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Doug McCrae

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Everything posted by Doug McCrae

  1. Re: Need help naming Enviornmentalist team. The Environmen The Natural Order The Followers of Danu (the Celtic earth mother goddess from Slaine) Pat Mills also wrote a short series about superpowered eco-warriors called Terrarists.
  2. Re: GM's "rights" As a GM I feel I don't have the right to mess with loved ones, character history and the like without asking the player's permission. Likewise with anything that fundamentally changes a character concept. I should treat the creative work of the players with respect. Examples would be a sort of Total Recall like reveal that the character's whole life is a lie, the Spider clone saga and the like. The reader response to the Spider clone issue, which essentially said the last 20 years of comics have been a lie, is pretty analogous to the player response in that sort of situation. A PC with amnesia (that the player has chosen) is a different matter as to me that player is sending a signal that the GM has carte blanche. Obviously a lot of players are perfectly happy to be 'screwed with'. But a large number aren't. I would never assume a player falls into the former camp without asking.
  3. Re: Supers without costumes Jakita Wagner from Planetary wears something like a superhero custume, I'd say. It's remarkably similar to the move-version X-Men. Elijah Snow's outfit, while certainly passing as normal clothes, is pretty distinctive. He'd stand out if you saw him on the street.
  4. Re: John Henry based brick You know DC already used this idea, right?
  5. Re: Dr. Destroyer vs. Scotland Bad news for my home town. So why'd Dr. Destroyer want to destroy Glasgow?
  6. Re: The Meta X MR Wild Card Gene Syndrome Virus is Female Dominant! I prefer to play female PCs and all my roleplaying is FtF. I fully accept that this is sick, weird and wrong.
  7. Re: The Kingpin, the Maggia and Intergang
  8. Re: Good "Four of a Kind"'s... The four fundamental forces of physics - Gravity Electromagnetism Strong nuclear force Weak nuclear force
  9. Re: "Essential" Graphic Novels / Trade Paperbacks Well I think she's biased cause it's got hot lesbo action.
  10. Re: "Essential" Graphic Novels / Trade Paperbacks Yeah, I noticed that too. And it's supposed to be a classic. Good cover though.
  11. Re: "Essential" Graphic Novels / Trade Paperbacks Dark Knight Returns Watchmen Astro City Alan Moore's Supreme Marshal Law: Fear and Loathing Batman: Year One is excellent, though very similar to DKR Dark Phoenix Saga and Days of Future Past are the best X-Men TPBs but not in the same league as the stuff listed above. Crisis on Infinite Earths and Marvel Super Heroes Secet Wars are well written and showcase the majority of DC and Marvel's characters if you want an intro. Neither TPB is in the top tier but both are a good fun read. Though many posters have recommended Kingdom Come and Camelot 3000 I don't think much of either. In both cases the story is far inferior to the artwork.
  12. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style. Champsguy already mentioned it - John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) would make a perfect bad guy IMO. If we posit that after the events of the film, the life form reaches civilisation then our heroes will have their hands full. Might be too dark, though. The Terminator (1984) would be a good bad guy. The Kurgan from Highlander (1986) might be a bit too late for the period. Jeff Goldblum turned into a fly-monster the same year. What about the bad guys from the film Scanners (1983)? If there's room, you could fit in a reference to the zombie-beseiged town from the Fog (1980).
  13. Re: Who was the LAMEST? My own avatar, the 60s android Captain Marvel, is deeply lame, and he had hs own comic for a while.
  14. Re: Forgotten Golden Age Villains Evil Eye Optic, Armless Tiger Man, Doctor Thor, Maldita Toxicohedron, The Terrorist of Time and the Walking Corpse.
  15. Re: Gold, Silver, Modern or post-Modern...era of choice. My current campaign is modelled on the concepts in the Spider-Man movie. Marvel Silver Age type characters but with modern explanations for their powers - nanotech, man/machine interface, lots n' lots of genetic modification etc. I've found I've also been rather influenced by Warren Ellis's Authority and Planetary which was completely unintentional. Ellis's ideas are somewhat similar though - classic characters but with a modern twist.
  16. Re: Does your character blog? "Does your character blog?" That someone has asked this question is certain proof that we are living in the last days.
  17. Re: How do you deal with difficult powers
  18. Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians? Glad you liked them, Katherine! They were meant to be badasses, like the Authority but it should be fairly easy to weaken them for a given group by either: A) Reducing the number of villains, or Weakening their powers. For example Ocean could be a less powerful telepath, Soldier might have fewer/lesser animal powers, Fortress could be very dense but not nearly at neutron star level, etc.
  19. Re: PLEASE ! No more 'What would your character do ?' threads Last I checked there were only three WWYCD threads in the top twenty, which seems a perfectly reasonable amount. As far as I'm concerned there's no longer a problem, either because the posters involved listened to DT or because people just got bored of WWYCD. Or both.
  20. Re: Post-apocalyptic fantasy Some people can indeed get very angry when they discover that what they thought was a weird alien world is actually Earth in the future... "YOU MANIACS. YOU BLEW IT UP. DAMN YOU. GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!"
  21. Re: Death with Dignity : An examination of the Golden Age Like most people, I set 1938 as the start of the Golden Age. When it ends is less clear but it must be before the start of the Silver Age in 1956. After the initial early vigilantism I always got the impression that DC's output tended to be more wholesome* and family friendly than other companies such as Timely. As Hugh Neilson mentions, the Comics Code was mostly directed at crime comics. I doubt the most ruthless costumed vigilante would have merited much attention. The most depraved superhero fare was always a lot cleaner than the crime/horror gorefests of the early 50s. *The exception being Wonder Woman which was perverted filth, obviously.
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