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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Hello friends. Wombat is a character from my 20+ year old Abnormals campaign. He is 9.5' tall and one of the strongest characters in the world (100 STR. It was pretty much Wombat, Grond and Ripper). Of course he moves down a notch every time Enforcer84 posts a character The Abnormals campaign began way before the first published Champions Universe. It has since been assimilated as have later updates. Wombat was always described as having come from a race of giants from some hidden land on earth. It is not known if his strength is unusual for his race. Probably not. The campaign story never made his exact origin important enough to explore. His character sheet suggests he is from a very cold, snowy place. I don't have Hidden Lands so there may be an obvious origin connection I have missed. Now, a couple decades later, the rest of the Champions Universe is pretty well defined with most races (alien or indigenous) explained. Now seems like a good time to either retrofit Wombat with a CU race (Empyrean?) or define as a separate race and find a fit within. His appearance has changed over the last 23 years (from when character sheets had line art figures on them ). His current HD sheet has a picture of an orc from LOTR, the closest image I can think of to how I pictured him. Any ideas?
  2. Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them? I ran out of gaming group over 10 years ago. I have run/played an occasional online game but have been mostly game-free for a decade. I still buy Champions books, make characters and continue to flesh out my game world. I may never get to play another game but I still get to enjoy a lot of it. Yes, it is worth it.
  3. Re: New to Champions, is BBB good enough? The Hero Designer software available here on site is by far my favorite Hero tool and the one I absolutely could not live without (2nd to the core rulebook, of course). It's easy to use and resolves a LOT of my minutiae rules questions, especially where Multipowers and such are concerned.
  4. Does anyone remember a superheroine from Challenges for Champions (4th ed, I think) named Crystal Blue? I always thought this character was kinda cool and enjoyed the little narrative of her Dodging and Weaving around the bank scene. Has anyone updated her for FrED or used her outside the adventure module?
  5. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots So this is what happens when you Google "Qliphothic taint".
  6. Re: Characters favorite manuever Wombat (9' tall, 100 STR) Punch works just fine. Wombat is also fond of Shockwaves which is why he was turned down for membership in the Champions. Boll Weevil (4-armed bug guy, very high Dex) Dodge. His super high DCV means practically every (non AoE) shot against him ends up landing (rolls 1d6) over there. This is but one of the reasons Boll Weevil was turned down for membership in the Champions. Captain Cockroach(mostly indestructible) CC's only offense is his beloved Questonite baseball bat. This is why... Syndey Mental Illusions. This never gets old, especially making people on the battlefield look like other people on the field. Note: Durak does not like being tricked into attacking Fiacho.
  7. Re: Champions Beyond? Repped for opening the Briefcase Full of Evil.
  8. Re: The End of 'The Crowns of Krim' Uhh, I'd like to change my answer. Jkwleisemann wins the internet.
  9. Re: Invisibility Questions Running and Leaping are going to give you significant penalties to your required Stealth roll. I'd allow it.
  10. Re: My own character is too complicated for my li'l brain Both the Invisible to Mental Powers and Ego Attack Damage Shield are verbatim from the USPD sourcebook. Sydney has always had the ego damage shield (adjusted for 5th ed rules changes) but the invisibility is new. I like it because it complements his "unknowable mind". If someone Mind Scans a warehouse he is in, he will not appear. That is the effect I wanted. If his mind is reached, it causes painful feedback. I wanted that effect too. It's how these things work together in common situations that I can't wrap my head around. Will he fry his teammates' heads if he communicates telepathically with them? How would a villain in LOS of him use Mind Control etc?
  11. Re: The End of 'The Crowns of Krim' If it helps, I once introduced the Crowns thusly. The PC's were brought together and briefed by [our campaign government agency] and a representative of the Trismegistus Council. The attention was on a new villain in town. Strictly small potatoes powers-wise. Witnesses to his crimes say he wore a crown reminiscent of the Krim variety. This small-time doofus had no idea what power the crown could impart, like a man using a laptop to crack a walnut. The Council's concern over this B List villain was that his antics would attract those with greater power and knowledge to steal the crown. The scary Council guy then explained in great detail each Crown member and his powers (as well as Black Paladin and Talisman, they would likely come too). Our CU-Cincinnati had not seen too much mystic activity before then. This was a good start. As an aside, this is why The Abnormals were approached for this mission over the Champions. Defender simply didn't believe in magic and Witchcraft would have some serious issues of Talisman showed up.
  12. Re: My own character is too complicated for my li'l brain Right. It's kinda funny to be Invisible to Mental Powers to begin with. Pso and Pso is looking right at him but can't "find" his mind.
  13. Ok, so I have this character named Sydney. He has a suite of psionic powers including these: First, he has the ol' Psionic Defense Reflex (Ego Attack Damage Shield). Second, he has the No-Mind III (Invisibility to Mental Sense Group, always on). Let's discuss how these two powers work, especially if they are bought together. I understand the game terms and the powers on which they are built but would request an exploration of how exactly they would affect an encounter. To make things more confusing to my tiny brainpan, he also has a traditional Ego Attack and Mind Scan etc. Would his Ego Attack trigger the Psionic Defense Reflex also?
  14. Boll Weevil


    Re: Krim? At Takophanes' bachelor party, Krim ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper in it.
  15. Re: Champions aliens: best source? Thanks, all. I have some pondering to do. I like the few aliens in the existing, modern CU. I also like that there are only a handful. I would like to someday explore the plotline of traveling to one of the home worlds. A (voluntary or otherwise) gladiator match in the Malvan empire would be fun. Delegates from Ironclad's homeworld could come arrest him and take him home for punishment due to a regime change. Valak the World Ravager could be spotted on Vibron's home planet making it necessary for him to come forward and reluctantly ask for the PC's help, even if it means imprisonment on his return home. I suppose I could make stuff up as suggested or I could wait and make Steve & Darren do it
  16. I want to know if there is a published source for aliens and other worlds in the modern day Champions Universe. Am I correct that Galactic Champions takes place far in the future? I would like my campaign world to expand to other worlds, specifically those places from whence came the CU aliens. Has Hero done this apart from brief mention in the Champions Universe books?
  17. Re: Help with a write-up: Craig T Nelson Craig T Nelson is the actor who played Coach.
  18. I honestly have no idea why I typed that. What the heck is wrong with me?
  19. Re: Campaign Newspaper Good work and repped.
  20. Re: Real life powers... (Adv's vs Lim's) Balance? In one and a half years, I will be able to take the "40+" Disadvantage, adding 5 points to my character sheet. I have been debating on how to spend it. I was able to add KS: Turkey Carving to my short list of manly arts this Thanksgiving. I wonder if taking Demolitions and Lockpicking at my local community college would flag me for the no-fly list. I'll let you know.
  21. Re: Champions: The "official" comic book I would buy it in a heartbeat!! I bought Champions Universe and NOTW because I like the game world and for the stories found within. In numerous "What would you like to see" threads I have mentioned I would like to see a comic with CU heroes and villains with game annotations at the bottom of the panels to show what is happening (Perception rolls, use of Skills and Knowledge and of course combat rolls). I think it would be cool to have the opening page(s) showing players around the game table. They would describe their characters and game world set-up then fade to story boards. The top of each (not every, but many) panel would be the table talk from the players and GM in place of the typical comic narration. Occasionally, when something strange happens in the story, the 4th wall can drop again to show the game table again with the players arguing. The story board can pick up again, sometimes backing up a panel or two to correct for what was discussed at the table. Think Princess Bride. I second the vote for Storn and/or Andrew Cremeans for the art.
  22. Re: Schtick Skill: That Thing You Do Unless your CSI character puts all his Power Skill (CSI) into his .
  23. Re: Schtick Skill: That Thing You Do I have put off buying the Ultimate Skill. Perhaps it is time
  24. It seems every time I find a novel way of doing something, Herodome Assembled points me to a paragraph I had not seen before in the rules that already exists, and does it better. It's not that I can't read the entire text myself but I have the attention span of a...uh...sorry, the printer light was flashing. I like the idea of buying a skill called Schtick. In our campaigns, each character fills a particular niche like "electronics guy" or "detective" or "scary monster". These characters are built with the requisite skills to make them proficient in these areas. I like that you can use complementary skills together to fill in the cracks. When all else fails, there is Schtick. This is the Skill roll you do to perform them all together to do That Thing You Do. For instance, Scotty from Star Trek. Ever episode he saves the ship, not necessarily with his Engineering roll or his Starship Systems Operations roll but with his Scotty, Press Buttons Until The Reactor Core Stops Leaking skill. Not to be overused, this skill roll describes your character's ability to perform actions that only he/she can do to tell the story. I never use it for villains. It's sole purpose is to smooth out the Skills set to make the campaign PC's the best at what they do. What do you think? Do any of you GMs use a similar tool to reflect this?
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