one have a write up for the flash or GL yet? I would like to see your character versions.
  5. Here is that Sample Construct Cost Power END 67 Phase Blast: EB 10d6 plus , Armor Piercing (+1/2) (25 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) 9 Powers Cost: 67
  6. Hero Designer does support this feature. Take the power titled "Naked Modifier" and tell it how many active points the base power is and then select the advantages and limitation you want for it. (this can also be placed in a "Compound Power" to make a single larger slot. So this is not a "Dan Says So" situation and is instead a "How Do I" situation. If you would like I will post a sample power construct using these rules.
  7. I logged there once but after being gone for a couple days forgot my password and so I got frustrated and never returned.
  8. Which is rediculous as this is still a limitation of the characters effectiveness but no longer gives them points. I have always believed that RSR value should be based on Activation value. So if a player has a skill of 12- in "magic" he gets the value of a 12- activation. which is of course value based limitations.
  9. Here is an example of what I mean. (Please Remember I suck at computers and this is my first try.) Parasite Insert Background Story Here. Which would help to emphasize the importance of the characters story. Characteristics 20:STR 30:DEX 20:CON 12:BODY 10:INT 15:EGO 23:PRE 12:COM 8:PD 8:ED 6:SPD 8:REC 40:END 32:STUN Total Characteristics Cost: 146 Movement: Run: 6"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Powers Put a flavor text based description of the characters powers here and then at the end of the description add the game info as follows. Living Armor: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Visible (-1/4) Create Wings: Flight 10", x4 noncombat; Restrainable (-1/2) 2 Supernatural Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) Create Tentacles: Extra Limbs (10) Tentacles: Elemental Control, 20-point powers 1) Those Things Are Long: Stretching 4", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Limited Body Parts (-1/4) 2) Tentacles: Swinging 20" (20 Active Points) 2 Symbiotic Armor: Multipower, 45-point reserve 1) Physical Enhancement: Aid 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Four Characteristics simultaneously (+1) 2) Acid Spray: Sight Group Flash 6d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Accurate (+0) (45 Active Points) 4 3) Spray Acid: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 - 1, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1) (35 Active Points) 4) Razor Barbs: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Range Based On STR (+1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (26 Active Points) 3 5) Paralyze: Drain End 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Ranged (+1/2) (35 Active Points) 3 6) Poisoned Spikes: Drain STR 1 1/2d6, Range Based On STR (+1/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (30 Active Points) 3 Skills +2 Overall Acrobatics 15- Breakfall 15- Climbing 15- Contortionist 15- CK: Millennium City 8- KS: Millennium City Underworld 11- Lockpicking 15- Sleight Of Hand 15- Stealth 15- Streetwise 19- Teamwork 15- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 201 Total Cost: 347 225+ Disadvantages 20 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With Crimefighting Very Common, Strong 20 Dependent NPC: Homeless Friends 11-, Normal, Group DNPC: Dozens DNPCs 5 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses) 20 Hunted: UNTIL (& other misled Law Men) 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, NCI, Capture 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence Very Common, Strong 10 Reputation: reckless vigilante, Frequently (11-) 30 Vulnerability: 2 x Everything Heat (Uncommon) Total Disadvantage Points: 347
  10. Hey all this is something that came to mind after reading another post. If you could change or improve some thing about the way the Hero products are done what would you do? I would do the following small details do you have anything you think could help the books along? 1: Change the lay out of characters and creatures a bit so there would be less emphasis on “Points†when reading/looking at characters/creatures from the book. Many people including myself feel the game has a “Text Book†feel to it do to the way lay outs are done. (I will give an example at the end of this post in a reply.) 2: Related to the above I would possibly try other fonts for stuff. It can be amazing how much the “Feel†of something can change based solely on the font and back ground selection. (Here and there a little comic sans or something.)
  11. Ndreare


    Although for some of us this is a strong point, it is for most non-HERO players the biggest complaint I here. Often followed with examples of how even the books with stats on the baddies like the Bestiary make the monsters seem like little more than non descript stat blocks. Some times the look of the way a creature is written up can change every thing and with things like the monsters being laid out in such a way that their is two columns of "Game Mechanic" for every paragraph of flavor text can really turn people off. (I know this is why we have genre books like Champions and world books like Champions Universe sold separately but for many this is not something that goes over well. I personally like the fact that all the villains in CKC have at least as much description space as Game mechanic space, and that Champions Universe was more than just one stat after another. The only thing I would change about HERO system books is the "Text Book" feel they give off with the lay out and game mechanic emphasis. I think I will start a post related to this topic.
  12. Ndreare


    The fith eddition book is about 80% different (IMHO). The spells are of a wider variety and unlike the old Fantacy hero companions or the 3rd ed fantasy grimoir they are more spells than just "EB, FF, RKA, HEAL & FX" they have discriptions on all the spells like in the USPD which makes it easy to understand and they give examples on how to adjust each spell to acheive varied effects like a true master of summoning and things like that. All in all it is more like the grimoires of other games making the magic feel like it is actual spells as oppossed to a colection of game mechanics. (Something I hated aboute the old system.) I have trouble with two of my players who believe every thing should be told to them in game mechanics and the FX doesn't really matter. I think this bok helps put some flavor back in the game, (Which is HERO Systems weakest point, As every GM is made into a game designer and has to create all his oown flavor typicly.)
  13. It would be both wiser and cheeper to buy EGO Only for Defence I would also let a player have them as 3 point Combat Skill Levels. Because the rules say a 3- CSL can be used for defense vs. Any Attack of the same type. So 3-CSL with ego attacks could then be used as DECV by the rules.
  14. Can a power bought UAA still be used by the purchasing character? One of my players is making a character with "Gate Creation" powers when asked I told him I think so but I would find out for sure. (I am curious as I could not find the answerr in the FAQ or the book.)
  15. Hello I am trying to make a character that has the power to absorb energy to become more powerful. What I am wondering is... Is there a limit to the number of powers/characteristics that can be affected with the +2 Adv.? (In particular I would like to affect Str, Dex, Con, Bod, Rec, End and Stun but that is seven slots.) I know for +1 I can affect 4 stats or powers.
  16. Hello I am wondering if I buy a EM storm as... Suppress 4D6 vs. Electronics, AOE Radious. May I use +1/4 for any Electronic FX or do I need +2 for all Electronic FX?
  17. I have two of the books they call damaged because they were ordered for me. They both arived in better condition than most books are after having read them through once. So yes it is typicly small things like folded pages or creases. I have never seen a book come out of the "Online Store" that was garbage so to speek. So in short if you plan on displaying the book and staring at it don't buy it, If you plan on reading the book like an average custamer then jump on the deal.
  18. What are your sources I would like to learn more about old heroes. I watched the show on dicovery (don't lagh I like discovery) but it was to short.
  19. Sorry about that but I have transposed the views of someothers I talked to too you. In resent conversation about the character I made it seemed a common feeling amongst others (not me as it was my character) the the idea of putting runes on people was rediculous.
  20. How about personal rune magic. Many cultures (Celts, Egiptions, some Native Americans, and the Aztec) believed that magic/holy symbols could be placed on a body to give power. I have recently made a Dwarven "Runemaster" that could draw his runes on people to hook them up with 1 charge uses of his powers. It would be cool to see your take on how this could/should have been done.
  21. Re: Re: Re: Logarithmic math attempt at damage from the sun Please say it aint so.
  22. Does a character who opts to have the TK power affect Energy DC instead of "Normal TK" (if such a term could exist) loose its "Punch" aspect? (I am making A energy master and was thinking the power would as a common sense side of things but hate to rule against the Rules. And since it is not covered I thought it would be nice to get it in the FAQ before a crafty player gets to excited about his point savings,) Thanks Ahead of time as it will not let me respond to thank you latter.
  23. The complaint of no constant system of energy to DC still stands under this information. The problem from my point of view is that it seems alot of these numbers are pulled from the arse. (Not yours, Hero's) It seemed in the old days there was a logic being followed. I was hopping to create, inspire or find some here. My problem is that I think the numbers are all screwed up. As someone who believes in trying to fix things when I whine I thought to create some sort of system or get one from others as opposed to what "Appears" to be DC based on a random number genorater as opposed to a constant system.
  24. Even the 240 billion times the earths presure could be converted into DC. (I did specify that there should be NND attacks linked) I simply would like to have a system of logic behind the damage as opposed to a 275D6 Killing Attack with a fer levels of AP and PEN. (240 Billion times 0DC presure would be 35-36 doublings = 35 DC) Wich would all be linked multiple power attacks starting at the center with AOE Radious, Explosion, and a couple levels of mega-scale. (Most radial energy including gravity, EM radiation and heat follow the inverse square law meaning every time you double your distance from the sourse you reduce the Intensity by 75%. Plus attenuation and impedance will affect these also but in space this is not a factor.) The transformation of hydrogen into helium would be a radiation related event as Gamma and X- Radiation ionize particle by electron displacement so that would be covered by the NND vs LS Radiation Support or in my oppinion all rad attacks should be power def based anyways as radiation tranforms you as much as "burns" you. which is way the faster something replicates/heals the lower its radiation resistanse. (I work with ionizing radiation for a living) Diclamer: I am not a siance nerd so some of the details may elude me but the basic ideas are here.
  25. Man those are some ridiculously low numbers but hey. What the heck.
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