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The Weapon

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Everything posted by The Weapon

  1. Re: Starships Shooting At Superheroes Well what do you expect ships to do? Is combat common? Are good defences common? It really depends on your setting and what the specific ship is. A battle cruiser can be expected to deal out enough damage to hurt almost any ship, an armed merchantman enough to damage pirates and small military ships like fighters (if they can hit them).
  2. Re: The iron midget Well he heals damage doesn't he? And rust is damage that happens slower than normal humans generally heal. So he might get some cosmetic damage if he's in the water a lot but it flakes off like dead skin. Or if he wants to look good he can scrub it off with steel wool, an rotary polisher etc. I would say that being vulnerable to magnetism is a vulnerability or physical limitation. Maybe both. As a Phys. Lim. I'd say Totally Incapacitating, Rarely) because you rarely find someone who can completely paralyse you. You can have a power and later buy a new multipower and put it in (using the points from the original power to buy the MP). After all it's still a points legal character isn't it?
  3. Re: WWYCD? "Once more, with Justice" So he likes musicals, dresses in spiffy costumes and his mother doesn't know what's going on. Why am I reminded of the conversation Buffy had when she told her mum she was a slayer?
  4. Re: The Worst character in comics On the bottom that way there's less chance he can escape.
  5. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming I wouldn't say "You're relieved that..." I'd say "The Emerald Magistrates turn up, they can take care of the smelly ronin and that way you won't have to purify yourself at the shrine for days.". If they're not relieved at that they're not relieved. Don't tell me how I feel! Plenty of Samurai would not be relieved at having the opportunity to prove their worth taken from them. They would however know of the dangers of being seen as "loose cannons".
  6. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming Hell if that's true the nobility is the wizards. I mean why would a King need the support of knights when the wizards are on his side? The nobility have an army and the ability and willingness to lead it personally. The wizards have the ability to force multiply the army several times (disease resistence alone effectively doubles your offensive force, weather magic probably doubles it's relative strategic speed). All the wizards has to do is get granted enough land to support a small army and they've got everything the nobles give the king and more. And they're less likely to resist the king's wishes at first. At first.
  7. Re: Things I'd like to see more of in fantasy gaming How about this, you know what (your type) of magic can do if you make your roll. You even know that certain things make the roll easier and others harder. You just don't know by how much. E.g. you know that contact with metal seems to make magic harder, but is a ring big enough to get you a minus? Total darkness helps with some spells, but how much does twilight? A little? Not at all? It's a mystery. As DM feel free to let the players misinterpret your bad hidden dice rolls as indicators of significance.
  8. The Weapon

    Super City

    Re: Super City Insufficently Guardrailed Road. This scenic, narrow, cliffside, long road is the main throughfare for commuters and schoolchildren coming and going to several major schools and business centres. Despite several near fatal accidents the safety features have not been brought up to federal standards, or state standards or any standard other than the Zimbabwian Muncipal Road Act of 1989. This is due to Mayor Nuthin's executive committee's report being delayed, again. Any vechicle going out of control on this road will crash through the barriers and end up caught on one of the numerous overhangs, tree branches (for lighter vechicles) or other obstructions for a short and unpredictable time period. Anyone falling off this road may have their fall broken by the orphanage which is often situated underneath it. Because real estate under this road is really cheap. Residents in the area underneath it like to spend peak hour on a small hill nearby betting money on which part of the railing will be destroyed first. It's not as good as TV but it can be enjoyed outside the house and area residents are far too smart to be in their houses in peak hour.
  9. The Weapon

    Super City

    Re: Super City And remarkably for women who've presumably been having sex 5-10 times a day for years, not one single venerial disease!
  10. Re: WWYCD? "Once more, with Justice" Version One would sing "This heart was never mine." A sad love song to the woman he loves due to having most of her husband's memories. Since he got the Vibroman's morality along with most of his memories he would never break up a marriage. Definitely minor key material. Perhaps with angry verses about his creator inflicting these feelings on him with no way to satisfy them. If Sussana was there she's sing about this weird guy she's never met who sings about loving her.
  11. Re: Power down day Version one is a amalgam of magic, cybernetics and genetic engineering that barely works as it is (occasionally he falls down due to intense pain). If these powers stop working suddenly or at different times his body might totally rip apart or malfunction in over a dozen lethal ways. He investigates as best he can and appeals to everyone he knows to do likewise.
  12. Re: Panzer VIII "Maus" Why is it everyone wants to Australia as payment for services rendered to world-conquerers? What's wrong with Africa?
  13. Re: What comic book villains would make cool heroes, and vice versa? I love the Smallville Luthor. You can really see where he's coming from and he's not evil for evil's sake. Most of what he uses power for is good, he creates wealth and jobs, investigates the truth and advances science. Admittedly most of this is in pursuit of more power. But his pursuit of power has a purpose, many purposes in fact, at least one of which is protecting us all in a hostile universe. When Lana Lang finds out that Lex has endangered people to build kryptonian-tech weapons she comments that these weapons might be all that save us from the next kryptonian attack. And she's right.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I tried but apparently I need to spread it too.
  15. Re: Guns in Fantasy Of course everyone knows that things that use burning sulfur release demons right? So obviously these new "fire weapons" will curse the crops, cause plague etc. True/false? You could always go the unexpected route and tell players that some guys have long hollow sticks with fiery demons in them that leap out and bite people when a little lever is pulled. Then when they're expecting guns hit them with long hollow sticks with demons.
  16. Re: The Essential Bad Silver Age To be fair Buffy did try to get a job in construction using her enormous strength, working for Zander of all people. There was union trouble.
  17. Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City?
  18. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel There's a cop who turns up soon after any report is made of illegal activity, far too soon to have actually come from the precinct. If anyone tries to find out about him or goes to the precinct and asks about him he stops coming. A week later there's a new cop that responds in the same way. Other cops get the reports of illegal activity but don't seem to know who filed them. They can't confirm if a "Detective Wayne" ever worked there (operational security).
  19. Re: Dreamwalker Well what are dreams? Are they things that could be and that you can achieve easier if you understand them better? Maybe you could have a general skill level or some char. increase limited to affecting what you dreamed of last night (limitation level depends on how restrictively the GM interprets this) maybe with a RSR to dream constructively. So for instance you could dream about being in the king's court and interacting with the courtiers and basically practice your skills in preparation. When you actually meet go to court next day you'll have a better idea what to do because the dream gave you information. How did it get information that you don't have? Well that's the mystery.
  20. Re: A 'realistic' supers world? If there were Superman level (or even close) people how long would a Mugabe last? Between taking down superpowered bank robbers to save a few tens of millions of dollars or taking down a third world dictator to save thousands of lives and hundreds of thousands of person-years in poverty I know where I would risk my life. It wouldn't be too long before the super community realised that they could directly change the fate of millions in the third world. Heck they can even change the fate of people in their own country. Who needs national ID and constant surveillance if you just take down terrorists with a few capes? Given this how long will the capes tolerate the destruction of civil liberties?
  21. Re: Exploding Dice I'd say multiple 8- activation rolls as the odds of getting 8- are approximately the same as getting 6 on a d6. Don't actually roll the activation roll just use the rolling 6 on the damage roll. e.g. Base/Real Description 15/15 1d6 RKA 15/5 1d6 RKA act. roll 8- (-2) 15/3 1d6 RKA act. roll (SFX shares roll with above) 8-, 2nd act. roll 8- (-4) 15/2 1d6 RKA act. roll (SFX shares roll first roll above) 8-, 2nd act. roll 8- (SFX shares roll 2nd roll) act. roll 8- (-6) etc.
  22. Re: Who is the best Super in comics? It's a cliche, but only because everyone else saw how good it was a copied it.
  23. Re: Good Luck, Superchuck Version One loves only one woman and she's married to the guy he got most of his memories from (including the ones of loving her). That and the fact that it would be statutory rape (technically he's 2 years old) means that he's unlikely to have any hot times.
  24. Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost Version One would simply tell her the facts as he knows them. Explain that she has relatives somewhere else and that they don't know about her yet. Explain that if she goes to them she will be rich and probably loved by them. Explain what rich is if the culture doesn't really have that. Offer to give her a lift or a means of contact with the outside world. If she takes it or not it's her decision, but she deserves the truth. The question is do you tell the relatives? I mean do they have the right to know they have a granddaughter, cousin etc.? It's not obvious they do, but certainly if the child wants to contact them, she should have the opportunity.
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