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The Weapon

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Everything posted by The Weapon

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What happened is he rolled his luck. I don't care if his character sheet doesn't say he has any, obviously he does.
  2. Re: Jedi Ghosts and fade-to-deaths? Because he didn't have 18-20 years (however old Luke was when Kenobi died) to learn to perfect the ability before he snuffed it. Remember he was the first to develop the ability in living memory. Yoda had to learn how to do it from him. Presumably he didn't know all about it and Yoda and Kenobi got a chance to advance his ideas in the interim. BTW the fact that he wasn't on the Jedi council is just another hint of how clueless those losers were.
  3. Re: Things Foxbat should try to steal Cut out the middle man, raid Ben & Jerry's.
  4. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible
  5. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible
  6. Re: You Are President! Insert Bush joke here =>
  7. Re: You Are President! Version One is neither 35 years old (closer to 2) nor a native born yank (not even a native of this dimension) so he's out. He wouldn't take the job anyway, his memories are mostly artificial so he doesn't regard himself as having enough life experience to handle such an important job.
  8. Re: Opinion wanted about coverage of Detect Life Force power Of course the fact that you can't detect anything is a hint in itself. "Hmmm, your results are unusual, have you found yourself reacting badly to sunlight? How about allergies, garlic maybe?"
  9. Re: The Addams Family Yes but there's no way of telling when some bizarre rule might cause delay or inconvenience like "No business until next quarter." Where does the Addams family money come from anyway? Compound interest from one of their long lived ancestors who figured out that he could just save for 200 years and then have the family never work again?
  10. Re: The Addams Family Fester once swallowed the mercury from a thermometer - and it made him feel better!
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures That's it, I'm quitting this outfit and going to work for doctor evil. I mean he's got sharks with frickin' lasers in their heads and what do we get? Segways!
  12. Re: Here's One Way to Start A Zombie Apocalypse
  13. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Not to mention that he can operate more than 23 hours a day!
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... He didn't train them, he showed them what happened to the last dice and they're too scared to not roll well. I think KoDT had that idea in there sometime.
  15. Re: The Olympics Version One would point out that someone's bound to get killed in the martial arts sports, and that includes boxing. He's been in a sort of martial arts competition and at least one of his opponents required intensive care to survive (hired killer who was trying to kill him). Of course given his cybernetics he isn't allowed in anyway. He does ask whether magical assistance is allowed, because if it is the best sorcerer is going to win more medals than the former Soviet Union nations:eek:.
  16. Re: WWYCD: Foxbat The Mighty! I think everyone's on board for step 1 of that plan
  17. Re: The "True" Origin of Mechanon Mechanon is a scout unit sent to assess the capabilities of Earth's superheroes to resist invasion. The main fleet is years at least and probably decades away and couldn't afford to send more than a small payload on a "superfast" ship. Due to the Empire's political instability and diplomatic agreements about "spheres of influence", "repecting neutrality" etc. they have to keep the invasion secret until it's a fete accompli. So a production unit was sent that could create a robot that is conceivably Earth-tech based and automatically transmits undetectable signals to the Missionfleet Earth. This robot then self-replicates and develops resources to attack Superheroes. It is programmed to believe that it's trying to destroy all life on Earth, but in fact it automatically rejects schemes that would not bring it into conflict with powerful Superheroes. This makes Earth's destruction a less than 1% probability and that's a risk the Empire is prepared to take. Note that Mechanon will still want to destroy all life on Earth even if he finds out that's not what he's made for. It's in the programming. The provisional plan for Earth's conquest includes turning up during a Mechanon attack and using his destruction as a way to get the supers to trust them, prior to the knife in the back. The Empire is far too large for the heroes to defeat, but has multiple enemies, internal and external, gross corruption and often incompetent and usually temporary Emporers.
  18. Re: What Makes a Good Non-Human Fantasy Race? A good non-human race (fantasy or sci-fi) is different from humans in significant and logically consistent ways. In other words it's not just "guys with funny ears". For instance a race that's immortal will be different not just in that way but in it's outlook on mortality, achievement, society etc. There has to be an answer to "Why is this race different from humans?" and that answer has to lead to the answer to "How is this race different from humans?".
  19. Re: WWYCD: Foxbat The Mighty! You can easily prevent people finding out about such misfortunes by wearing two pairs of underpants, one on the inside and one on the outside of your trousers. Even it gets through both the inner pair and your pants the outer pair keeps you looking good. Just a little trick I picked up from someone from out of town, way out of town.
  20. Re: Clever, but not futuristic You only need to clone some bone marrow cells, not the whole victim.
  21. Re: A precedent for Avengers/JLA style law enforcement powers... That's two completely unrelated questions. Firstly citizens arrest, if you reasonably believe that a crime is being committed or someone is fleeing from lawful arrest. However you are under strict liability, so you'd better be sure that they're guilty because making a reasonable mistake can get you sued/arrested. This summary is a massive simplification of the law which differs in many US states and in other jurisdictions. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_arrest#United_States Now about smacking the heck out of Mr. Hyde, do you reasonably believe Mr. Hyde can hurt you? After all in the Champions universe there are people who can afford to ignore .45s pointed at their head. Is the force you're using against him what a reasonable person would use? The equivelent of a tank gun against someone who tried to right hook you is not reasonable, unless his right hook could be considered a lethal weapon to you and there is nothing more proportionate you could use. Or if a tank gun is eqivelently dangerous to him as a right hook is to you. Being as it's a stressful situation however you get some leeway. Nobody assumes you can make precise decisions on the amount of force neccesary in a split second. Of course in Heroland this may differ if people know you're the type of person who can actually do that. Or if a self-righteous or corrupt prosecutor convinces them you are.
  22. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Waldos don't need to be acclimatised. A waldo is a device that mimics the actions of the users hands, allowing manipulation of objects in a dangerous enviroment without exposing the user. Conventionally the dangerous enviroment is hot/high pressure/radioactive but one containing a supervillain qualifies. In the event of a medical emergency the Waldo, complete with equipment enters through the pressure doors. Sure there's a delay while the outer door closes, pressure is equalised and then the inner door opens but it's seconds not minutes.
  23. Re: Peasent Campaign world building That's so like a mage. Ten guards is still a lot (most villages wouldn't see a soldier from one month to the next. Unless of course the captain is incompetent or cowardly and never manages to find the action.
  24. Re: Genetic Engineering? And I kind of doubt they were getting the same pay. I also think they were working at least that long during at least part of the summer.
  25. Re: Genetic Engineering? Fixed the link for you .
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