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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Re: Eeep! Buck Rogers!!! If you mean Erin Grey, so be it.
  2. Re: Absorption to Growth Works only with ice/cold or water Blasts (3/4)
  3. Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters?
  4. Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters? Agreed. I would also love to watch the aforementioned dusty beloved characters played by someone else to see what they come up with...the RPG equivalent to watching Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger play the same character onscreen.
  5. Re: Would you play a game with pre-generated characters? Aye, some good points here. Firstly, since my gaming group dried up years ago I could only ever do it on, say, HeroCentral. There, even a one-off game takes a long time...a really long time CrossHairCollie you make an excellent point about rookie GMs. If I ran a game using my characters you can rest assured there would be no or limited Cosmic Power Pools (oops, showing my age)...VPP or intensive martial arts fighting. Play by post and Hero Designer together help a LOT but nothing breaks the fourth wall better than a GM having to leaf through the rulebook calculating Active Point totals and having characters use maneuvers I have never heard of.
  6. Hya. I was wondering if anyone has played (or would play) in a game using pre-generated characters supplied by the GM. I think this would be a great opportunity for a) new players to jump into a character and test drive the system and for someone who only ever gets to GM to dust off some character beloved character sheets and breathe new life into some old characters. Oh sure, you could just use them as NPCs in a game but players HATE this. Just curious.
  7. ...and if so, is that organization UNTIL? The few comics I have read lately have had SHIELD play a major role. I got the Marvel Ultimate Alliance game (Wii) for Christmas and just love how easy the story put us heroes together. Nick Fury sends a distress call and every character in the world comes running. There was no recruiting, no back story required. If SHIELD needs you it must be big news. I love that! I pulled out my UNTIL sourcebook and I read it again, this time squinting a little and pretending it was a SHIELD book. It is, i think, the closest the CU comes, correct? As written, I think it is a little more legit(that is, on the books) than SHIELD but that is easily amended.
  8. Re: Ideas for Radium The radiation powers section of the Until Superpowers Database, if you've not seen it, is really helpful. There is even a picture of Radium walking into a bank and making everyone sick (a Drain Con "Radiation Sickness").
  9. Re: Character Sheet Outlines Wow, these bring back some memories. We should have an art thread just for characters made with these. In the 80's, my tool of choice was colored pencils. Now these templates are easy to color in Photoshop.
  10. Re: Change Environment: a dangerous weapon
  11. Re: Change Environment: a dangerous weapon Sorry, folks, for the thread necromancy but Cincinnati is fearfully awaiting the Icy White Death (3-5"...seriously) and I am once again impressed that an entire city can grind to a halt with about 40 points of Change Environment. When it is 4F and windy I am painfully (literally) aware that I have not given ice/cold powers their due. As a GM or a player, I resolve to play icy cold CE's to their fullest. Winter weather, especially when ill-prepared, is a bitch. On those really cold and really windy days, you can barely keep your eyes open as you shovel snow. Your eyes tear up and make it hard to see. The biting cold hurts. A lot. It hurts your face, burns your ears. After a turn or two, you begin to lose manual dexterity with ungloved hands. I don't think I could disarm a bomb in subzero temperatures and I love cold weather. It hurts just thinking about punching a guy in metal armor with cold hands. I am pretty good (my original post story not withstanding) at walking in ice without falling but after a while it really takes a toll on your back muscles, especially for us old farts.
  12. Re: Ran my first hero system game yesterday. With the exception of Move Through/By modifiers (to reflect changes in Movement from inches to meters), are there any changes to the 5th ed GM screen?
  13. Re: Eurostar Chaos! Let's hope that is not on the same day Durak finds out what his nickname means.
  14. Re: Champions Universe--Megavillain teamup idea... Ouch, MP that is one awesome group of megavillains. I had lately been thinking of a way to introduce an Age of Apocalypse sort of adventure without using Dr Destroyer. This just might do it! I think this group could take over the world!!
  15. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Mine came yesterday...postage due. I picked it up from the post office this morning for $5.89. Somehow they got an insurance sticker but no postage. Weird. Anyway, I am am super happy with the books. Superb quality in construction, layout, art and content.
  16. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Still waiting.
  17. Re: New to Fantasy Hero Everyone, thanks for the input. I greatly appreciate it. Unfortunately, there has been an unfortunate change of plans. As I mentioned, my friend Eric was with me when I preordered my 6ed and was intrigued by the system. He had heard of Champions but never played Hero System. I met his gaming group a few months back and was thrilled to join them as my friends stopped gaming long ago. The group was between campaigns and were looking for something new. I had mentioned Fantasy Hero and they, like Eric were intrigued. Instead of teaching them the 5th ed rules. I put them off for three months waiting for my Gencon 6th ed pre-order to arrive. It still has not. I told the group last night that I was in the 5% of folks whose orders had not yet left the warehouse (after almost a month of being released from customs) and suggested we could start with teaching them 5th ed for now and switching when the books finally come. The group who, until last night, was willing to buy their own books and learn a new system after 20+ years of D&D decided to stick with what they know and invited me to join them. I stopped playing D&D the day I met Hero 25 years ago. It feels weird to go back but I miss being part of a regular gaming group. So, sadly, I won't be playing Fantasy Hero, not for a while anyway. That's a bummer.
  18. Re: 6E order sighting: Big stupid poopy liarpants Huzzah!!
  19. Re: 6E order sighting: Big stupid poopy liarpants I was content waiting until I thought it had arrived. Funny how that works. That is good news though. I have had countless things stuck in customs limbo and I always picture the last scene in Indiana Jones where they show a box containing the Ark being assimilated into the Warehouse of Bureaucratic Purgatory.
  20. There I was at the kitchen table finishing up some work when I saw the UPS truck pull up in front of my house. The driver gets out with a package the exact size I would expect my Gencon pre-ordered 6E books would come in. I was too excited to speak so I sent my daughter to the door. She returned with a package...addressed to my wife. This is not the first time I have fallen for the old "Wifey gets her crap while I am waiting for mine" but it stung a little more this time. Phooey. Row faster, Chinese Boatload of Awesome!!
  21. Re: Confusion Field Correctimundo!! UNTIL Super Power Database pg 158, Unclear Thoughts.
  22. Re: New to Fantasy Hero This is fun. I have also never perused the Fantasy Hero games on Hero Central before. So.Much.Content. There goes what little free time I had left.
  23. Re: New to Fantasy Hero Yeah, I am prioritizing them. This could get pricey Having played Champions for so long I am resisting the temptation, for now, to get Atlantean age. I really enjoyed Champions Battlegrounds. Is FH Battlegrounds as good?
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