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Matt the Bruins

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    Matt the Bruins reacted to slikmar in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Yeah, but your not hiring an actress as talented as Tatiana Maslany to play half a part.
  2. Haha
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Old Man in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    If anyone wants to know where the woke "controversy" in comics came from, I found a good background article that I will post in the Political Thread where it belongs.
    Otherwise, I note that DC Comics has struggled for years with corporate mergers; this year it's Discovery, two years ago it was AT&T (which fired DiDio).  Couple that with crippling changes to distribution, the firing of 1/3 of the editorial staff, the overall death of the comic book as a profitable medium, and by the way covid, it's not surprising they're struggling.  On the other hand, near as I can tell the DC Comics budget is somewhere around $47M which is a rounding error compared to the advertising budget of DiscoWarnT&T or whatever faceless megacorp owns them at the moment.
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to unclevlad in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Sorry, I stopped reading when the writer spewed "DC Comics has been in dire straits due to its SJW and woke agenda"...
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    "Student loan forgiveness removes one of the most powerful incentives for military service at a time of dangerously low enlistment." 
    Seen on the Book of Face today, with the caption "Wait, did I just say the quiet part out loud?"
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Classified Material on Human Intelligence Sources Helped Trigger Alarm
    Dude had hundreds of secret documents, including nuclear and humint information, in his possession, with his own handwritten notes scribbled on them.
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Dr. MID-Nite in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    All I know is Black Adam should have been the villain for the second Shazam movie. It appears that they instead made up new villains for the second film...which is pretty silly.
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Dr.Device in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    As an autistic, queer trans woman, my response to this group is not suitable for this board.
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Not sure which guy you're referring to -- there's quite an array these days -- but it won't make any difference. If Conservatives gain control of the legislature and Presidency, they WILL politicize the Justice Department. They politicized the Attorney General. They politicized the SCOTUS. Conservatives tried and continue to try to create the perception that Liberals are the source of everything bad in America, regardless of reality. Their goal is total control, they've made that clear. That won't change whatever Biden does or doesn't do. The only practical response is to take down the ones responsible for fomenting and directing that perception, by every legal means. As many prominent ones as we can, to put the fear of consequences in the rest.
    EDIT: That includes the most prominent guy, because if he gets away with all he's done, that emboldens others to follow his example.
  10. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Ternaugh in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Schrodinger's Batgirl
    Good or terrible? The state's unknown until observed.
  11. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Ternaugh in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Short answer without the political or "woke" commentary from the first linked article: The Flash is a co-production with funding from outside of Warner, and therefore can't be written down without major financial penalties.
    Given the quality of the first link, I did not bother with the second.
  12. Haha
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to unclevlad in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    I'm not sure I see much reason to keep ANY of the Miller footage in, if you're gonna have to re-shoot everything where he's Barry anyway.  It just feels a lot more sensible to just dissociate from him *completely* as fast as possible.  There's just wayyyyy too much that's incredibly toxic in these reports, and the problems just keep piling on.  Right now there's another:
    This is in addition to the felony burglary charges from yesterday.  If he's connected to a cult where he's putting YOUNG kids at risk, this almost has to be the kiss of death;  Warner will have no choice but to cut all ties ASAP.  Much like Jared Fogel and Subway.  
    But heck, at this point?  It's already too serious in my book.  The longer they appear to hang on to him, the more damage I think they'll do to the entire brand.
  14. Haha
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Ranxerox in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The preliminary news information is just a bunch of uninformed conjecture which is what one would expect.  Merrick Garland's DOJ doesn't let anyone know squat about what they have found or are about to do, until they do it.  
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    That attitude was why I walked out on my job last year and turned down repeated attempts to get me back.
  17. Haha
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from DentArthurDent in Creepy Pics.   
    Ruh-roh, Raggy!
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to wcw43921 in A Thread For All Things Creepy And/Or Scary   
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I haven't found a really good news article to link, but if anyone's interested...
    Two of the Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump come from Washington state. Both were targeted by Trump-backed, full-on wackadoodle Big Lie supporters. Those challengers have failed to advance through Washington's "Top Two" primary system. In November, Reps Jaime Herrerra-Beutler and Dan Newhouse will both face Democratic challengers, as the Trumpians came third. So there's that, at least.
    Dean Shomshak
  20. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    What frustrates me most is that this Democrat administration and legislature have for the most part been following sound fiscal and diplomatic policies, and despite Republican obstructionism have some genuine positive accomplishments to their credit; but they seem almost pathologically unwilling to take credit or advertise those pluses to the American people. Their messaging has been pathetic, far behind the Republicans in effectiveness and pervasiveness. It would be tragic if America slipped into fascism because of poor salesmanship. (Also ironic, in that Americans as a culture are probably the greatest salesmen the world has ever seen.)
  21. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to DShomshak in V'hanian Parterres?   
    Given the number of worlds and peoples Istvatha V;han rules, it is virtually certain that some of those worlds generated Umaginal Reals. I haven't read Book of the Empress, so I can't say if anything like this is described there. Regardless, this field seems wide open for GMs to invent their own. My little e-book, Spells of the Devachan: Thaumaturgy from the Sorcerer's Galaxy (available from the HERO Store) includes brief descriptions of some alien Imaginal Worlds you could easily drop into the CU.
    IIRC, though, Istvatha V'han has conquered several alternate Earths. This brings up a question I never considered in The Mystic World:  Do those alternate Earths also have alternate Parterres? (I didn't consider it because it's just a whole big can of worms, for a book that was already running long.) My first thought, though, is that the alternate Earths each have their own alternate Parterres... including some Earths where one Parterre or another became so dominant it merged with that Earth. But the Multiverse imposes very strong barriers between alternate Imaginal Realms -- even stronger than between material worlds -- so there's not much possibility of, say, multiple Netherworlds teaming up for a cross-dimensional attempt at conquest.
    I'd be interested to know if Book of the Empress says anything about how Istvatha V'han deals with the Parterres of the Earths she's conquered. If she leaves them alone, the various godly entities might not object to her conquest. After all, she doesn't generally try to impose or suppress native religions. They also might be reluctant to intervene because it's a setting rule that Earth's spirits are very weak against creatures from the Outer Planes. (A rule created so humanity must rely on its own heroes to stop dimensional conquerors, rather than relying on gods.) So it seems quite possible that on some alternate Earths, V'hanian forces conquered the Parterres as well. Heh, imagine a world where the Mythic Resistance Front is led by Tezcatlipoca, Marduk, Mephistopheles and the Archangel Michael. Yeah, these guys are not going to have an easy time working together.
    Dean Shomshak
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    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in How would you simulate a great team leader like Cyclops and Captain America in 5th edition?   
    Here's a Naked Advantage I gave to the field leader of a military-sponsored super team, to give her leadership some oomph with mechanical effects. It's 6th edition, but I think could be translated to 5th without too much difficulty.
    26    Seasoned Field Commander: Usable Simultaneously for +4 Combat Skill Levels (up to four recipients at once, one at a time, Grantor can take power back, Limited Range, Recipients must remain within LOS; +3/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Incantations (-1/4), Recipients Must Hear And Understand Orders (-1/2)
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    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Creepy Pics.   
    Ruh-roh, Raggy!
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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Foods for those that just don't care anymore   
    Basically. As someone who has a lot of trouble carrying a plate/bowl and a drink, I think this is a great idea. 
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