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Everything posted by rjcurrie

  1. rjcurrie

    Super City

    Re: Super City Absolutely wonderful. I especially enjoyed the Keith Curtis reference.
  2. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world Sorry for taking your post seriously, but given some of the opinions that I have seen being expressed seriously on these boards, it can sometimes be hard to tell. I did consider that you were posting in jest which is why I asked the question. The confusing line is the "I definitely agree with ...". It's a little too straight-laced for a sarcastic post. Or maybe I'm just easily confused.
  3. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world Are you being serious? If you really want to use those characters -- take the hour or so it would take to update them to 5th edition and do it yourself. Frankly, I suspect you could use them as written up and no one would notice that you hadn't updated them unless your players expect you to provide them with full write-ups on all the villains you use so they know that you were being rules-compliant.
  4. Re: Fumbled Seduction Roll Wouldn't a fumbled seduction roll cause an extreme negative reaction by the person who the roll was being used on? Basically, the player probably said something really stupid that caused the target to take an instant dislike to them -- probably undoing any good feelings they had already built up.
  5. Re: Best Section Header *Ever* A favorite headline off mine is one that a friend of mine who did some freelance work as a local sports writer told me about. It was from the Larry Bird era of the Celtics when they lost a game and Larry's nose got broken in the process: Bird's Beak Busted As Boston Bested
  6. Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues I used the seven deadly sins for the basis of SinSquad International, a supervillain team that made an appearance in my SuperSquad America convention game two years ago. Incidentally, I always remember the names of the seven deadly sins from a song parody we used in FASS (an annual musical-comedy at the University of Waterloo) 15 years or so ago when Hell was chosen as the theme of the show which was subsequently titled Another Damned FASS Show. The premise of the song actually came from the piano scene in Big -- except with a much bigger piano that contained a tortured soul in each key who when the key was leapt upon by a demon would sing the note. The song itself is the experienced demon Brutus explaining the concept to new demon Severian. Dough, Ray, Me (to the tune of "Doh, Re, Mi") BRUTUS: Let's start with Original Sinning, The very best place to start. When we first saw Eden there were Adam and Eve. Their first two sins were: SEVERIAN: Lust and Greed? BRUTUS: Greed and Lust. The first two sins are Greed and Lust Greed and Lust. Greed Lust Pride Anger Envy Sloth Gluttony (MR. MUSIC, PLEASE) When you know what key it's in, You can sing each Deadly Sin. (STOMPING ON EACH KEY AND INDICATINGTHAT THE SIN IS THAT OF THE KEY'S INHABITANT) Dough, or cash, the sin of greed, Ray, a man to lust about, Me, myself, the sin of pride, Fu--, an angry word to shout. So much envy I can see, Lazy is a word for sloth, Tea, a drink with gluttony, And that brings us back to dough, or greed or ... (REPEATED AS IN DOH MI MI, MI SOH SOH...) Note: I wish I could take credit for this song -- but I can't. It was written by one of the other writers.
  7. Re: X Men Colossus and his Osmium Form Why use anything? The osmium form is just the special effect of him turning on his power. Oh, and I agree with Kieth on handling the Rogue thing.
  8. Re: Should END be more? Was 2nd Edition essentially right? People keep complaining about how difficult Hero is to learn for new players and then go and complicate their games with differing END costs for Powers, or want the return of more complex END reduction rules that meant that virtually everybody would be buying at least 1/2 END on almost all their powers. The latter, incidentally, is the reason why 4th edition changed the END rules, at least according to Rob Bell who helped put together the 4th edition.
  9. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime? Well, if only leaders (or followers for that matter) of a particular religion had superpowers then I could certainly see people having less doubt about that religion's beliefs and teachings. Of course, it would also depend upon whether or not those people got their powers before or after joining the religion. If there were other superpowered people outside of that religion then I see it as having a slight effect, but probably not too much. Rod
  10. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime? So, as a GM, how do you react when a player presents you with a character whose origin is basically "I was Pope. I died. I was reborn with superpowers"?
  11. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime?
  12. Re: Hero Mods In proposal 2, would the cost of improving a 3 point non-background skill change to 1 point like for the 11- option? If the cost of improving those skills stay at +2, then I could see little reason (on a long-term basis) for buying the stat-based version. For example, with DEX 20, the two options for buying Stealth would be: 2 points for a 11- roll -- 7 points for a 15- -- 8 points for a 16- 3 points for a 13- roll -- 7 points for a 15- -- 9 points for a 16- So, for any skill you're looking at improving, you're probably always further ahead buying the 2 point version.
  13. Re: Premonition? Given that the only real point to premonitions would be to give the character information that the group would not normally get in any other way, I would say it should be bought as a Power unless you're going to make sure that every other player in the group also gets some kind of free ability to make things balance things out. I say this because I certainly know players who would complain about the imbalance of giving one player a free ability. I'd use the Clairsentience method, incidentally.
  14. Re: How Much Of A Tinkerer Are You? As a GM, I'm probably about a 2. This is mainly because I primarily run convention games and thus like to stick to the rules as published. As a player, I don't really have an opinion. In most of the games I've played in, the ruels are up to the GM so whatever he decides, goes.
  15. Re: Fiddling With 6th - Skills (first of ??) To be honest, there is a part of me that would like to eliminate al freebies in Hero. To me, this would mean: No figured characteristics and an appropriate adjustment to the cost of the primary characteristics. Possibly making Combat Value (OCV/DCV) and Ego Combat Value (ECV) into separate characteristics -- still not sure about this. Skills would be a flat cost per roll. For example, in the current system, familiarities (8-) would cost 1 point, an 11- Roll would cost 3 points (or 2 points for a background skill) and you would buy +1 as normal. The language chart would be eliminated. Skills like Combat Driving would not give a free TF. In my mind, this would be keeping with the basic Hero philosophy of only getting what you pay for. Rod
  16. Re: Should CV be a base characteristic? Given the way DEX is defined in Hero with its effects on Combat, I'd argue that Mary Lou Retton doesn't have a high DEX, she just has a high PS:Gymnastics roll -- and possibly high Acrobatics and Breakfall skills as well.
  17. Re: multipower question Interesting observation, but certainly wrong in the case of the groups I played in where the Elemental Control - Multipower combination was the popular favorite. The EC would contain the movement and defense powers (and other things that you might want to have access to at the same time as your attacks) while the MP would contain the attacks.
  18. Re: Trying to evade con-stun First of all, there is no such game term as "con-stun"; it is simply "being stunned". Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. Possibly some form of Damage Reduction with appropriate Limitations. I would call "only against being STUNNED" at least a -3/4 Limitation on CON as it would automatically include the "No Figured Characteristics" at -1/2 and would not defend against being hit by Mental Attacks Based On CON or be used in CON Rolls (which I have seen some GMs use for thinks like how drunk a character is or how well a character can stay awake after longs periods without sleep).
  19. Re: Willing Targets of Mental Powers I'd allow it. I'd even allow them to shut off any Mental Defense they have, provided it made sense based on its special effect.
  20. Re: Stuff I didn't know (the world's longest post) Actually, page 425 seems to say that you only pay 1 END for maneuvers that don't have a STR component. So you would not need to pay extra for things like Basic Strike which have a STR component.
  21. Re: Name This Hero Allow me to add another vote for Longarm.
  22. Re: RSR: OCV... what does it mean? Well, first of all, the books says "Attack Roll" not "OCV Roll" so I would assume that it would be an appropriate Attack Roll based on the power it is applied to. THat is, it would be OCV vs. DCV or OECV vs. DECV. I can't think of an appropriate Power Construct right now that this would be appropriate for, but since Steve added it, I suspect he may have had something in mind.
  23. Re: Help me make a choice... UNTIL: Defenders of Freedom has my favorite NPC in the Champions Universe. Those who've read the book can probably figure out it who it is. Rod
  24. Re: RSR: OCV... what does it mean? Since that option is listed in the Modifiers part of the table, the "No Change" means that there is no change to the basic Limitation value (either -1/2 for one RSR or -3/4 for two RSRs). And yes, you would take the negative penalty from Active Points unless you purchased the RSR Modifier that removes the penalty.
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