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Boll Weevil

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Everything posted by Boll Weevil

  1. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman I have never been in or run a game where romantic involvements occured. Occasionally a player takes a DNPC: girlfriend but these serve mostly to be tied to railroad tracks by the handlebar moustache villain. Our games are about fighting bad guys. I have no interest in having players work out their sexual issues through gaming. Personal preference only; not a judgement.
  2. Re: Rapid Fire reality check One possibility that I am suprised no one else has suggested is that you simply are the chosen one. One needs only to look at your avatar. Those hands were made to hold a gun.
  3. Re: What Do You Look For In A City Setting? Please allow me to cast my vote for maps. I have San Angelo and love it, although I have never gotten to use it. I recently picked up Millenium City. There is one map and I could have gotten that one from Mapquest. I am not one to criticize Hero products, I am extremely happy with everything I've seen but in a 100+ page write-up of a campaign city I expect to see some maps. Honestly, if I knew there were no maps I would not have bought it.
  4. Re: I destroyed my CKC...on purpose A hardcovered CKC and an electronic copy? I just peed a little.
  5. Re: The "Whoops" Thread Our old group, The Abnormals, also had no fliers. We were also very brick-heavy. Our official brick was short on Resistant Defense (this changed a bit over the last 20 years). This all seemed OK since the team started out as the second string, one of those games that starts with the demise of the premier super team. After a while it we just knew at some point in the game, Wombat (100 STR) would throw one of us at an escaping villain. Oh, the humiliation! XP eventually rounded out the characters but we still played like they were the underdogs of the CU.
  6. Zounds that was fast. It's a Xerox office copier shared by many cube farm denizens. Are you asking the model number? I can find out when I go to work tomorrow. I can fax to/from it, print to it and scan into TIF, PDF or whatever. Between that and the humongous plotter, the company is just begging me do game stuff instead of building a better floor cleaner.
  7. Yes, i did it. I recently got a new toy at work. My new copier also scans documents into PDF files. I so very wanted to have a PDF of CKC that I carefully unbound My Precious and sacrificed my favorite Hero Sourcebook to the electronic beast. The output is delightful. I now have a PDF of CKC I can print, open in Photoshop and bookmark. Hooray. On a sadder note, my hardcopy book is no more. 120 or so loose pages. I thought about 3-hole punching and placing the pages in a binder. Any other ideas on how to put Humpty back together again?
  8. Re: If you could add one more... The system works pretty good for me but if I had to pick one, I'd like a characteristic that defines smarts. I realize that IQ doesn't always equal smarts. Street smarts and book smarts can be handled with skills. What exactly INT means has always juuuust alluded me even though it is very well explained in the book. Is it merely quickness of thought? I work with many scientists in RL. Many of them arrive at brilliant deductions but do so very slowly. Not to stereotype myself and my co-workers but if you yell "Think Fast!!" and throw a ball at a scientist, well there would be a clean-up in aisle 5.
  9. Just curious if anyone here has ever dressed up for Halloween as a Champions character, either your own or published?
  10. Mea culpa too I'll agree the Champions Universe has many Marvel analogs. In my own games I have seen the same parallels. I try to make my own characters as unique as possible but when they are fleshed out the invariably resemble something from Marvel. The players I have gamed with do the same. I've lost count of the many Wolverine clones who have come to play at my table. I know many on these boards, especially those who are more hardcore comicbook fans than I, are weary of the mutant phenomenon (adolescent mutant emergence, hysteria etc). I do it too. Always have. I for one like gaming in a mutant world.
  11. Re: The "Other" art thread Any requests?
  12. Re: Introduction/ myself and to the Hero System Welcome aboard!
  13. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots I remember fondly the Grond vs Ripper scenario. I had just gotten a new toy at work, a beautiful full-color laser plotter. My coworkers were using it to print full-size engineering documents. Fools! That kind of hardware deserves a real task...GIANT STREET MAP!!! Grond and Ripper were both in Stronghold which was in the campaign city. Some enterprising, but short-sighted security guards got together and decided to make some money. They transported the titans to a concrete-enclosed arena for the fight of the century. The PC's were there on a tip. I had the arena mapped out on an 8.5X11 piece of paper. R&G started fighting and took four phases to breach the walls of arena. I then removed the arena map and revealed the colossal street map. Oh the carnage!!! The fight didn't last as long I thought but the property damage was amazing. The PC's spent the entire battle trying to minimize structure damage and casualties. BTW, Grond won. The battle eventually moved to the river where Grond simply had the upper hand.
  14. Re: Superhero Images Well, let's just say I gave it a try and leave it at that. I will blame this on my crappy mouse. Yeah, that's the ticket...
  15. Re: Supervillain Organizations In Your Town Cincy also has a few Stronghold self-service storage facilities. I dunno, those prefab building look kinda flimsy to me.
  16. I realize this question may be better posted in General Roleplaying, but what can you do? You and your colleagues are members of a government-sanctioned superhero team. The gameworld is mostly CU with a slightly altered timeline. You've been informed of a new member joining your team. At a ceremony to welcome this year's recruits he is introduced. His name...Mechanon.As a player you gasp, "did you say Mechanon?" Mechanon is a robot, created to assist your team in fighting evil. He is a good fighter (his power level is as Mechanon was introduced in earlier books, not near the team-beater he is now). Even better than his combat prowess, Mechanon has been programmed with advanced sensors and analytical programs to help solve super-crimes. A forensic expert. He can sniff a crime scene and tell you what happened using spectral analysis, IR, ballistics, fingerprinting, you name it. Even better, to give Mechy some insight into criminal intent and motive, his neural net is programmed with the brain patterns of dozens of serial killers, rapists and terrorists. This programming gives him the empathy of a profiler. What a great addition to the team!!! As a player, how well could your character fight alongside of Mechanon? Maybe the GM just picked a powerful NPC to add color. Maybe giving him free-will and insight into the mind of evil won't cause him to go batty and kill people later. As a player could you roleplay trusting Mechanon as a loyal teammate and, dare I say, friend? Having been a part of these boards for a long time I am curious to hear how some of you would play this.
  17. Re: Supervillain Images The Classic Enemies pdf is no longer available in the online store.
  18. Re: Supervillain Images Sorry, should have been more clear. I have 4th ed Classic Enemies on PDF. You can open the PDF in Photoshop, select your page and crop off the picture. Once opened, make the original lineart your layer1. For each new element of the picture, create a new layer. You don't have to even stay in the lines. When you are done coloring, move layer 1 to the top so the lineart transposes the coloring.
  19. Re: Supervillain Images Here's a clickable Giganto
  20. Re: Campaign Notes so far I finally finished. Great stuff! Thanks again for sharing. I really felt the fatigue and confusion of what has to have been the worst month ever. Can't wait to read what happens next.
  21. Re: Supervillain Images Count me among those who wish they could draw, sketch, doodle or scribble half as good as those posting here. Good job and please keep posting. I can color though. Once I found out I could open Classic Enemies pages in Photoshop life got a little easier. I had just about gotten them all done when CKC came out. Oh well. At least my Black Palladin is up-to-date My favorites were the ones I was able to grab pieces pieces of other pictures. For Giganto, I "colored" him using the clone stamp tool from a pallete of rock pictures. I am pretty pleased with the final result but I wish I would have fixed his drawers. Seems Giganto likes to wear his pants like my grandfather and the rocks I used... I welcome you criticism. Praise wouldn't hurt either.
  22. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon By God, this is fun. Like a gruelling series of Danger Room scenarios, we keep putting the poor bruised Champions back in there. This time we concentrated on Teamwork. Next time... Eventually, the Champions will win. I will be here waiting, cheering on the meatpuppets. I am curious to know who the battleweary Champs will fight next.
  23. Re: Campaign Notes so far Great stuff! I am only halfway through reading it. I was distracted by the word neutered. I am hoping this means neutralized. Thanks for sharing this. Man, I wish I had kept notes half this good from my campaigns over the years.
  24. Re: TUV accessories: Onstar So you think if I pressed the Onstar button and said "Who sits on the Trilateral Commission and who really killed kennedy" the success rate would be 8- or worse? Thanks for the input!
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