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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? I keep getting this frightening image of a hawk with a human head-shaped cowl. I mean, he'd have to right? A hawk with a hawk with a hawk's head cowl would just look ridiculous.
  2. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members The Abnormals (Cincinnati) *Sydney *Wombat *Boll Weevil *Captain Cockroach *Connectix
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? I have always wanted to see a 10-page comic detailing a Champions combat. At the top of the panel in a yellow box (like comic book narration) would be the GM and players describing on-field events. A typical Champions vs Eurostar bank robbery scene would showcase a couple bricks, a power armor guy , an implant techie, a mentallist, a handful of blasters, martial artists, and, for some reason, a witch battling it out. Panel sidebars would describe damage dice, Multipower point allocation, Perception rolls etc as a background to a familiar comic book fight scene.
  4. Re: Four-armed Restrainable stingers Thanks all for your input. I appreciate calling it like it is, I am not trying to be abusive....that's what his ginormous Dexterity is for I was just looking over BW's old, yellowed character sheet from 1983ish. I had originally bought his Secret ID as a Psych Lim since he has four arms. Everyone knew Eric Nidae was Boll Weevil but he was a bit crazy. I think I was watching a little to much A-Team at the time and Boll Weevil was the Abnormals' Murdock. Twenty plus years later and the phrase "Thinks he has a Secret ID" still makes me chuckle. BW paid four each of the additional arms a la carte. He also had "martial arts" paid at a flat rate.
  5. Re: Four-armed Restrainable stingers Crap! I forgot about question #4. Since you brought it up (repped!), yes I suppose I need four stingers. I like your take on it. Makes sense.
  6. Re: [build Challenge] Kid Emo (Supervillain) Is Mom's minivan bought as a vehicle, perk or contact?
  7. Hey, Boll Weevil again with a question about, well, Boll Weevil. BW has four arms. Each arm has a stinger barb on the ulnar side of the forearm. The stinger itself is a small HKA with a linked NND venom. OK, in my games Inherent isn't really an issue as a Drain stinger would not be allowed. Personal preference, YMMV. 1. Would you consider a stinger in this location to be restrainable? I could see him using it to get out of a net-SFX Entangle but it IS on his arm which is restrainable. 2. If your answer to #1 is yes, would the fact he has four arms make the Restrainable worth less? 3. If I still have a case for restrainable stingers, do I take the Limitation on both the HKA and the NND venom?
  8. Re: UNTIL Uniforms - Now I know why they BUG me so much. Now now, let's not post in anger. Many of us on these boards were agitated after watching Starship Troopers. I suggest you enjoy a bottle of YooHoo and wait for the rage to pass. Try not to dwell on how a movie with giant bugs, boobies, and the legendary NPH could paradoxically suck AND blow.
  9. Re: Gadgets...GADGETS!!! My all time favorite gadget is from the old 4th ed Gadgets book. The item is a pair of rocket skates. That was back when, if you bought it, you could control it. Buy them with a Requires Rocket Skates Skill Roll and watch as the hilarity ensues in what will forever forward be know as The Couples Skate Incident.
  10. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Use it. Make me famous.
  11. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) 12) Your are with your gamer friends talking about other things when one of them mentions what the characters will be doing in this week's Thursday game night. Aghast, you can't believe that campaign is still going. You lost interest and quit showing up back in 1996 and thought the group had too!
  12. Re: Throwing a Manhole cover vs a OIF I wish I had a dime for every time a manhole cover blew through the wall of Rosie's Diner during the dinner rush.
  13. Re: Power up a TV or movie character. I enjoyed Modern Problems back in the day. There would be a fun writeup. Don't forget to include Nell Carter as the voodoo housekeeper.
  14. Captain Cockroach is a member of The Abnormals, my longest-running campaign super group. He is nigh-invulnerable. That is his shtick. He has a moderately high STR but not brick-high. His only offensive capability is a questionite baseball bat. Where he got it is the topic for another time  After 20+ years of wielding the bat, I think it is time to spend some points, fire up the Danger Room, and develop some bat-wielding martial maneuvers. I am very comfortable with building martial arts in Herodesigner but I would really be interested to know if anyone had already made such a suite of maneuvers. Since the good capt’n is mostly crunchy I am not as interested in defensive maneuvers. If there is a universal maxim in the Abnormals/CU universe it is that Captain Cockroach does not Dodge. I have a few supplements too (although not the UMA) if you know of a published character who already has MA based around a club or baseball bat I will go have a look-see. Anyone?
  15. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) Repped for beating me to #12. So true.
  16. Re: Height & weight ratios Sorry, if my 4 yr old daughter was six feet tall her head would have it's own atmosphere.
  17. Re: Web sticky - Your help appreciated Thanks Kirby and also repped. Hee hee, you said naked...and naked...and sticky.
  18. Re: Height & weight ratios Ooh, according to the official Andre the Giant website (I can honestly say I have never started a post with that phrase), he was 7'4" and weighed 500 pounds. With Transmetahuman's calculation that makes 9'1" Wombat an impressive 950 pounds. You guys go ahead, I'll take the next elevator.
  19. Re: Web sticky - Your help appreciated I will say though your solution made Hero Designer asplode. I told it I wanted a Limitation on a Limitation and an audible voice screamed "I say thee nay!". I still like the idea, I just need to work on the execution in HD.
  20. Re: Web sticky - Your help appreciated Yep. That'll do. Thanks. Now, feel the awesome power of Rep 26!
  21. Boll Weevil has a webby Entangle as do many spidery characters. Ideally, I would like an Entangle that works thusly: When the Entangle is applied, it has the Sticky advantage. It is a viscous gooey mess that will entrap anyone who tries to help. In a given amount of time, let's say a Turn, the Sticky disappears and the Entangle hardens to its full effect. I have played around with the Gradual Effect but really I would like, after a Turn, to trade in my Sticky advantage for the equivalent point's addition in Def/Body. This can happen gradually over the turn, or magically cure at the end of 12 seconds. Ooh! and if this doesn't get too complicated perhaps it can have an "Entangle & character both take damage" advantage until it cures also to reflect the fact it is a gel that hardens into something more solid. Thoughts?
  22. Re: Paging Dr. Fein, Dr Howard, Dr Muerte... The file "Professor Muerte.HDC" already exists. Would you like to replace it? Yes please. Repped.
  23. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday 01/04) Will there be popcorn and Yoohoo?
  24. Re: A tip OIF the hat: How to remove Crowns OK, so let's say you removed the crowns. Good jorb there. I wonder if the crowns would compel a less than pure hero to put it on. I don't want to rip too heavily off the LOTR but that is how the Crowns each came to wear their respective party hats. Would the crowns bestow the same powers to another wearer or would the powers better fit with the new owner's personality?
  25. Re: A tip OIF the hat: How to remove Crowns Ee-ew!
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