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Everything posted by Querysphinx

  1. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Avast there matey. Here there be Valentines. This is the cover of the Valentines day card I did for my lovely wife. It features her 7thSea character, Lady Leila, and her betrothed, Sir Ryan.
  2. Querysphinx


    Re: Organic Thunder: He signed the organ donor card. Working on the assumption that his brain is soup. Assuming his body can actually be subdivided (Do invulnerable heroes stay invulnerable when they're dead?) she would let the igors do their work. What comes around goes around. Also she'd make damn sure she tracked where and to who the organs went. If the recipients do develop powers their first contacts with the metahuman world will be very formative. Also she'd make sure her organ donor card/will was updated with similar provisions.
  3. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central This is apparently the thread where potential GM's go to die an early death. First Mallet, now Sweeper. I begin to fear the implications of posting here. Will THEY be coming for me next.
  4. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory B.O.A. Bureau Of Assassination A.N.G.E.L. Arrogant Noxious Greedy Evangelical Leader P.A.L.I.N.D.R.O.M.E.D.A.R.Y. Partisan Agitator Leading Intolerant Neophytes During Revolutionary Operations Marginalizing Everyone Described As Rotten Yankees.
  5. Re: (really) Super Tuesday Thunder: "You want a Jewish president?" Assuming she was old enough at the time, she'd run. And no one can run like Thunder. Her domestic platform would be a manhattan+apollo+d-day invasion level project for energy independence, universal health care (You can stick with your current plan, or you can opt into a tax subsidized plan based on your income, because there are just too many people who can't pay for health care no matter how low taxes are), and education (Everyone who wants an education should be allowed to get one. Americas export product of the future would be R&D). Everything else can sort itself out. Gay marriage: "Why are we defending marriage from people who want to get married? Heck, why is the government involved in what is essentially a private contract between two individuals to begin with?" Basically take the govt. out of marriage entirely. Foreign policy: Throw economic and political weight into making Jerusalem a free city run by a council of secular Jews, Christians and Muslims. Fight to give the Palastinians their own state. Iraq is a frigging mess. Seriously ramp up the rebuilding efforts in the urban centers. Worry about stability more than "democracy." Taiwan is a country and is not part of China.
  6. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Making Money by Terry Pratchett. It's not up to par with some of his other stuff like Night Watch, but it's still better than 90% of what's out there. 4 out of 5 stars.
  7. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory Hmmm.... In my long ago campaign I had some Terminator styled robots called T.I.N.S.T.A.R.s Tactical Infiltration & Neutralization Shock Trooper Anthropmorphic Robot. Then there's the bona-fide acronym for the U.S. military's H.A.W.K. missile. Hit Always Will Kill
  8. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central Cool I have 25 more points to play with... So many choices. Question. If a character always carries a gun, does that count as character specific weaponry? What about Sihn'ba's swords?
  9. Re: Help with a name Dr. Von Slime! Splotch The Blot The Human Stain Vundertar
  10. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Here's another experiment in colored pencil 6x9" working on darkness and illumination and transparency effects. Her name is INFERNO and she's a living heat pump. Her body is ice and she generates fire.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Super callused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis.
  12. Re: Help with a name Low Tar Filtered
  13. Re: Help with a name It makes perfect sense if it's his alma mater...
  14. Re: WWYCD Fantasy HERO Edition #1: The Princess Shell Game It's a shell game. Ergo the princess is not in ANY of the cells. Lacking any mind controlling, truth determining magic, we let all the women go, one at a time and interview them about where Dirk the Darklord of Derkholm went. Listen to their sob stories, see if we can gather any clues about what Dirk the Darklord of Derkholm is up to next. If they turn out to be evil nasties, we whack 'em. If they turn out to be innocent we escort 'em to town.
  15. Re: Help with a name Tarheel.
  16. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central I built Sihn'ba at 125+75 disads for a total of 200. Sweeper please let me know if I have more points to play with. What are the active points limits in this campaign? Is there a rule of X
  17. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central Hmmm.... My two favorites from the four are Sihn'ba and Cass "Birdseye" Falco. Either one of them would work in a pulp-supers setting. There's the exotic foreign sword dancer and the small-town hero with bio-degradable wings. Not too super to pass for normal when need be. Not too powerful to be bulletproof. I don't have hero designer or 5th ed or any of the books (4th ed has always worked for me.) So any character I come up with will have to vetted.
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So it's just you and a room full of hypoglycemic supermodels? A: It's sort of like a milkshake, only not really.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Only if you're waving a red flag yelling "Toro!"
  20. Re: Characters Pictures I do commissions. And it depends on what you consider reasonable. Prices depend on exactly what you want.
  21. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central My fundamental issue would be which character to play. I put up four of them. Chicago sounds good though.
  22. Re: Return of the blimp/zepellin Spend some time in Japan. They will absolutely kill you (in a good way) with politeness. Of course you will never ever get a straight answer from anyone about any topic more controversial than the weather, but the circumlocutions will be very polite. As for cargo transport, what we need to do is improve our (the U.S.) rail system. Ever since the govt gave control of the rail lines back to the rail companies they've been doing their level best to choke every last "now" penny out of their track while utterly ignoring the "later" dollar they would make from investing in new track/properly upkeeping existing track. (You can't spell "stupid" without U.P.) Good rail makes more sense than dirigibles for cargo transport.
  23. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Jacqueline MacLean, Cockatrice, my once-upon-a-time teen Champion and now the epynomous star of her own novel. (Still awaiting publication) Shown here innocently awaiting her date.
  24. Re: Brainstorming a 1920's Pulp-esque campaign. Howe about this. The influenza hits, but thanks to some early experimental bio-chemical engineering, it goes crazy and begins mutating like mad. Some people who get it, get over it. Some people are crippled, some people die and some people are changed in unexpected ways all over the planet. There's a village in the Ardens where all the citizens reverted to bestial savagery, retaining their cunning, but losing their compassion and gaining great strength and speed. Down in Serbia you get people who have lost their ability to produce certain hormones necessary to survival. Their minds are nearly vegetative, but they're immune to pain and and are possessed of an incredible drive to survive, which they do by eating the hypothalmus of non-infected humans. "Brains Brains." You could use these viral mutations to have outbreaks of weirdness all over the planet. On the one hand the virus is everybody's problem, but since the weirdnesses don't seem to be related, the various governments do not band together against it. The war goes on, with each side hampered by it's own outbreaks and every mad scientist on the planet trying to figure out a way to control the virus. I can see this as a low-powered supers campaign, each of the supers being either an exceptional Doc-Savage type normal or someone who has been weirded in a useful way. 200-250 pts. My 2 bits
  25. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central Dang, how do I get a job like that? But as always, work comes first.
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