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The Weapon

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Everything posted by The Weapon

  1. Re: Genetic Engineering? Originally Posted by The Weapon Plenty of people did though, many of the upper classes thought that the comparative ease and riches it gave the lower classes corrupted their morals. You know, girls buying nice dresses and going out instead of sitting at home working a hand loam for hours. Boys getting their own money and not having to do everything their father says. Actually factory work was pretty safe and the days probably shorter than farm work for the same pay. The Luddites were outraged by the fact that they couldn't do their usual work on hand loams because other people were competing with them. The people competing were very happy with the fact they could get more money for less work. The cliche that the industrial revolution brought great suffering to the poor is the result of propaganda by rich people. The Sadler report for instance is taken as gospel when it was in fact the result of unsworn testimony that was not allowed to be refuted. Only ONE witness in it was prepared to repeat his words under oath. People who in fact pretty much never did a day's hard work in their life thought the factory system was horrible, but demanded longer hours from their own workers. http://mises.org/story/2443
  2. Re: Damage from fire and Enchanting a sword? Even with cast iron you can easily hold a poker which glows red at the end. If there are a lot of fire-using monsters or opponents armorers would start designing high insulation armors. Oh and the steel problem? You just hire a dwarf and provide him with 3 times the weight of coal as you want in steel for armor and swords. Believe me you'll run out of gold before you run out of coal.
  3. Re: Peasent Campaign world building 12 -15 soldiers is an understrength platoon not a regiment. Oh wait, you said "Peasant Campaign", sorry I misheard:). So if there are soldiers, magic users and people in charge in the town, what would the PCs do that would make a difference? If you want a campaign with the PCs as peasants make sure that everyone with power simply isn't there or isn't interested. This is not hard since there are always lich-king invasions, rebellions supported by devious foreign powers or magicians, orc raids etc. elsewhere to keep adventurers busy. They can't be expected to drop everything for a rumor of kobold infestation in outer Blagalonia.
  4. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? On just project an image of whoever you think he's trying to kill, when he does the "shoot himself in the head trick" he finds he's not looking at anyone and so has to take the damage himself!
  5. Re: Damage from fire and Enchanting a sword?
  6. Re: Genetic Engineering? Plenty of people did though, many of the upper classes thought that the comparative ease and riches it gave the lower classes corrupted their morals. You know, girls buying nice dresses and going out instead of sitting at home working a hand loam for hours. Boys getting their own money and not having to do everything their father says.
  7. Re: Pulparize It! If I remember correctly the quote is from Arliss, the sitcom about an unethical sports agent somebody said said that a boxer was the best boxer in France, then the quote. This is a lot more credible than dissing French swordsman, who, although they generally didn't beat the Italians were still formidable.
  8. Re: What would happen if Los Angeles County vanished? Personally I think that New York would become the new centre for movies, television etc. at least for a while. Regarding the Tsunami/earthquake the amount of energy equals 3.206 * 10^11 metric tons dropped from 30.48 metres (30.48m * 9.8 ms^-2 * 3.206 * 10^14 kilograms = about 10^17 joules. This is based on Basil's figures. This is equivelent to [10^17j/(4.6 *10^6 j/kg) = 2.17 * 10^6 tonnes of TNT or 2.17 Megatonnes. This is a lot less energy than I thought somebody check it. It's not that much energy compared to major earthquakes.
  9. Re: Alcohol touch Perhaps more PRE or EGO to resist doing something that's not impulsive, less to resist doing something that is. It may seem funny now, but will it when your character wakes up and the first thing he sees is his teammates costume on the floor in a strange hotel room? or depending on attractiveness or possibly gender of teammate.
  10. Re: adding the Buffyverse Nope, when physical courage was needed Alexander Harris came through 100% of the time, so clearly he didn't need no stinking EGO roll. In fact the idea that he should stay out of a fight to avoid getting killed was a severe blow to his ego. In Graduation Day 2 he was fairly sure that he was destined to die. What did he do? Pretty much what he would do if he was certain he was going to live, except he mentioned that he might die to a potential girlfriend (Anya). She ran, he didn't.
  11. Re: adding the Buffyverse Ok, any writeuup of Zander Harris HAS to include the incredible degree of physical courage he displays. The man took on a wolf-demon armed with nothing but bad fashion sense. He stood there, absolutely calm, as a bomb ticked down and did ntohing but try to stop the bombmaker getting out. This without knowing whether or not the other guy would be effectively harmed by the bomb at all. He guessed he would but could not possibly be sure. I suggest +25 Presence defence vs. fear (-1). Yep I said +25 and I meant it.
  12. Re: Alcohol touch It should also have a mental transform, to however the person acts when drunk (this is a slight disadvantage since it is impossible to tell how someone will act -1/2?)
  13. Re: What can I do with a Crowd? Read the Hackmaster overbearing rules...
  14. Re: Settlement & Exploration Propogation Well it depends on the people and what they consider to be an unacceptable depravation of social interaction. I personally have regular significant face to face interactions with fewer than 20 people. Most of the rest is either small transactions (unneccesary if you're living off ship supplies) or some form of online or telephonic communications. Does the ship have the capacity to phone home? Or at least email home? If it has the former then a lot of the isolation is mitigated. Is the reason you're on the ship really really important? Exactly how desperate are you for a paycheck? People will put up with a lot for something important, even if it's just paying off crushing debts and living on something other than beans for the rest of their life. Offhand I'd say that a one year round trip is pretty acceptable if the reason is as important to the crew as a military "tour" is to a military person. Of course with trips that long it's hard to get anyone to agree to being on ship more than 50% of the time, so a year on, a year off maybe. This is assuming that there are plenty of other employment opportunities. It's also assuming that crewing ships is not done by family/social group. If your society consists of your family/crew and the people you encounter when it docks then you can cruse forever. Of course inbreedings a problem, so you have to pick up new crew to provide the next generation. Hopefully this process is voluntary:eek:.
  15. Re: Weapon Design Question We you've got more stock in "I'll be back.".
  16. Re: Weapon Design Question I should spread some reputation around before giving it to Susano again. And nolgroth got in with the reply before I did.
  17. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid
  18. Re: Weird villain idea. I need some input on. If he can shapeshift to anyone who he touched who was dead then he can simply go around the country (or the world) touching dead people. The chances that someone dead in Chicago will be recognised by someone in New Orleans is low. Even if he were recognised they'd simply assume they made a mistake. Must just be someone who looks like him.
  19. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Very very big electrical fields make very very hot air. Railguns don't need rocket assist to make flames or noise.
  20. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Youtube.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... They were playing the characters. And playing them well actually. If the GM couldn't handle that then he had no business RPing with his girlfriend.
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