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Everything posted by archer

  1. I'd rather have had the original Captain Mar-Vell complete with Nega-Bands but I suppose that'd be too much set-up work to reintroduce him into the comics and promote the brand.
  2. There's a really high threshold for removing a president from office using the 25th amendment. You can remove Trump for up to 25 days if the VP and the majority of the cabinet secretaries agree to do so. That's sixteen people so you'd need nine of them to agree to temporarily remove Trump. Here's the list of sixteen: VP Mike Pence Attorney General Jeff Sessions Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue Secretary of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Secretary of Defense James Mattis Secretary of Education Elisabeth Prince DeVos Secretary of Energy James Richard Perry Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Benjamin S. Carson, Sr. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie I think you'd get Pence, Sessions, and Mattis to agree to removal. Perry is a maybe because he'd like to be president or VP and dumping Trump is a step in that direction. Carson is a definite "no" vote, probably along with DeVos and Pompeo. I have no feel at all for the stance of the others. If you get nine of them including the VP, Trump is removed from office for up to 25 days. Then Trump immediately appeals and it goes to the House and Senate for them to vote on. Two-thirds of them would have to vote to keep Trump out of the White House in order to stop Trump from automatically returning to power. Honestly, removing Trump in that fashion is an almost guaranteed failure unless he shows his megalomania in some action of unprecedented scope. If the attempt to remove him fails and Trump returns to power, he'll burn down the country if that's what it takes to get his revenge on everyone involved in trying to remove him. So any attempt to remove him is going to have to be guaranteed to work, and work instantly without any leaks to Trump despite the fact that he has willing slaves among the group who would have to take the first step to remove him. Given that, playing along and trying to restrain Trump's impulses might be the safest course available. I couldn't be part of his administration given how much I detest the man and the Alt-Right that he stands for, but maybe it's okay that someone can hold their noses and try to stop him from the inner circle.
  3. I'd wondered who was responsible for Team America: World Police....
  4. archer

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  5. The "Deep State" are supposed Obama and Democrat party moles left over in government positions when Trump took over as president and they are using their position to thwart the president's agenda. These people from the article, on the other hand, are senior officials who were appointed by Trump to high government positions. And they realize the president is a nutbar and they need to act to thwart whatever insane compulsions rise to the surface of his mind on a daily basis. There's no telling if they consist of people who were members of the Republican party prior to the Trump coup, the various military officials Trump has assigned to civilian positions, various people from the private sector who Trump appointed, or a mixture of those. I'd like to think that at least a good number of them were already members of the party and who've finally realized the disastrous mistake the party machine made by teaming up with the Trumpsters to blatantly ignore the party's own rules at the convention and make Trump the nominee when he hadn't earned the spot. After being forced to campaign for Hillary in the 2016 general election in order to try to stop a crazy person from becoming president, I've burned too many bridges to be comfortable in going back to the GOP. But I'd like to think that not everyone who decided to remain have really drunk the Cool-Aid.
  6. I think it's a dumb idea for Nike to be affiliated with him in particular since that one affiliation is alienating large part of their customer base. But I think companies should have the right to do stupid things. And people should have the right to protest and boycott a company when they don't like what a company is doing. "Occupy Wall Street" and "boycott Nike" were both belief-driven movements, just coming from different points of view about what problems exist and need to be addressed. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm not okay with sweatshops, child labor, or slave labor thinly disguised as "re-education camps" being used to produce consumer items for import. Trying to get people interested in actually reading the US State Department's yearly report on human rights violations in countries across the world has been one (of several) of my completely unsuccessful causes. If the public read just the fraction of what the State Department documents, there'd be wide-scale protests over the fact that the US does any trade at all with China and wide-scale boycotts of Chinese-made consumer products crap. Or at least that's my fervent belief since I like to think that most people tend to be good people at heart and that the problem is ignorance rather than maliciousness.
  7. I'd kind of like for at least some oddly-colored characters or races to be vividly that color rather than pale pastel versions of that color. Yondu the Centauri was much the same pale blue as a Kree. If you didn't know the character's race in advance of the movie, you'd have trouble telling which race the character was supposed to be. Now we have movie Skrulls who look about the same shade of green as movie Drax or the movie Hulk and not far from the movie Gamora in some lighting. Nature actually does occasionally come up with vivid and distinctive coloration for its creatures....
  8. Using figured characteristics, I've found that buying DEX without buying SPD creates huge advantages...if you can find a GM willing to let you play a high DEX character.
  9. Do you need some kind of special permission or authorization to do a kickstarter using the HERO system?
  10. Psst, it's now "African-American".
  11. By that do you mean "Skrulls look like they do in the comic books" or do you mean you might sign up for HotSkrullsOnline.com?
  12. Funny, I thought that was one of the better sections of the book.
  13. I was taken aback when I returned a couple of months ago and found a "kickstarter" section in the forums.
  14. The artwork looked like an almost exact rip-off the Imperial Guard member Fang and his several clones, not to mention that Fang was a direct rip-off of DC's Timber Wolf. Tough to get excited too about, at least for me. "After Fang's third untimely death ("untimely" since no Marvel character gets a Timely death anymore), a basket containing a small wolf cub appeared on Empress Lilandra's doorstep in a suspiciously timely manner. Within hours, the new Fang was fully grown and kicking butt on the Kree border zone." If I'd thought of anything better than that, I might have written it up.
  15. There's an unwritten rule that superheroes always arrive in the nick of time no matter how slowly they travel. The only problem with that theory is that some GM's don't always follow the unwritten rule. (My post originally said "superherpes" rather than "superheroes". Sorry for any confusion.)
  16. Yeah, female superheroes should be required to wiggle into spandex like the comic book artists always intended. "Original intent" should be the law of the land!
  17. And considering that "short gestation" is the second leading cause of death of people <1, maybe we should forbid midgets from getting pregnant as well.
  18. Seems like we'd get rid of a huge chunk of them if we executed people on the eve of their 45th birthday. Just sayin'.
  19. I like Jack Ryan as Clancy wrote him: a mildly competent normal who got involved in some extraordinary situations. The movies, and now apparently the TV show, try to make him into some kind of action hero. As for the good guys having to act like idiots so the bad guys can succeed in the first act, that's covered in Basic TV Writing 101: How to Have the Good Guys Act Like Idiots So the Bad Buys Can Succeed in the First Act.
  20. Frodo started his journey to Mordor at 50? Ash started his Pokemon journey when he was only ten. That goes to show you that Pokemon fans are far more motivated than heroes.
  21. Q: What did Michael's date say seconds after he discovered that "she" was a cross dresser? A: The duck, a truck, and Friar Tuck.
  22. I'd hoped to live long enough for those complaints. But now that I'm here, I have so many complaints that I'm reluctant to discuss them in detail.
  23. You're only as old as you feel. So I'm 184 years old.
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