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Everything posted by Robyn

  1. Re: Accesable ot Inaccesable focus? Even using the doubling rules for equipment, this looks expensive. Perhaps, if the collective items are taken as a group, some sort of 1:3 or 1:5 reduction is in order?
  2. Robyn

    Super Origins

    Re: Super Origins They retconned it?
  3. Re: The Seduction Skill as a "Lab" I concur that narrative gaming is a rarity. Most systems utilize this mechanic to some degree (HERO endeavors to avoid it), it is the method by which common sense can identify and fix breaks in the system. I did not in any way instruct him in such a manner. Your perception that I was "telling him" to do anything supports my theory that informative statements being taken as declarative results in readers trying to "fill in the blanks" - the flaw with such action being that the statement already is complete, and any information added will only distort (not restore) the original meaning. I assure you that, if I meant something, I would say it - with due thought for whether it would get me into trouble. Those who game with me have learned that, when it comes to honesty, I am characterized by a rather blunt approach that values speaking my mind over holding back, even if silence would be diplomatic. I did not (even attempt to) address ease; making changes is one thing, but another concern is balancing the game through the ripple effects of those changes.
  4. Robyn

    Good-by Brick

    Re: Good-by Brick What if they have an attack through one of their Accessible Foci? I hope your GM makes you pay points for that part
  5. Re: "Gun Fu" Power idea Expensive, though. Still . . . Bullets Falling Like Water: Change Environment . . .
  6. Re: The Seduction Skill as a "Lab" Gold0?
  7. Re: HERO lost builds repository I have the green back, but nothing has changed as far as I can tell . . . tried Firefox without logging in and without visiting the linked-to page, but still green. I have a sneaking suspicion that the interface is automatically setting color based on whether I have been to the linked-to page before I set it
  8. Re: Help: Power = Radiant Sight Clairvoyance, with Megascale as a Naked Advantage, and No Range Modifier as a Naked Advantage. Oh, and I suppose you might want to toss a Linked in there on the No Range Modifier
  9. Re: My Game Concept: Hero Magick Spells of greater or lesser complexity? If your rating is "simple", you have trouble with complicated spells, but if your rating is "complex", you have trouble with the "small" stuff, and if somewhere in between, both are manageable but you aren't as strong in it as a specialist? Might be interesting if people started off at "complicated" and gradually refined their control for "simpler" tasks. Reminds me of how Control Demon is a 6th level spell, but Summon Demon is a 1st level spell You said the over-riding theme was of an impending disaster of incomprehensible proportions, but I didn't realize how bad it was! If people without Verity don't think humans should naturally have the ability to breathe . . . Well what did he expect? Trying to pretend he had an innate ability or right to walk, it's just not natural . . .
  10. Re: My Game Concept: Hero Magick For that purpose, Word can be considered the worst format.
  11. Re: Sliding bars measuring each spell's "energy" I haven't decided yet. I know there will be a lot of different types, but depending on how granular I make the spell system by the time I finish reworking it, there may or may not be minor variants that qualify as different spells but all qualify as the same type.
  12. Re: Roaming bases Or any "place to stay", really; I've also been contemplating a group of Followers who are trained to adapt to their environment, whatever that may be, and can effectively "set up camp" after just a few hours to familiarize themselves with the nuances of an area.
  13. Re: Immortality and progressive diseases None of which touch on the more important question - how can it be removed? The immortality will vanish on its own if the vampire does not sacrifice a virgin during a full moon every 50 years? Only a special ritual can negate your immortality? You are immortal, no conditions, forever?
  14. I thought about titling this "Spell bars", then realized my own first thought would be "A candy bar you can eat that grants spellcasting ability?" I'm trying to find a balance between "free" healing (and other magical effects) and spells that are severely limited in when (and to what degree) they may take place. I like the narrative effect of heroes who can push themselves if they want, but have a limited reserve of energy, and only recover it so quickly. The trick is, I want to keep track of each type of spell that they can cast, separately. So, if they've been casting fireballs and forcewalls all day long, they're about exhausted on that front, but still have a full "battery" when it comes to healing. I'm currently looking at END Reserves - lots, and lots, of END Reserves - for these spells, but some sort of Boostable charge also seems like a possibility. Thoughts?
  15. Low-tech solutions: the army (assume a medieval setting, with no magic) carries around sharpened stakes with them, and other varied implements; whereever they set up camp, they can analyze the terrain (whatever that may be) and devise a plan for using what they have, then rapidly unpack and assemble their components to establish a defensive perimeter. This is their base, until it's time to pack up and be on the march again, but they're not tied to any particular area and if you utterly annihilate the physical landmass in an area where they've been, they won't particularly care; it doesn't prevent them from settling down in the area directly adjacent. Does the difference between this, and a standard base, justify the cost difference between building it as a base and using other mechanics? If you wouldn't build it as a base, how would you replicate the effects?
  16. Re: Gargoyles HERO Every night, the GM rolls Frequency on the (Floating) Hunted to see if one shows up. The first night, no. The second night, yes (Xanatos). The third night, yes (Macbeth), but they haven't dealt with Xanatos yet, so that Hunted is presumed to be gathering forces for another attack. Just because they're currently dealing with another Hunted, doesn't mean the first (Xanatos) has been "dealt with"; he just isn't in their faces, right now. On the fourth night, their GM rolls Frequency and introduces a few members of The Pack, but the gargoyles manage to assist Xanatos' fiance with reminding them why they weren't supposed to come back there (ever again), and Xanatos' gratitude extends to no longer being angry at them. Macbeth is still out there, but Xanatos is no longer available for selecting from the villains' roster when a Floating Hunted is rolled. Unless, of course, none of the available villains are appropriate, in which case something may have happened to get him angry at them again. Annoyed at how easily their enemies are able to find them (and not consoled by the knowledge that The Pack is unlikely to return anytime soon), they switch roosts to Xanatos' tower, which seems safe enough since he's a friend now. This resets the Frequency; normally, a Hunted would be present for the game session, but with an extended duration, the Hunted only poses a threat to them until the logical cutoff point that said Hunted doesn't know where to find them anymore. Also, don't forget - Hunted is worth more points not only for power level, but intent (Watched is a form of Hunted).
  17. Re: "Gun Fu" Power idea It helped that I was contemplating a very similar build recently. Also, the solution possesses elegance in that it matches the SFX so well: +xDCV would be making your own dodges easier, but your description called for making your opponents' firing difficult.
  18. Re: "Gun Fu" Power idea I would want this sort of thing to be useful for the group, not just myself as a defensive measure. AOE or ranged PSL's?
  19. Re: "Elevator Pitch" your campaign While allowing time for the fellow gamer to tell us about their characters?
  20. Re: Sentient Costumes, Armour, Weapons, etc...
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