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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Re: Speaks loudly AND carries a big stick Sorry for the thread necromancy but I don't know how I missed this post. I don't have the UMA (Oprah UMA, UMA Oprah) and can't find any sufficient detail in FrED: What purpose does the "sacrifice" have in these maneuvers? I know the Sac throw leaves me prone too. I would prefer for Cap'n C to perform these while remaining standing and not losing his bat. How do these work, then?
  2. Re: So I went to EBAY Wow, he must have met a girl. He is no doubt spending his weekend nights playing canasta or tiddlywinks. Poor dumb bastard.
  3. Re: Who's doing that? Would the victim know he or she had been attacked prior to passing out?
  4. Re: Opinions On Being An "Ex-Viper Member" Before the campaign officially went kaput, the mission was not going so well for our newbie agents. Even if Max got the goods, the rest of the mission (no kills, no attention) most likely failed miserably. Before it even began, our rogue agent went and knocked on the door and screwed the pooch, possibly alerting them to our intentions. After the spectacular failure of a mission which was meant as a slow-pitch to prove our mettle, it is possible the surviving agents could not return to the nest without facing the messy punishment of the agent who messed it up (sorry, i can't remember his name). I say take the loot and run, Max, run.
  5. Re: Go home, Superman! In my Abnormals setting, the fact our hero group was second-string was the underlying premise of the campaign. The players knew this fact going in and was a major plot point for nearly every session. At one time or another, every member of the Abnormals had actually applied for positions on the Champions roster. We even roleplayed it. Pretty funny session, actually. In the beginning we played the old "Champions have disappeared" or some such scenario to get the heroes involved. Later, the governmental governing body that sanctioned the Champions approached the team for recruitment. It seemed the Champions were beloved for their Silver Age sensibilities but the agency needed some heroes who were not afraid to get their hands dirty, so to speak. The Abnormals, though sanctioned, took on jobs that might compromise the Champions' social standing, not to mention Codes vs Killing. Think police vs CIA.
  6. Re: Ankylosaur: NOTW update Only two points (from 20 to 18). Maybe the celebrity judges (Lorenzo Lamas?) who assign the points are getting more picky. Funny, she looks the same to me...almost as if they re-used every single recurring villain's picture from CKC
  7. Re: Ankylosaur: NOTW update Fine replies all, thanks. Why did Lady Blue lose COM points? Bad haircut? Turn 30? Junk in the trunk? Mole hair? I'm going to assume it was mole hair.
  8. I was updating my CKC villains in HD with the Champions Universe: NOTW updates and noticed some weirdness. It seems Ankylosaur has actually lost some power, especially in his non-powered form. Was this intentional? I also noticed he lost his Secret ID, i am guessing from when he went to prison. Would he then have a Public ID? I have not done many of the conversions but this so far is the only one I have noticed some downgraded power.
  9. Re: Name that age: Some titles I actually read Agreed. X3 was a steaming pile and the only Marvel in recent years I will not own.
  10. Re: Name that age: Some titles I actually read One reply. That is about 149 less replies than the thread named "Test - please ignore".
  11. Re: Name that age: Some titles I actually read Oddhat, I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. Thanks. Anyone else care to weigh in? Even if you agree with Oddhat's metallurgical assay, I am still interested to hear how you would pitch the above stories on Hero Central is you were the GM.
  12. Hi there. I have read many many threads describing iron, silver etc ages and I would like to request a weigh-in on some specific titles please. What is your best guess as the "age" of the following and their placement therein: Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) X-men movies. Feel free to label individually if you feel it is necessary. The Ultimates (Millar). Spiderman movies. Fantastic Four movies. No FF2 spoilers here please. Ultimate X-Men (Millar). Actually, this series is not my favorite but I am following the story from the beginning so I will include in this list. Although I have moments of cringe-itude with the latter, I am really enjoying each of these series. My perfect game to play in or GM would feel like any of these. If you were running a game of any of the above, how would you pitch it on the Campaign Notes section of Hero Central? Thanks in advance. Your opinions mean a lot to me. BW
  13. OK, so the Champions take down some members of GRAB trying to steal from my Generic Warehouse map, er, the Harmon Industries warehouse. When the last bespandexed baddy falls, who is first on the scene? Stronghold van: check. Who calls them and by who's authority? Medical? Ironclad did a Shockwave and now little cracks are appearing in the building across the street. Civil engineers? MCPD? Jimmy Dugan and the media are a given. Who is in charge of a post-super firefight crime scene?
  14. Re: Would you allow it?: A FF buster I like the Find Weakness idea. Again, my intent was to have the EB slip through the force field from matched wave harmonics. I could easily justify ADDING a dispel but that was not my original intent. Thanks, all, for your input. Find Weakness it is.
  15. I have been toying around with a build I learned from watching Star Trek and I am curious to see if the assembly approves. First, I would buy a Detect: Analyze energy signature. This is a simple reading of a villain's Force Field or Force Wall's unique energy signature. Then, I want an Energy Blast with the Variable SFX Advantage to reflect the ability to "tune" the blast to bypass the defense. The EB would be bought as 4d6 NND (defense is a FF or FW of an unknown energy signature) and voila. The character must first Analyze the FF or Force Wall. Once the signature is known, the EB would bypass the FF/FW and strike the target. It would also have full effect on a character without a Force Field. I think it would work perfectly on a technological target but a character with a "natural" (perhaps bought with Inherent) FF could reconfigure the FF slightly to require additional scans for future successful attacks. A character on whom this tactic was successful could still use their FF full-power against other characters. Thoughts? Lay it on me.
  16. I just got CU:NOTW and, for the first time, my campaign world will veer off from the official Champions Universe. I think it diminishes the tragedy of the Battle of Detroit to have it otherwise. As always, your mileage may vary and this is not a criticism of Hero's choice to keep the bad doctor on staff. In my world, Dr Destroyer either died or survived as a shell of what he was. What I would like to explore then is the resulting power vacuum created in his absence. With his vast resources in place, I think it would start with Gigaton and Destroyer's own organization. With the boss gone, how will his "loyal" generals usurp power from Dr D's demise?
  17. Re: My next characters vehicle Makes...pants...tight!
  18. Re: The Villain Protocols Is there a thread for Champions Villains?
  19. Re: Regrettable Disads Boll Weevil's first writeup included the line: 20 Pysychological Limitation: Insane
  20. Re: Super Hero Character Template Collection OK then. Two yeas. That was hardly the endorsement I expected from "One of the top requested RPG utilities of the Hero Games Community". I think I'll pass.
  21. I have read most of the "share your Hero pics" and related threads and I don't recall anyone ever talking about buying or using this product from the Hero Games collection. I am intrigued and the price is right. Who has this, do you use it? Do you like it? I have not seen any samples from the collection but this could be just what I needed. I am pretty good at coloring in Photoshop; I have done nearly every picture in CKC and Classic Enemies. I am a bit humbled by the cool colored sideart pictures though Discuss.
  22. Re: CKC + USPD updates I have decided the best candidates for a USPD update are the nice folks of Deathstroke, still a staple of my campaign world. With a brick, sonic, insect and ice guy on staff, Deathstroke can finally be the heavy hitters I always wanted them to be. The members are all ok with using Killing Attacks so I get to use some of the stuff I wouldn't dream of giving other villains.
  23. Howdy ho Herophiles. By far, my favorite two Hero products are Conquerors Killers and Crooks and the UNTIL Superpowers Database. I'm curious to know if anyone has taken the time to add USPD powers to their favorite CKC stars. In my campaign, Neutron is my world's Magneto. With very little revision, I have added the Magnestism powers suite from USPD to his writeup for some pretty scary effects. I have also added the Ice Powers to some of the Hero canon ice villains for equally scary firepower...er...icepower. The adds from this fantastic supplement has breathed new life into some old favorites. Any other update stories?
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Ghetto Defendant The Clash
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