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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Re: Name That Band Hero! Yeh I know. I'm just stumped. I'll leave it now to others.
  2. Re: Name That Band Hero! Power & Glory sounds like Saxon. But I honestly can't place all the songs with them. Destroyer sounds like Kinks.
  3. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Anyone who wants to see a sample of the AGEIA in action (in another game) can sit through this painfully slow loadeding website then click on the two videos (which are pretty cool): http://physx.ageia.com/footage.html Near as I can tell, the main manufacturer (ASUS) doesn't even put these add-on PPU units out until May. So I'm guessing the update for I7 "mayhem missions" won't be as cool until these proliferate and you fork over quite a few bucks.
  4. Re: And Still More Pulpable minis If the empire club ever wants to run a fox hunt... http://www.megaminis.com/MEGA/JPG/MEM/MEM-40006.jpg
  5. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game When you hit 20th level, you should contact (call) your very first contact. They'll suddenly have a new mission for you. I think Auras are gathered similarly (at 30th).
  6. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Features seem to crossover eventually, but I honestly don't know what their plan is. On a side note, got my pirate villain a new costume last night. Turns out if I turn him all white, buy him a tattered cape, and turn on his hover power, he looks like every Scooby-Doo villain. (Or the Pirate Ghosts from the South Park KoRn episode.) Now I just need to work on some macros. I'm thinking. "I'd have won if it weren't for those meddling kids!"
  7. Re: Wisdom INT is more of a modifier of how innately good a character is at various skills. I think the choice of KS basically determines whether someone is "Wise" or "Smart". Here's how I'd define it: WISDOM is knowledge and abilities you (generally) learn through trial and error or by being shown; INTELLIGENCE is knowledge and abilities you learn through study or academic instruction. Naturally there is some crossover, but for example.. WISE: Survival, Streetwise, KS: Poisonous Plants, KS: Indigenous Animals SMART: Science, KS: Law, PS: Lawyer If you want someone to be "wise" but not intelligent, leave the INT at 10 and buy up their knowledge skills.
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/060321/20060321005660.html
  9. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Keith and Storn are the Man! Er--uh, Men. I'd get a commision but I don't want anyone drawing my characters better than me!
  10. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread You could just write nice things about us. I could read that all day!
  11. Re: Friends, 1934 I think the guy who works at the coffee shop (the little guy with the blonde hair) should be a nazi sent to spy on their little enclave. Discovering that Phoebe may be 'psychic' and wanting that for his Fuerer, he tries to kidnap phoebe, but accidentally grabs her pornstar/burlesque star sister instead who came into the coffee house looking for her.
  12. Re: Transform vs SFX Maybe the SFX isn't that the armor is chipped or worn, but more that it's kind of spectral; It's not fully tangible and fully effective until it is totally healed. (Though it does occur to me that he will definitely need to be wearing clean underwear)
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Finding Out True Love Is Blind - Louis XIV
  14. Blue

    I'm gone

    Re: I'm gone There's never a good time to get out of it. But good luck with that!
  15. Re: Entangling giants Without reading the other responses (So I may be repeating someone else): I'd say if Casual STR is enough to ignore the entangle then I'd let an oversized character ignore it the way they would shrug off anything else. Otherwise I'd count it as a normal entangle, otherwise you're penalizing someone with entangle for paying extra for AOE. If it wasn't AOE, and just "single target", then you'd hold the guy, so why would it be less so for an AOE? He'd certaily be the only one in that area, though.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? A conference call AND Hearthshaped Box by Nirvana.
  17. Re: Which published characters do you use? If I use a pre-made adventure, I use the Champions Villains intended for use with it. If I use my own adventure, they only show up if I need them as filler (Which leaves a few utility players; Herculan, Utility, and a couple others). Anyone else is from 4th ed and earlier or totally orignal.
  18. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did I'd say Justice Machine but I don't think that was a matter of having any haters out there; It just wasn't circulated wide enough to make the big splash. And every time a new company bought it they had a new format size for the comic.
  19. Re: 6th Edition thoughts They could go the Wizards route and release it as 3 seperate books. I mean, essentially what D&D is, is a book about the size of 5ER, only split into 3 parts (PHB, DMG, MM) stripped of setting info, and stuffed with color pictures. It would be something like the "Character Builder book" and "Combat Book". Everything else could show up seperately as always (FH, SH, Champions, etc.) If they wanted the equivalent of a Monster Manual, they could pack it with villains of different genres. But I'm more a fan of having it all in one REALLY WELL INDEXED book. Makes life so much easier. So, to recap: 6th Edition?
  20. Re: help my friend is overpowered!!!!! Heh. That works. "Captain Thou, mind if I call ya CK? CK, this little piddly stuff can be handled by the other guys. Come to far off Zen-La with me, where I hear they've got a REAL problem..."
  21. Re: Teen Zombies (undead in a teen champions game) Yeh, drop the language, add MUTE disad, unless you want them to be talking zombies ("More Brains!", "I Want My Cake Bedeliah!"). Odd diet (Brains) might figure into some disad points too. But back to the matter of summoning them: Can't recall if summoning in a multipower causes the summoned to vanish when you reallocate the points, but I don't think it does, so yer probably safe there. (Teen Necromancer sounds like an enemy for my Teenage Zombie, Sleepwalker)
  22. Re: help my friend is overpowered!!!!! I think what you just said here is what you tell him. "It's just not fun to play when you run that character because he does everything for us. Why not try something new?" Frankly, I can't believe your GM would allow such a power discrepancy.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? No Rain - Blind Melon
  24. Re: The world is a fragile, fragile, place... One could treat STR the same way they treat an emotion. A guy who has difficulty interacting with the world could devolve into pills or alcohol (though being an "angry drunk" would certainly work counter to the numbing effect sought by alcohol). He could also turn to religion, or even enlightenment in the form of zen mastery; He could seek in the ancient wisdom of others the ultimate control of his physical state.
  25. Re: Foxbat: A place in your campaign? Have not employed him in my current campaign. But he did make an appearance in my previous one. He's just what you think he is; Comic relief! He's there for a change of pace.
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