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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" Uncle Slam wouldn't have to lift a finger for PRIMUS to come down on him. They can't afford that sort of confusion. Anthem would have no real recourse, being somewhat poor and far away. BUt if they were doing something illegal, she'd ask other heroes to help her get to the other city for a field trip of sorts, so she can catch the individual. If they are merely taking money for performing heroic acts, she'd make it a point to contact the media for that city and correct them for their misreporting. But she's not a big enough name for anyone to really worry about.
  2. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities Anyone allowed Resurrection in their game? How'd it go?
  3. Re: You've taken over the world. Now what? Has never, ever come up. The only villains who've ever managed to "rule" are those in alternate worlds, where you can give them any means of recruiting you want (From incentives to brainwashing). Fear is usually the big means of control. A despot with control of your food and other resources or, more ominously, with a biological organism that can decimate everyone if an insurrection happens, can manage to keep control for a considerable amount of time... until the heroes show up of course.
  4. Re: Is "Its cheaper this way" enough for you? Limitations for the sake of limitations are always disallowed by me. There are rare exceptions and those the players KNOW I will get them for. A prime example is "Real" Equipment (Real Armor, Real weapon). If someone is going to shave points off their sword or blaster by taking this then I'm going to make certain that when they are dropped into a sewere that the blade becomes rusty over the course of the game when the player forgets to take care of it, and that the blaster stops working properly when he hits the sewage.
  5. Re: PRIMUS or UNTIL PRIMUS, as they are the domestic group. UNTIL may confer with them (if asked) but take no action in PRIMUS territory.
  6. Re: Ravenswood Academy Yearbook [wolf whistle] Well, dang. Probably the first time in my life I ever wished I was back in school.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Colorblind - Counting Crows
  8. Blue

    WWYCD: Flipside

    Re: WWYCD: Flipside Anthem wouldn't care to be reversed. After all, suddenly becoming a conscienceless sociopath, she would be more interested in hunting down the criminals and putting them in their graves. She's still be a hero, but not the kind anyone would admire. Uncle Slam likewise would not care anymore. He'd be consumed with bringing down the government from the inside. He'd leak the many, many, MANY things he knows that the government has done but that he'd been under high security restrictions to keep to himself. After doing this surreptitiously for a while, he'd ultimately realize he could do more harm from the top. People had bugged him for years to run for President becuase of his huge fan base, and now he'd do it... to our detriment. Audra Blue would discover all of that outwarde rage she'd kept pent up and that she used to selectively bring down evil-doers would be directed inward. She'd binge on self-destructive behavior and probably be found dead of an overdose, with tremendous hordes of drugs, bondage paraphernalia, and not a few supervillains present.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Dani California from the forthcoming Red Hot Chili Peppers CD. (Don't ask how I get to hear it)
  10. Blue

    New Clix

    Re: New Clix Would love one, but likely a pain-in-the-**** limted edition I'd probably only get for a big was of cash on e-bay.
  11. Re: Name That Band Hero! Here's a left turn for ya... Bang Bang - Makes a gun shape with his fingers and fires energy blasts Evergreen - The living tree. Fear the nettles! Summer wind - Elementalist The Gypsy - Psychic and magician One Finger Melody - Sonic blaster so called because of her use of rude gestures
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Cutie
  13. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I rarely team unless it's with my friend Joe these days. If he's not on, I don't play my primary character (since that way we can keep pace). My secondaries are typically solo'd, but every once in a while I join a team with my Brute and suddenly I'm inundated with SG offers. Then if I accept, I don't feel like playing that character (because when I come online suddenly the SG is expecting me to run to them, when in fact they're secondary to playing with my buddy). So I did recently accept an SG offer after much cajoling from them, only to decide that next time I log on I'm gonna pull my membership.
  14. Re: Name That Band Hero! Not me. This one will be less easy than the ones I've been doing: Moon Baby - Hot chick who causes many forms of lunacy (as most hot chicks do) Spiral - Vertigo powers, making targets ill and dizzy Touche - Swordsman in the Evil Erol Flynn mold Faceless - Think one of Marvel's "mindless Ones' only with a bad disposition Voodoo - Magic weilder
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I log in for that reason only, really. And starting 4/1 there's another reason to log in. There's a "give away" that you are entered into each day that you log on in April. It's mentioned on the CoH site.
  16. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities The Mental Entangle is the first one that came to mind for me when I came up with this subject; Primarily because the guy who does it meant it as a "times top" power, freezing a foe in place. We mediated that being "strong enough" to break yourself free of that time freeze was slightly less logical than being able to will your way out. But let's say our heroes meet up with a team of villains in a park or a bank. Even numbers maybe (5 heroes, 5 villains). Two of the Villains have enough EGO to break the simple 4D6 entangle (One with effort, the other, pretty regularly). The other 3 are screwed, unless the villain with mental powers stops to ego attack the entangle, thus wasting his turn. During which time, the Hero simply throws up another one. Now of course at that time the villains are definitely targeting that guy, unless they've got reason not to (Such as in the above scenario, a sniper who was sworn enemy of a different hero and thus targeted him first). A hero able to tie up at least one villain every turn with ease becomes a problem in a hurry. Especially since it takes attention away from another big threat (the team brick). I figure having enough "casual EGO" to break through is one thing (per book). Having a team egoist to knock down such attacks is another move. And I'm thinking a nasty surprise for the hero would be someone with a "reflection" ability to send the Ego Freeze back or at another hero. But I figure after this happens in every fight, or after the villains suddenly start taking down that guy first in every fight (because the GM knows to, not because every Villain team is brilliant), then there's a problem. I'm trying to balance fun with fairness.
  17. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities I can come up with one-shot ways of circumventing powers. I think my concern is that EVERY villain showing up who has something important suddenly has accounted for the hero's abilities, rendering him useless.
  18. Let's say you let a player have a power that is a little tough to deal with in general. A few exmples might include: Entangle Based on ECV Small EB Based on ECV (does BODY), around 3D6 Detect Truth Fairly High Powered Telepathy Now these turn out during game play to be powers that do quite a bit to derail adventures. The first ability winds up letting the player freeze a big threat or three so that everyone else can gang up on those left to fight; The EB slowly pecks away at someone who no one else seems to be able to hurt; The characters always know that the NPCs aren't being straight with them; The players manage to dredge up big pieces of the hidden plot from the minds of their victims. As a GM, you have a responsibility to make things more difficult on your players. If they waltz through scenarios then its not all that rewarding for them. On the other hand, if villains start showing up with High EGOs, with special powers of deception, with Resistant Mental Defense, it's a cheat to the hero to some degree that his powers stop being all that functional. I realize this is why they put the caution and stop signs in the book, but curing play sometimes something proves more troublesome than expected. How do you handle the powers that seem to circumvent your game? Do you repeatedly slap down the "offender" by beefing up your villains to unconscienable degress? Do you let them run roughshod? Do you wind up inserting a mysterious mental defense mid-combat to spare the adventure's plotline? In short, how do you deal with powers that exist in your game that are proving to be a headache?
  19. Blue

    Laughing Gas?

    Re: Laughing Gas? Environmental control works too (-X OCV/DCV due to heavy laughter)
  20. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread My boss said to me, "Of all the people in the office, you're the only one that I can't live without." Nice thing to say. That's in lieu of pay of course. Everything is "graded" and I'm a the top of my grade, so he's not empowered to give us raises.
  21. Re: Name That Band Hero! Ah. The Sweet. (Ballroom Blitz was the only one I recognized; Wasn't a big listener)
  22. Re: U.N.T.I.L. Logo Oh well. I like it anyway
  23. Re: Help with Mental Power I was also thinking Mental Illusions with a Mind Control that is triggered by attacking the illusion; The MC effect: When the attacker sees the target crumble ina heap (per the illusion) they immediately go into grief and despair
  24. Re: Name That Band Hero! Didn't see this one (but I might have missed it)... Rocket - Move through specialist, a la cannonball. Lady Strange - Mage Stagefright - Disfigured Actor turned phantom-of-the-opera acrobat and martial artist Hysteria - Mentalist
  25. Re: Name That Band Hero! Misfits. Don't know a lot of Misfits stuff. I'm more of a Danzig man.
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