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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I have a hard time liking anything having to do with the hated Lakers, but I'll make an exception for this.
  2. Jazz vs. Blazers tonight in Portland for the #3 seed. Who would've imagined it when the Jazz were 18-29? That seems like forever ago.
  3. Q: So, Steve Jobs is some kind of messianic figure to Artificial Intelligences? A: In God we trust. All others must pay cash.
  4. I can't think of another actor whose career has benefited so much from the public's hatred of his/her character.
  5. Field work, or vacation? Or something classified?
  6. Helsing > Jojo. Batman Spinoffs: Red Robin (Tim Drake) vs. Batman (Terry McGinnis)
  7. The tag team of Big Barda and Wonder Woman narrowly defeated Carol Danvers and She-Hulk.
  8. We have the Triple-A affiliate of the Angels here in Salt Lake, and we go to a couple of their games every year. It's a great way to spend an evening.
  9. As it turns out, the Avalanche are 47 points better than last season and are in the playoffs as the #8 seed in the West. Wow. What a turnaround. True, they get President's Cup winner Nashville* in the first round for their trouble, and could very well get swept. But hey, the Avs, by all predictions, should've been out of the playoff chase six weeks ago. Go Avs! -- *It pains me a little to type this. There's a part of me that still cringes at the thought of professional ice hockey teams in places like Nashville, North Carolina, and Miami.
  10. Could you solve the problem by modifying the fence to make it look like this?
  11. Q: What makes you think that my ranch is about to become the scene of a real-world reenactment of Animal Farm? A: Seat belts for three-toed tree sloths.
  12. We got our exams back on Thursday night, and I earned a 79%. Turns out the highest score in the class was 84%, and the class average was 72%. I am perfectly happy with my score.
  13. Q: 'Global Thermonuclear War', huh? Is that fun? A: Only if you kick the harlot on the way out.
  14. It helps that Donovan Mitchell has played as well as he has. He's getting serious Rookie of the Year buzz. And Rudy Gobert is in the running for Defensive Player of the Year as well. Guys have definitely stepped up in the absence of Gordon Hayward.
  15. You have no idea. It's like Peter Schickele once said: "You can't do your taxes yourself, oh, no, you might end up paying what you owe!"
  16. With the Avs losing 4-2 to the Sharks last night, Saturday's game against St. Louis is now a playoff game--winner gets in, loser stays home. The Avs have lost three straight, but the game is in Denver. We'll see what happens.
  17. Nothing like a 4-game series against the Padres to bring your team up over .500. The Rocks' home opener is this afternoon against Atlanta. Today's weather forecast for Denver: Rain and snow, with a high in the low 40s.
  18. 2d6 RKA, Area Effect Megascale, NND Does BODY (not being a hornet)
  19. ...and now the said punter has been signed by division rival Denver.
  20. Jazz currently sitting in 4th in the West, with remaining games against the Clippers, at the Lakers, against the Warriors, and at the Trailblazers.
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