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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Re: After DEMON wins... If the idea is to describe the future to impress upon the heroes the importance of thwarting DEMON in the present, might I suggest their meeting a mystic who can see the future. Maybe one of the PC's touches an object that grants them one look into the future. This way they can "see" how things turn out without actually being there.
  2. Re: Does anyone have a write up of Gloop/Gleep from the Herculoids? It is sooo time for a live-action Herculoids movie. I remember waking up early on Saturday morning to watch them.
  3. Re: Quicksilver on 350-450 points Oddhat, do you remember what Export Template that is?
  4. Re: Post A Crime With Game Potential This is an excellent lesson for those players who like to open a fight with their biggest attack. Mind-controlled normals tend to go splat when that happens.
  5. Re: Quicksilver on 350-450 points Blah blah spread blah rep. IOU. Edit: Gotcha.
  6. Has anyone here statted out Quicksilver on 350+ points? My Hero Boards search-fu is weak. I would be interested to see him written up at any power level but I am really curious to see what kind of speedster goodness ~400 points pays for. Flash is ok too but I will admit I have only ever read Marvel (except for Ambush Bug ).
  7. Howdy. Some of you may recall a while back I asked for a Herodome weigh-in on the specific age (Iron, etc) of some of my favorite titles. As always, the response was very helpful. Now let's play round two. The titles in question were: Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) X-men movies. Feel free to label individually if you feel it is necessary (BTW, X3 never happened). The Ultimates (Millar). Spiderman movies. Fantastic Four movies. Ultimate X-Men (Millar). I hated this series at first but I find myself re-reading it Your assignment, should you choose to accept it: Discuss these series, again, like you are pitching the campaign on Hero Central. This time, let's talk about point totals. I understand the characters herein have wildly varying Character Points but that's ok. I have always allowed that in my games for that very reason. Apocolypse probably won't be destroyed by Jubilee but they do sometimes appear in the same story arc.
  8. Re: Looking for OLD online write up Good call, LL. I thought the description sounded like The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension.
  9. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas!
  10. Re: Ist'vatha V'han If I'm not mistaken, Isstvan Bull was once Constantinople and he may or may not have been a giant.
  11. Re: Ape Name Needed Got 'em! I am thankful I had swallowed my coffee before I read it.
  12. Re: I figured out a perfect supervillain. Oprah will never be taken seriously as a major supervillain until she buys off that susceptibility to Scientology powers.
  13. The other day I was browsing teh intarwebs for toys I had as a kid when I came across the Tomy Mighty Men and Monster maker. I got many hours of enjoyment as a kid out of this toy. I started playing Champions in 83ish and vaguely remember statting up some characters based on some of the outputs. None of those have survived. Have any of you older folks either illustrated a character or charactered an illustration using this old toy?
  14. Re: Do you have any "deal breakers" when it comes 6th edition? I would stick with 5th ed if the non-core rules books I have become obsolete. I'd buy the 6th ed rules but I would not support a new CU. I have not had a FTF gaming group in years but I still buy the Champions Universe series for the story line(s). I bought Stronghold as much to find out who was in it and how it affects the CU continuity as the prison itself.
  15. Re: Concepts You Just Can't Build on 350 points. I always thought it was funny that Defender carries his armor around in a briefcase. I barely have room for my scientific calculator.
  16. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" Wait, did he unwittingly summon forth the Army of the Undead? I hate it when that happens!!!
  17. Re: Stronghold I for one like the cover. Very cool. I would have liked to have seen some pictures of the security robots though.
  18. Re: terrorist mutants In my campaign, the Conquerors (Classic Enemies, 4th ed) filled the role of the Brotherhood. I made some changes to the lineup over the years (I never thought Ankylosaur fit the group). I agree with others, the 4th ed Mutant File is the best if not a touch overpowerful. I liked the Conquerors best because I could make them at least a little sympathetic. Not evil just on the wrong side.
  19. Re: I bought me some Stronghold! Stronghold is everything I expected it to be: an excellent resource tool for anyone wanting to use Stronghold in your games. The level of detail is great. You can use it all or just pick and choose the right-size bits. The maps are very detailed as are the staff and service robots. The art is ok but I tend to ignore art discussions on these boards. In short, I love it. I also bought the Stronghold Files which I am less enthused about. Granted, it was only $3 but I expected more. The HPA is five character write-ups, three of which I already had from Classic Enemies. That's it! Nothing else. As one of very few on these boards who still use the Conquerors, I was hoping for more. There are three plot seeds for Neutron but none for the other four, nor for the team in general. There are also no pictures of the 5 characters. As someone who just paid $30 for Stronghold I am left wondering why they didn't just include these in the book.
  20. Re: I now have me some Stronghold! My Stronghold and, inexplicably, a copy of Game Informer magazine came in the mail yesterday afternoon!! We're going to prison!
  21. Re: I bought me some Stronghold! Reese Witherspoon and some guy with dark hair who was in that movie with the other guy.. At least that is who is in the stupid thing my wife ordered. I'll let you know when it comes. In the mean time I have been re(reading) my old 1981 Escape from Stronghold supplement, wringing my hands and laughing maniacally. OMG, Insectoid just ate the warden!
  22. Re: I bought me some Stronghold! The UPS guy stopped by today. I met him in the driveway, giddy with anticipation. Imagine my dismay to find it was some dumb thing my wife ordered. Cruel. So cruel!
  23. I ordered it four minutes ago from the Online Store. Now if you'll excuse me, I thought I heard a UPS truck outside!!! Soon I will be able to run that Cinemax late night-inspired Super Caged Heat campaign with Howler and Scorpia. Woo hoo!
  24. Re: Help me retrofit an origin...please. Thanks all for your input. Why is it every time I ask a question on these boards I end up buying another book?! Thanks again and feel free to type up your ideas in the Background field of a Hero Designer file named Wombat.hdc. You know, just as a creative exercise. For the children, really.
  25. Re: Help me retrofit an origin...please. All I know of the Empyreans is from CU and CU:NOTW. Not much. Do other books go into much detail? Hmm, the Land of Legends is something I hadn't thought of. Interesting.
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