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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Oh, sure. Next I suppose you're going to tell me there was a second Highlander movie.
  2. Q: Why don't Marxists like Earl Grey tea?
  3. Q - What is Donald Trump's latest outrageous campaign claim? A - Banana-cantaloupe smoothies! On the house!
  4. Are you, perhaps, referring to Lionel Twain, wealthy eccentric and murder victim from the classic mystery spoof film "Murder By Death"?
  5. Wouldn't you rather have a date with Mary Sue?
  6. Why are we talking about the Presidential debates all of a sudden?
  7. If you continue to use 'bae' as though it were an actual word, I will have no choice but to punch you right in the feels.
  8. I got onto the Animated Fábrica a couple of days ago, and it looked to be working just fine. :: knocks on wood:: It's obvious I need to spend a little time familiarizing myself with the options again.
  9. Q: Why did Adele cross the road?
  10. O the world will sing of an English king A thousand years from now And not because he passed some laws Or had that lofty brow While Bonnie good King Richard Leads the great Crusade he's on We'll all have to slave away For that good-for-nothin' John Incredible as he is inept Whenever the history books are kept They'll call him the phony King of England A pox on the phony King of England!
  11. Q: How is it even possible to burn toast that badly?! A: Well, I agree with the first three words, anyway.
  12. Q - What? I'm just talking to the audience! A - It's not the fourth wall I'm worried about. It's the other three.
  13. Celebrate Dinah Shore's birthday. Saltlick Township, Pennsylvania
  14. Q: Why does the Little Mermaid wear seashells?
  15. You know why the Little Mermaid wears seashells, don't you?
  16. Q: How do you keep a goofball in suspense?
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