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Everything posted by LordGhee

  1. Re: Rocksalt... Thanks for the Rep Lord Ghee
  2. Re: Help me build a fantasy setting Mr Mouse, Is this a result of trade or was this city conquered. Is the population mix human faire and other? Is the feel you are trying to get like Xena, Hercules, LOTR or Kingdom of heaven with magic? what is your starting point for your group and what is base human 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 split. how commen are item of magic? Are the players adult,teens or mixed? Do your player role paly or just kill it or you do not know? How is this city fed. From the surrounding oasis is it brought in (really small city) is this city here do to water, moutain pass, minerals? and are u running 5ER or 6th hope to be more help Lord Ghee
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Lord Ghee here, Our group has been playing champions since 1982 and we have a group of players that is pretty well split, 4 since 1982, 4 with 15 years experience and 4 who have been playing from a month to a few years. During our Dragon Riders Fantasy Hero game on Friday nights run by one of our newest players Anna, trying to Game Master for first time and doing a fine job I might add, this conversation happen. Lord Ghee: “so Mindy (new gamer) you got the pdf of the 6th edition. Mindy,” Yes, I have just started to read it.“ Tawnee (since 1982 and 500+ characters). “ Oh what are some of the changes?” Blackjack (poster on these boards and 15 yrs Hero gamer) “well they added some powers like barrier”. Lord Ghee,” but Steve Long took away entangles ability to make a barrier”. Robert,”How are you going to do spider guys web now?” Blackjack,” Not sure, but Mr. Long seems to be going to a one power should do one thing”. Tawnee “what else has been changed?” Blackjack, “ comeliness is gone.” Anna, ”They must not play with any girls”. Blackjack,” and there are no more figured characteristics”. Dan (since 1982).” I took a character and put it stats at 20 and it came out a 125, in 6th edition the same stats cost 162.” Lord Ghee, “dreaded character inflation raises it ugly head, I want everything now, there is no need of experience and disadvantages, I mean complications.” Chris (since 1995 and 400 hundred characters built), “see (to Anna) my character has a comeliness of 23” Tawnee,” name changing just to put the writers stamp on the work?” Lord Ghee, “ No do not think so. To be fair, the guess among our groups here in El Paso is that the Champions online will bring in a lot of new players so the business decision is to make it like the online game. Money talks.” Tawnee, “what else is gone” Chris, “ find weakness “ Tawnee, What! That represents so many things.” Chris, “and elemental controls are gone.” Blackjack, “that been a valid discount since the game started. Why would you change something so basic and integral to so many characters over 25 years?” Tawnee, “So after getting all these thousands of new players from the online game you can introduce elemental controls in 7th addition and sell it as something new.” Lord Ghee, ”no way, no one would do that. That is evil.” Tawnee. “Well, (dramatic pause), He is a Lawyer.” And the table fell over Laughing. As we boldly host the jolly roger of 5th edition revised and sail off into the gaming sunset. This is an edited and greatly reduced in content version of our discussion. Any mention of any person alive or dead is purely a fictional . . . . And Lawyers are not evil, they just seem that way. Oh no! feel lawyer jokes starting can’t stop LOL, Why do sharks . . . . . . . . Thanks for the rules for many years and saving our game Mr Long and all in fun. Lord Ghee
  4. Re: Rocksalt... here is one way http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/bot33.htm and off a police forum Rock salt works extremely well, I speak from experience. When I was 17 several of my friends and I were caught stealing watermelons from a farmer and I took a round in the ass and down the back of my legs while trying to scale a fence. Very painful experience. The farmer called the police and I got a ride home from them. When I got home the police officer asked my Dad if he wanted to press charges. "Well the hell for? If he was'nt stealing shit he would never have been shot!!" was good ole Dad's response. He then proceeded to make me sit in a bath tub of warm water to make the salt disolve, making for painful experience #2. I guess Dad proved his point because I never stole from a farmer again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so there u go \ Lord Ghee
  5. Re: Spartan Soldier (300) Try the orginal 300 Spartans http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055719/ this came out in 1962 and seeing as a kid a few years later on late night tv got me into minatures, wargaming then rgs. still to spread out but the wedge attk and the final arrow storm. kewl Lord Ghee
  6. Re: Rocksalt... I have never had rock salt shot at me, I listen to my garndfather many wiswe words and just asked the gentleman on the farm next to my grandfather if i could have a watermelon. My cousins on the other hand, well at 30 yds rocksalt dose not spread much we could tell this by the pattern on the right butt cheak of my cousins blue jeans. He wasgoing over the fence at the corner and at the top of his apogee bang. From the screams it must be agony. you have to clean out the salt for it to stop hurting. blue jeans are no defense and at 50 yds (second barrel) my cousins friend got salted in the back. just a lot of wimpering. the presence attk of a man coming out of his house screaming i going to get u with a shotgun is considerable. the bang sounds like a regular bang so you think you are under lethal attack. My grandfather ask me where I got the watermelons I replyed from your neighbor and he said thank you for the hay. and I never told my cousins that. hehehe under 30 yds it is damaging at 10 yds if hit in chest could kill you (posining the target is a strong possabity) everyine in town commented that it was a good shot and when asked the farmer stated that I was going to fire into the air but when that kid went over the fence and present that target well I could not resist taken the shot. I thank my grandfather for teaching me to be polite, I got watermelons for the family and got cool points with my cousins. Lord Ghee
  7. Re: Clyde Barrow's Sawn-Off BAR Just so you know We our Soliders and Marines got off the boat in France their brigth shiny new BAR where taken away and put in storage and they where given the Chauchat with it open tray feed which always jamed do to supply fears. The fighting men hated and gave the Chauchat (pronounced show shat) a fighting mans nickname that rymed. The French learn and licenced the BAR and turn the reciver so that the clip was on the top like the bren. it equiped their infanrty during the interwar and ww II period. The best bar work in movie is in the sand pebbles with Steve McQueen and a very young Robert Wagner in From heaven to hell Lord Ghee
  8. Re: Clyde Barrow's Sawn-Off BAR According to interviews with surving gang members and family Bonniie just reloaded during fire fights. She practice with with them. the intresting thing is they made thier living robbing gas stations with an average take of about 15 dollars and gas and food. some thing like a hundred robberies, it was one of the ways they got found it was easy to track them to the area they where in. and about the firepower From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia At 11 p.m. that night, Sheriff Coffey led a group of officers armed with Thompson submachine guns toward the cabins.[19] But in a pitched gunfight at considerable distances, the submachine guns proved no match for Clyde Barrow's preferred Browning Automatic Rifles, stolen July 7, 1933 from the National Guard armory at Enid, Oklahoma the Posse chose to arm itself with BARs. the Barrow gang killed nine police officers which largetst total I have ever read about. You ride with the gang you die with the gang. Lord Ghee El paso TX
  9. Re: Char: Richard Burton (2) some feel he really converted and he was a really intresting person. He wrote a practatial guide to sword fighting which only part was finish or survied. As he kill a few native in combat with a sword witness by fellows on the nile expedition, he felt that the sword training he had gotten was limited and poor. At his death his wilfe very straight laced went into his office (a large room lined with books and 6,from memory might have been more, larges desks one for each project he was working on and read what he was working on. A few days later a large bonfire was had by the wife who was not amused at the works. Lord Ghee
  10. Re: Spartan Soldier (300) Just a note doing a little read on the thermaploye battle and came across a fact, The Spartan Army marched 140 mile s in three days to get to Marathon (still late). that is at least 46 + miles a day (they coverd most of the ground on the first two days. This hast to be a record. Lord Ghee
  11. Re: How to build a Cheap City 1.5" or 37.5 mm ?? there are a lot of lines of Minatures, the main scales are 15mm and 25mm Or 28mm used with 25 alot. Here are some Heroes http://www.agisn.de/html/superheroes.html for MR Long Pulp figures http://pulpfigures.com/main.php?custID=64121161421251818456 my favorite period also and invaders for your city like thease by Eureka http://www.eurekaminusa.com/catalog.aspx?c=Boiler%20Suit%20Apes%20by%20Kosta%20Heristanidis&cid=127&pageIndex=0 http://www.eurekaminusa.com/catalog.aspx?c=Zombies%20by%20Kosta%20Heristanidis&cid=17&pageIndex=0 and of course you need to get Learned! http://www.eurekaminusa.com/product.aspx?id=1843&cid=212 Lord Ghee
  12. Re: About Traveling Speed where they caugth. The players blew it with no urgency, every pursuit is time depended, you do not want the mogols to get back to the hord the ocrs to get to thier caves, the Indians to thier tribe and most of all. You do not want the find the trails has been croseed by that #@$% herd of buffalo which distroyed the tracks for miles. I am not bitter. Lord Ghee we will get those Indians yet.
  13. Re: About Traveling Speed Good answer Lawnmower Boy, But it is lightly raining, If you had said sprinkles where it gets drops then stops this generaly would not effect the track. A light rain after a couple hours and you will have mud. cobble stone type roads will be very slick. in the wild, a group of horse men would chew up the ground and you would track fairly easily but the mud would interfere with travel. The general rule in History is that a man on a horse travel twice as fast on the first day, 50% more the secound and the same on the third unless you have forage and mount exchanges. If a horse is moving it is not eating and grazing takes time. Indians talk of 3 to 5 days to run down a wild horse. One of man advanatages is he can eat on the move better than most animals. One question is how long is the day, during summer in Europe the day can start at 4 am and end at 10 pm (pre dawn light to dark). start up at pre dawn and you got 19 hrs to drop at side of road. the party can make 40 to 50 miles with a little push. So do the horsemen know they are being pursude. if not the slick ground will mean they must go slower in order to protect their horse (laden horse falls much worse than man with break fall) a dirt road is worse case for players untill the top layer turns to mud speed would not need to be decreased, fields, heather ect get slick quick but do not get muddy as fast. If the party marches hard 5 mph pace rest for every 2 or 3 hours they can make in a long day what the horsemen would at a normal pace and normal day. the horsemen ride for 5 -6 hours make 5 mph push a little the first hour to 8 mph so they make 30 to 35 miles and then camp to alow the horse to graze and divided up the spoils. If they go they full summer day they make 80 miles but in a gruop at leat one horse will lame up and that is why remounts are important. so after a 12 hour chase the partiy is at 35 miles (with a cuople of hours pushing, pursuit was the word) and the horses at 50milles. If the horse men feel safe they make a fire and the pary has a good chance of spotting it ). then a night marche of 1.25mph in the dark (a night every thing is twice as hard ) and a dawn attk on the horsemen. just some thoughts Lord Ghee
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Went to v and v site by way of google and superhero 2044 was first ha Lord Ghee
  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far From the dustbin of my mind out at the time of the fantasy trip, villains and vigilantes not at all familiar with it Lord Ghee
  16. Re: Transparent Aluminium, for real! I was in College in 1981 and doing som work on a paper when a found a title to a paper transperient Aluminium. this was a response paper to work at other schools. This was not somthing pulled out of the air by the writers but was high theroy at the time. STill theroy. Lord Ghee
  17. Re: GM Justice Inc Quandry This is a WHAT HAPPEN???? Bump
  18. Re: How would this work - Citizenship I read about how American force searched the talaban for papers, this got me curious I ask some veterans and they said that the talaban issue document (much like US 100 years ago) and are a goverment with citizens as is the Afgan goverment. Lord Ghee
  19. Re: How would this work - Citizenship Narf Meaning What?? Please rephase thank you Lord Ghee
  20. Re: How would this work - Citizenship Citizenship just some thoughts. Citizen Landed with a certain value usually enough to support the person so they could support a warrior in full battle regalia for its time. Usually one had to have a parent that was a citizen but for most societies you needed the property and one could buy it. With citizenship came the right to participate in the civil society by voting and holding office which offices could be a matter of how much land (Rome) or by birth (Sparta). Citizenship also carried the right to bear arms and defend one’s self. Citizenship also usually allow one to arrest non-citizens and one was expected to enforce the law. A freeman could move freely (such a tradesmen) but could not bear arms and defend himself. A gentleman is a person who can bear arms (award of arms) but has no title and therefore no property. This is consider the first level of nobility and is consider above the yeoman. In America before Citizenship became a matter of only birth this allowed non-citizens to carry weapons and defend oneself such as officers in the army. The only way to carry a weapon was under lawful statue in performance of ones duty (such as a soldier or lawman). In England a Yeoman was a freeman who had ownership of his own land or trade but did not have an award of arms so could not carry weapons and defend one self. A knight had enough land to support himself in battle regalia and had an award of arms associated (let no blow be unreturned) with the title to the land. In some lands the knight also had lawenforcement dutys but that was generally for the upper ranks of nobility. Serf and slaves. A slave is the absolute property of his master, and may be sold in any way killed and no rights (such as movement, property, defense). A serf, according to the strict sense of the term, is one bound to work on a certain estate, and thus attached to the soil, and sold with it into the service of whoever purchases the land. Serf had customary and legal rights such as protection by the lord. Neither has to right to bear arms or to defend oneself. I understand the vandals when taking over roman property informed the slaves they where now serfs which gave them rights as the right to trial and not to be killed by whim (protected). This made the reconquest of roman providences harder for now the serfs had a stake. Athens was famous as they declared that it was the first city one could move about unarmed (with out sword). This was so because the citizens could and where expect to enforce the law and if you where not a citizen the punishment usually was slavery in the silver mines a slow death (2 years) or out right death. Rome never claim such high civilized status as one had to get a body guard to protect one in moving about the city (the body guards saw to this as a way to protect their job.) In Rome a citizen could not be executed for anything except treason and this was frowned upon. Now think about a world (think modern Afghanistan) where one had to be armed or with guards to move about safely. Lord is a title that signifies that the person has authority over people. And what is this all about really Authority 1. the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine. 2. a power or right delegated or given; authorization: Who has the authority to grant permission? 3. a person or body of persons in whom authority is vested, as a governmental agency How to get and keep it and use it. Some notes and thoughts. Lord Ghee
  21. Re: Fantasy Star Wars. Just watch the Hidden Fortress 1958 samuri movie which Lucas gives credit of being one of the insperations of STAR WARS. the SW universe of one enviroment planets works better as a great continent, hum a ring world with. . . . . And I repped Lucas, now i must search Flawed charater concepts in self defense.
  22. Re: GM Justice Inc Quandry Well with 15 hits spread out to multipul players and the fact that I would use the car as armor (the players seeing the tommy guns would duck) the First barrage should not kill anyone unless you roll a head shot. Generally I am of the opionion that players pay for bonehead moves, unless one has luck or the stlye of the campain is such that dropping into tunnel is common. I remember wacthing a Captain America serial once on tv and was disapointed when with each cliff hanger the action was shown that he never was in danger. Example on the truck the driver leaps, the Captain and truck go over cliff next chapter we are showed Captain America jumping off truck, never in danger Dex ex, poor writing. some times the players write themselves out of the story. Lord Ghee
  23. Re: Western Hero (Price of goods and hit location) The best thing for pricing is the reprinted sears and reobuck catalogs of 1897 and 1905 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw_2_5?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=sears+roebuck+catalog&sprefix=sears The problem with wages is they where generally static over 30 years 80 precent of the pop made 200 dollars a year with a doc making 2000 US senators made 5000 dollars except for 1871 to 1873 (7500) congress men to my surprise the same HOpe this helps Lord ghee
  24. Re: Help with cost of travel. thanks for the site Lord Ghee
  25. Re: Muskateer the rifle pacth was an American invention used on the frontier, see Last of the Mohicans the movie year is 1757, great age of lace use of weapons. to see the differnts see Cromwell with Richard harris to see how it was done during the age of the thirty years war. 1640 and of course http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Musketeers_(1973_film) The best and the weapons use if very good. and do not forget poor Cyrano http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrano_de_Bergerac_(1990_film) good battle scene with pike Lord Ghee See the three musketeers the movie with Michal york and Charten Heston
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