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Posts posted by Tech

  1. I'm something of a dry spell creatively-speaking. I've got an episode (using a battlemap) where a supervillain team just saw someone's powers occur, and want to try recruiting this new super. Fortunately, the hero team will be nearby to stop the villains from trying to recruit. The problem is: where will the fight take place? Already been done in factories, parks, fastfood restaurant. Looking for a fresh place for a battle. Suggestions?

  2. Another alternate is SPD is the number of times someone can do something in a turn. You can use them at any time on any PHA. Your SPD 4 wants to attack on 1's? Go ahead; you have 3 more. Of course, other people can use their 1's as well. I used this in a different game and it actually worked well, not crazy chaotic like it would be expected. It forced people to think.


    For those thinking that it could be a mess for everyone to take their last PHA and dodge, it gives others who've saved their moves a chance to pound on you with perhaps an AE attack, etc.

  3. I've used him a couple time. Never had him fly, though. Due to an oversight on my part, during combat I forgot he had growth. So, next PHA to remedy that, I say he's grown. Oddly now, when he shows up, the players think "This is the villain who grows bigger as combat goes on."


    Having said that, a few changes to him for powers/disadvantages (complications) and he can be a hero.

  4. A Multipower shows at a glance what powers can be used; what have been purchased by the character. A VPP is just that- variable. Not everyone is comfortable having to decide what powers are going to be chosen during a game. This has been echoed in past previous threads. People on the boards report that some times, players whose character have VPP actually slow down the game. So, a Multipower may be an easier choice for a character with different powers.

  5. In our last game, I wanted to show that thugs can be learned too, and give players a laugh...


    Jimmy Dugan interviews a thug robbing a store, "Why are you robbing this store?"

    Thug replies, "Why? Well, no one's ever asked that before. I think it has to do with the precarity of financial instability in a volatile market situation."

    Jimmy Dugan replies, "Really?"

    Thug continues, "Yes. You see; the perception of appropriation inspires the person in question to dominate his thinking on said market."


  6. One of the players wants to create a Rapunzel-type character, with long hair of course. I'm not sure what to suggest other than stretching to grab things at range (her hair), or maybe martial arts. I know the Tangled tv series had given her hair addtl powers, such as a forcewall (her hair protects against dmg), and of course, healing. Any suggestions?

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