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The Weapon

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Everything posted by The Weapon

  1. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid Version One would tell those of his friends that could do something about it. He'd come along on their spaceship in case the aliens tried to take it over but other than that he's no direct help. As founder of the galaxies only earth food resturant chian he can offer other aliens all the Earth delicasies they can eat in return for their help. Imagine of a 100 ton Tyrannosaurus Rex look alike with a napkin and the waiter saying "he's in the mood for truffles again" while Version One looks on in horror.
  2. Re: Solanum Zombie (1st Draft) DF: Smell panics pretty much any animal (Not concealable, detected by commonly used senses (anyone can tell that creatures are running from them), Reaction) Plus of course 10 Smell of fear: Mind Control 10d6, AVLD (presence defence, airtight nose covering), only to cause fear -1, only for non-human animals that can smell them (so not upwind for instance) -1, not controllable -2.
  3. Why would you rather by your character than yourself? e.g. I'd rather be my cyberpunk character than myself because... if I'm out with my friends and I'm menaced by a street gang I probably get beat up, my character would simply stand back while Frost and Longshot injure them, badly. vampire princes don't owe me any favours I'd rather be my pulp hero character because... three words; money, money, money. best resturant in town, no reservations? no problem. given that he's a criminal lawyer* and he's friends with the other PCs there's no possibility of unemployment. * No, they weren't able to prove that .
  4. Why would you rather be yourself than the characters you play? e.g. I'd rather be me than my cyberpunk character because... the nurses at the trauma centre aren't on a first name basis with me. nobody thinks I can get them drugs and if they did they wouldn't get homicidal when I didn't give them any. when something is stolen none of my friends assume it's me, nor do the authorities. vampire princes have never gotten irritated with me. I'd rather be me than my pulp hero character because... I'm free to go to Germany without being arrested and sent to a camp somewhere on (entirely correct) charges of sabotage, homicide, grand theft auto, grand theft airplane, destruction of military equipment, espionage etc. the FBI doesn't have a file on me and I've never had to sign any official secrecy agreements.
  5. Re: Urban Fantasy dead horses. Personally I'd have all three explainations provided, but give the PCs reason to doubt their true. For instance the people who claim that "Bad Stuff " will happen are the same ones who conspire to keep magic secret. Here's an idea for why magic isn't all around, there's a limited supply. It's not running out like oil, more like it's an artesian well that only refills at a certain rate. That's why strange cults go out to the sticks, there isn't as much competition for the resource. Same reason "aliens" (the fey) land in wheatfields. There is still magic in the city because there are more people and emotionally significant things there. There's just not as much per head of population.
  6. Re: Urban Fantasy dead horses. That's one way to save on gas bills, use dead horses as transportation! With a little necromancy you have a carriage that needs neither grain nor gas! Of course there might be a slight problem with demon infestation but the loonies who say gas prices are kept high to encourage people to use dead horses and thus usher in the apocalypse are clearly wrong. Our banks and government would never do that.
  7. Re: The Price of Hiring a Villain
  8. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position
  9. Re: Death of the Jester What exactly is it that didn't conform to the legal definition of "Justifiable Homicide"? I mean given The Jester's previous antics it's pretty easy to have a reasonable belief that he's an imminent danger to yourself or others, certainly give his history he's not going back to jail without a probably lethal fight. Given this "reasonable force" could easily involve one to the head. So what's the case that he didn't use "reasonable force"?
  10. Re: Question on Power Effect +n" running (or other movement), Only with half move (-1?), only to return to where you were at start of phase (-1 1/2?)
  11. Re: Internet themed gadgets I'd make that a Flash against _all_ senses.
  12. Someone writes on the side of a local jail, "You have 24 hours to release the innocent.". CCTV cameras didn't capture any images of the event and only extremely good forensic rolls will find anything at all and what they get isn't enough to find the perpetrator (certainly the local cops don't get anything). Twenty four hours after the graffitti is first seen by a law enforcement officer someone breaks in and removes a number of convicts, some in for serious offences. If the PCs investigate their cases they will find all were convicted on the basis of questionable forensic testimony by disreputable scientists, jailhouse snitches with a record of probable and proved perjury, eyewitness testimony from a single person that goes against several other eyewitnesses with better views or frankly bizarre conclusions by the prosecution. In every case exculpatory evidence* was withheld from the court that makes their guilt extremely unlikely or impossible. If your characters investigate and find anything useful at all you are contacted a week later by the Department of Homeland Security. It points out that many of those released from Guantanamo Bay for lack of evidence have been recaptured on the battlefield attacking US or western troops or civilians [Edit: Those released by the government, not by any mysterious liberator]. Then he shows you a wall in Gitmo with the words "You have 24 hours to release the innocent.", same handwriting. * Evidence the accused is innocent.
  13. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position I've only heard of canned wine once before, in a comedy song by "The Firm" called "Arthur Daley E's alright" about the dodgy entrepeneur in the TV Series "Minder". ARTHUR DALEY ('E's Alright) (The Firm 1982) Chorus: Alright my son, Leave it out As it 'appens its your shout Straight up, Pull the other In a right 2 and 8 What's the damage Chief? Who's your mate? The geezer with the bunny in the trilby 'at Reckons he's legit but he ain't all that Arthur Daley, little dodgy maybe, but underneath, 'E's alright. Propping up the bar at the Winchester Club "A V.A.T. on the slate please Dave" Terry's still looking for a sub. Arthur's onto a nice little earner Terry's getting agg and the chance of an hernia Minding the disco down some boozer Giving him a slap but he's onto a loser Pound to a penny that he don't get paid On account of the recession in the used car motor trade Terry's piling up the Zeds Been up on a job all night When all of a sudden there's an horrible scream And somebody's switching on the light It's Arthur, Y-fronts caught in his zip Brahms & Liszt an' he needs a place to kip Terry gets the hump with Arthur 'cos he Won't go home 'cos of 'Her Indoors' "She'd kill me Terry, odds on bet I ain't got the bottle; Ain't you got that kettle on yet?" Checking out his stock in the lock-up Arthur's havin' a fit 'Ere where's them magazines with the 'Erbets in the leather And the bird with a whip (inaudible comment)Says Terry (Inaudible comment) "Cheap jibe Terence. Try to understand Got a punter coming round gonna take em off me hands Got a part exchange, claret from Japan A vintage year, and he does 'em in five gallon cans" Chorus (Spoken) So he's got a couple of Nelson Riddles going, Who ain't ? Don't make you a villain, do it ? And he sells the odd dodgy motor now and then Well, it ain't a crime is it ? Well yeah, it's a crime, yeah, technically But it's a bit under the arm the way the(inaudible) Sit on his daily giving him GBH on the ear'ole all the time I mean, just 'cos he happens to have done a bit of bird for petty when he was a saucepan He aught to do them for inflammation of character I reckon You know what Chisholm said ? He said "I know how Arthur Daley'll die I said "How's that" He said "he'll fall off the back of a lorry" Bit strong, definitely out of order, Know what I mean? He goes turning his drum over, looking for bent gear Finding it, yeah, yeah, but it ain't a crime, it well yeah it's a crime....(fades)
  14. Re: Odd Champions campaigns Ok, how about "How did I do that?" Champions? PCs are 25 + 25 point talented normals. Tell them if they want to try having something happen or not happen that would require super powers they can simply describe the effect and roll a dice. Depending on the dice roll (and whether the GM wants it to happen) the player now has the power with the active to do that, and it happens. The more active points it needs the less likely it is to happen. The GM can include any limitations on the power consistent with ít's first us. That way the characters don't use up their CP powers allowance too quickly. The players have no idea how many CPs of superpowers they can have. If at all possible the GM should use an existing power or one that fits with a PC's existing power to achieve the result a player wants. E.g. The PC's are quitely having coffee in a university coffee shop when a armoured agent bursts in spraying laser fire. Helen's character Monica throws a chair at him and tells the GM she wants this to be effective against him if it hits, she and it does. The GM rolls for power effectiveness and says ""The guy utters a sort of grunt as the air is expelled from his lungs by the impact. His gun goes flying as he's thrown 3 metres through the window and keeps going. People look at you in amazement. You just used 10 END". GM notes on Monica's Form '+50 STR, thrown objects only". If he wants he can cancel that limitation later. More agents pile in and Mark's PC, Chandler, wants to grab the first agents gun. The GM decides he's close enough but as soon as he grabs it he gets shocked by it's boobie trap. Mark tells the GM he doesn't want that to happen and rolls. The GM tells him "Ok retcon, the gun didn't shock you, instead as you pick it says 'new user, granting superuser access, all modes activated' you can use the gun"". Notes on Chandler's form "Major Transform machines only, to machine that allows Chandler access and control.".
  15. Re: Boomerang There are various types of traditional boomerang, ranging from light bird killing ones to kangaroo killing ones. The bird killers are designed to return, in part to get a second shot at a flock of birds. Edit: Opps, someone beat me to it.
  16. Re: How to start one off with a bang? The MARS agent gets a report evidence about what really happens in the shooting incident is in an office of a violent and shady character. "Pysch" learns that a former patient of his, who he reccomended NEVER to be released is out. A former nurse tells him that her sister was last seen in his office. His MO included vicious attakcs on females in his office. "Black Hole" has had his power spontaneously turn on, which is dangerous if he's touching someone. Each time light distorted seeming to form a tunnel that triangulates to the office. Cue simultaineous break ins. Feel free to have people hide in cupboards from each other, bedroom farce style. They don't find what they're looking for but there is detailed information on an upcoming supervillain plot. Whether or not they discover each other the next morning there's video surveillance of them breaking in and a "suggestion" that they team up to foil the plot. Who got them together? For what purpose? Is it a former bad guy going straight but afraid to reveal himself? A villain eliminating the competition? Someone who just wants the city to be safer? Someone who's been threatened by the bad guys and can't handle them himself. The tapes disappear at the earliest possible time.
  17. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position Homer: Hey Marge, they stole our idea!
  18. Re: What is Your Inner Character? Chaotic Good Half-Elf Monk-Wizard I kinda think of myself as Chaotic Good, at least that's what I hope I am. I'd definitely be a wizard if I could but I don't know about the monk bit. I have nothing against Elves and always felt a bit of an outsider so I guess the half-breed thing works.
  19. Re: What is Your Inner Character? Chaotic Good Half-Elf Monk / Wizard! Yeah I can see that. I think of myself as Chaotic Good, and I'd like to be a wizard. Don't know where "monk" got in there and I'm not a big fan of Elves, although I've nothing against them.
  20. Re: The Deconstructing of Wynnie Wonder Version One would be angry and wouldn't let the fact that it's illegal stop him from reprogamming someone else's "property". The idea that a self-aware android could be property disgustes him, as one of his best friends is an android. What does stop him is the fact that Wynn Wicked might also be self-aware. Clearly we're going to need to make a new body and transfer Wynnie's personality to it. Then we talk to Wynn, making sure she's not monitored/controlled by Edge E. about whether she wants to be under the control of Edge E. Enterprises. Be sure to point out that they could, if the market changes, change her to Wynnie Wonderful again. Wynn Wicked would naturally go "What turn into that lame-$## whitebread goody two-shoes? No way, get your spanner out it's adjustment time.". His plan for dealing with the legal consequences might have to be as simple as "Get out of town for a while." Way out of town, if you know what I mean. After all he did set up the galaxies first earth-food resturant.
  21. Re: The Guitar Hero Tribute by Tenacious D http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/tenaciousd/tribute.html Mental defence 30, Power defence 30, only versus demonic attacks (stops them eating your soul amoung other things), Mental Transform 8d6AP (Demon to Demon who must leave here to get away from song) obviously all of this is RSR.
  22. Re: Character: Dr. Frasier Crane And the disad Distinctive Features (Cold feeling), Not Concealable, Causes Reaction, Only by Uncommon senses (pyschics) remember how Dafney reacted to her.
  23. Re: Character: Dr. Frasier Crane 1 Language: Spanish (Fluen conversation) Remember the episode when Niles faced off against the german fencing instructor, conversing via maid (translating to Spanish) and Frasier (to English). Oh and adjusted the cost of the French for language chart
  24. Re: The Worst character in comics
  25. Re: The Worst character in comics You know that character seems kinda cool to me. Did they just really stuff up the writing?
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