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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. You Aussies and your extraneous use of the letter 'u'.
  2. Pariah -> <- Bazza (Admittedly, I'm not really in a position to complain about bad puns. But for that one, I'll make an exception.)
  3. ...or it could be the fact that China has effectively no environmental regulation on industry. Just sayin'.
  4. I thought the phrase was"legal eagles", not "legal ravens".
  5. A public service announcement about the long-term effects of multiple concussions.
  6. Childhood rhymes? Cute. What's next, the farmer in the del?
  7. I don't like the direction this conversation is going. It looks like a slippery slope to me.
  8. Seagulls. Rats with wings. Also, my state's official State Bird.
  9. Q - What's the difference between doctors and chiropractors? A - Doctors don't go around telling people they're chiropractors. (Told to me by a chiropractor, incidentally.)
  10. It would be hailed as the greatest feminist novel of the young century as the story of a young woman who allows nothing to stand between her and her ultimate desires. New Topic: Foxbat just signed a multi-million dollar endorsement deal! What is he endorsing?
  11. Q - Was the fire station really so crowded that the couldn't get the fire engines out? A - I literally could care less.
  12. Isn't it only bad to want someone else's things?
  13. Q - Tell me again how that 3000-mile long rift on Mars formed? A - I feel fantastic! And I've never felt as good as how I do right now, except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day when I felt the way that I do right now! Right now! Right now!
  14. The beatings will continue until morale improves!
  15. You mean the fact that the plural of 'cow' is 'kine'?
  16. It's been pretty stable for the past half a million years or so, so it's not a bad place to be in that respect. And if the supervolcano were to erupt, most of the northwestern United States, including where I live, would be in serious trouble.
  17. Yes. The southeast corner of Idaho sits largely within the first caldera of the Yellowstone supervolcano.
  18. That's where the good, rich volcanic soil is.
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