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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Re: Anyone combine Champs with Call of Cuthulu? The only direct CoC crossover I played was with Runequest, since the systems were pretty compatible. I've always used elements of Cthulhu mythos, but never ripped anything directly off for games I run. I do like such combos though, because for once the characters are able to direclty interract on some level with the heavy hitters. As a GM it would also be fun to have superheroes go insane. Muahahahaha!
  2. Re: What if the M.U. was consistent? I understand. I'm just being a wise@$$ as usual. I think there are plenty of things that need shored up in Marvel & DC, but enough so that I wouldn't make the effort myself to run a game. Just better to do my own thing. But that doesn't make it any less fun to take someone else's ideas and improve them.
  3. Re: What if the M.U. was consistent? Cinsistancy? In a comic book world? What's the point?
  4. Re: Introducing Scott Free Press! How about that. Only on the board a couple weeks and already you type like us.
  5. Re: Your personal comic book origins
  6. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Oooh... sugar.... crash... is..... here.... Quick, someone freebase some chocolate for me. I'll tie off.
  7. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did The Thanos series was great. There aren't enough good star-spanning superhero books. I loved the idea of this former villain on a quest for redemption, the plots involving Gladiator, Galactus (and a forgotten herald of sorts) and the use of Pip the Troll, whom I used to find annoying but here thought he was a nice counterpoint to the grim Thanos.
  8. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Someone gave me a Starbucks card because I tried (and failed) to repair his computer. White Chocolate Mocha's are delicious it turns out. ...sugar....rush....coming.....
  9. Re: Your personal comic book origins My mom made my brother give me a few comic books. He looked through his collection (which was very small) and gave me some issues of The Eternals. I loved the stories more than the art. It wasn't until many, many years later that I came to appreciate the Kirby art; Just wasn't a style I liked originally. The Fantastic Four. I liked the cockiness of the Human Torch, despite the fact that most of the issues I had rarely made him the hero; It was almost always Reed or The Thing. Hanging around with my brother and cousin, I think I could empathize. The Hulk. I had just started getting issues when the TV Series came up. I was already a big enough geek to point out all the differences between the TV show and the comics
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Bradley, my vampire, cleaves a Leprechaun in two. Not simply content with that, he looks down at the splat on the ground and taunts enthusiastically, "Top of the Mornin' to ya!" Then one of the funnier battles I've ever engaged in takes place.
  11. Re: What Comic Book Titles are you Buying (Not Reading, Buying) Buying: Nothing Reading: Nothing Confused by: Anything crossover. I'll get back to reading, just not yet.
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. That's very nice. I like the level of detail.
  13. Re: ExrtraDimensional Bases & getting to them Give the base's AI the ability to target and port outsiders. Makes for a nice plot device when it goes insane and starts porting in stray puppies, naughty nurses, and psycho villains.
  14. Re: Ogrecave podcast Suppose I could pour myself a drink and it would be like I was there.
  15. Re: Patriotic Heroes Major Rights (He'd probably throw some major lefts too) Captain Independance General Liberties sounds like he could do what he wants when he wants. Does the US Navey have "Commadores"? It sounds much more navy like. Much like Admiral (Though I have no Admiral _______ suggestions)
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Soul to Squeeze - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Plush - Stone Temple Pilots (Live accoustic version)
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread A brief story about nothing By Blue There were film trailiers parked across the street from work. This is not the first time. I'm located in a downtown area across from a 100 year old court building that's in beautiful shape. Last time they filmed there it was some B-movie. Before that was some scenes from the live action/animated mix movie Rocky & Bullwinkle. I have a beautiful photo on my desk of a dear (and now deceased) friend taken when Catch me if you Can was being filmed there; She's standing just behind Spielberg & Hanks, while Stephen displays proudly his leatherbound script for the camera. So I'm eager to find out what's going on. Nobody seems to know or even have noticed the trailers. Lunch time finally comes! So I jaunt down the 9 flights of stairs (because an elevator at lunch could be a long wait) and stroll over. I spy a cop standing guard over the site. I stroll up to him. "Hi. What are they filming today?" "Oh. Uh. Taco Bell Commercial." "Really?" I rhetorically ask, disappointed inside but sounding mildly excited about it. Not gonna be any stars to ask about then. But because of the unexpected enthusiasm I displayed for no reason, I can't resist but follow up with, "Is the Chihauaha here?!?!" The cop looks at me blank faced. No sense of humor at all. So I came back to the office. It occurs to me then that I should have yelled "Yo Quiero Taco Bell!" a few times to see if it answered from one of the trailers. But it's probably a good thing I didn't think of that; I'm allergic to nightstick beatings.
  19. Re: DC versus Marvel: different styles I agree. That's actually a good point regarding villain strength.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Zero Chance - Soundgarden
  21. Re: Wunderwaffen!!! - Secret German Warmachines of WW 2 Mmm. WonderWaffles [drool] What? This isn't the NGD! How did I get here?
  22. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules I think it's a simple matter of cost consideration. In order to make the power come out at the desired cost and keep it in line with other powers, it was constructed the given way. And as GM the way you mitigate someone saying "How come I can't build my EB AOE blah blah blah this way" is by saying, "Because I'm the GM." Believe it or not, my players accept that, though I've never had to do that in Champions.
  23. Re: ***Superhype News Report*** So are the heroes getting hassled for killing a villain or does the media clearly recognize it was necessary in the course of the fight?
  24. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Might as well be Strangers - Keane
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Wasteland by 10 Years, off of "The Autmn Effect". Very like "A Perfect Circle" if yer into them.
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