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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. You think football is a game played with a round ball and does not involve using the hands. Alternately, you're a fan of the Minnesota Vikings.
  2. Happy New Year, everyone! To get started, let's play it by the numbers. Small numbers, that is. New Topic: Songs Featuring the Numbers One, Two, and Three.
  3. Why does that X-wing have a Transformers logo on it?
  4. He's replaced the Centipedemobile with a Herkimer Battle Jitney.
  5. Are you telling us not to eat the menu?
  6. What the gods get away with, the cows don't.
  7. Of course, Rand DID use her influence to convince her followers (including her husband) that because she was so much smarter than the rest of them, it was okay for her to have a long-running, publicly known extramarital affair. Not exactly worship, but still some fringe benefits.
  8. See, now that's not a question, is it?
  9. The company that hosts them, strange as that sounds.
  10. There's a part of me that wants to say, "So you don't want the vaccination? Here, we'll just give you the disease instead. Good luck with that." Seems like a perfectly acceptable implementation of natural selection to me.
  11. Neil Peart the drummer for Rush. He was a big proponent of Objectivism back in the day. Listen to/read the lyrics to 2112, The Trees, Freewill, pretty much any of the band's early stuff for details.
  12. Even Neil Peart doesn't admit to following Ayn Rand any more.
  13. Captain Formicidae! Master of the ants, defender of humankind! New Topic: Foxbat, Deadpool, and Trickster walked into a bar....
  14. Actually, I convinced my GM to let me take it as a Disad, so I got points for it.
  15. Q - This month's citizenship class is filled, but we may be starting a second one. Shall I put your name on the waiting list? A - It's all chocolate sauce and gibberish, I'm afraid.
  16. It definitely is. Which is why we have a vaccination for it. Sadly, we have a disproportionate number of anti-vaxers in this state, especially in the county previously mentioned. Politically motivated, of course.
  17. Two kids in the county just south of us contracted measles last week at Disneyland. Measles? Seriously?
  18. He's still alive after all of these years.
  19. Stop trying to RAM your opinions down our throats already.
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