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Everything posted by archer

  1. Anyone know where I can see Babylon 5 reruns for free?
  2. I considered not having a badly-written Hawkeye character in the movie to be a bonus. They pretty much took everything which made Hawkeye a good character in the 60's through the 90's and did the opposite in the MCU movies. (Maybe they screwed the character as he was more recent Hawkeye appearances as well but I'm not as familiar with him in recent years.)
  3. They don't even need that much. "It's possible that the guy might be a slimeball" is the level of 'evidence' they need in order to convince Senators to not put their career on the line to vote someone in who might later turn out to be a slimeball if they think there's a real chance he might be guilty. Honestly, as rancorous as partisan politics has become in this country. I'm pleasantly surprised that there aren't false accusations made against every person who is nominated for any post (regardless of which party is in power at any point in time). It seems like such an easy way to smear someone. Nobody has an iron-clad alibi for some random day 40 years ago when they were a teenager. Most of the adults from back then are dead, many of the rest don't have a functioning memory.
  4. Honestly, it would be an odd thing for the FBI to investigate because the allegation, even if true, isn't a federal crime. The way that the FBI would get involved in a local crime is normally that the local law enforcement agency cannot conduct an effective investigation because much of the investigation would need to happen in another state or internationally. In those cases, local law enforcement would have to invite the FBI to join in or take over the investigation. There's no inability of local law enforcement to conduct an investigation and there's been no invitation from local law enforcement for the FBI to come in and take over an investigation.
  5. Amazing that a group superhero movie, a visual medium of communication if there ever was one, would cut a hero whose concept is that he is too small to be seen by the group or the audience.
  6. I take it that you are asking for people who are playing in 5e or 6e rather than for people who are still playing 4e or earlier?
  7. I never got Ultimate Martial Artist but I've used the hell out of Ninja Hero. I didn't have any idea how to create new maneuvers or new martial arts before I got that book and I didn't own anything else for a long while that had a list of all the martial arts maneuvers which HERO had already published. I also really enjoyed Kingdom of Champions, a book which gives an overview of running a campaign based in Great Britain (or at least running your playgroup through the isles). But I've also used it to get in the right mindset for writing fiction based there so I got more use out of the book than just gaming. I really enjoyed Mystic Masters and I think it helped me get more into the mindset of creating mystical characters and making them seem more unique (making an honest to goodness magician rather than an energy blasting character whose special effect happens to be magic). But I've never gotten around to running a magic-themed campaign.
  8. "Come to me, my children! My change will give you hope!"
  9. I do that every time I play Sudoku.
  10. You can tell it wasn't found in Britain...there's no way it would have lasted that long.
  11. I must admit I don't understand a 50 point multipower when you can only use 40 points maximum at a time.
  12. Honestly, I rarely pay attention to the name of authors for RPG material so I rarely have an opinion on authors, whether I've used their material or not. That would probably break the hearts of some authors who depend on their name to regenerate repeated business but, sorry, I've had to remember people's names for work for so many years that I developed an aversion for doing so for my entertainment. If it makes you feel any better, I don't remember the names of actors or singers either. I might like a movie or a particular song but I probably have no idea who you are. Though I admit I really miss Aaron Allston.
  13. If the engulfing doesn't block senses, it sounds like a grapple with a weird special effect. If the engulfing blocks some of the target's senses, it sounds like an entangle effect which blocks sight, sound, or whatever. And I must say that this sounds like the most boring power ever. If you successfully use it on your first phase, you sit there doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the combat unless you are damaged enough to fall off of the target? If the player chooses the grapple option, at least she could perhaps squeeze for strength damage and eventually stun the target so she could do something besides sit there doing nothing on each of her phases.
  14. Ned: This is not a town of weaklings! You can use your strengths against El Guapo. Now, what is it that this town really does well? Townspeople: Hmmm. Hmmm? Ummm. [long pause] Mama Sanchez: We can sew! Dusty: There you go, you can...sew. Ned: Ah.... Dusty: If only we had known this sooner....
  15. Not sure why they would remove it from the theaters before it got its full 35 weeks.
  16. A boy Rapunzel would probably have been put into the tower because his parents got tired of telling him he looked like a hippie and nagging him to get a haircut. And I can't imagine how filthy and greasy 50 feet of teenage boy hair would have been. I doubt any girl could have gotten a good enough grip to have climbed it. Or would have wanted to.
  17. Topper is known as the gentleman bandit due to his manner of dress and his habit of targeting the rich and famous at various gala events. His band of Merry Men usually work on crowd control and gathering the loot as Topper monologues. By now, most people realize if they play along that they will escape with no harm but that anyone who resists is likely to end up as the hostage who goes along for the ride in the escape vehicle. UNTIL theorizes that Topper's mask makes people suggestible (which might explain how Topper and his Merry Men gain entrance to some venues) and it is well-documented that his cane can produce a variety of destructive and stun effects. The Merry Men use painful but non-lethal stun weapons on civilians, security guards, and normal police but resort to more potent weapons when confronted with more capable opposition. Topper has a certain...shall we say "over-the-top" personality and has been known to fixate romantically on notably beautiful famous women (movie stars, superheroes, supervillains, etc.) and some of his crimes are staged to gain him the one gift he can give to his newest "true love" and gain her heart. For example, once Topper staged a crime to steal the Stenwick Diamond while announcing he was going to give it to charity, then days later presented it to Charity, Seattle's own resident superheroine at an event when she was supposed to be receiving the key to the city. You have to admit, the man has style....
  18. Yeah, I said the wrong thing. I shouldn't try to post when I have a migraine coming on. I do that "name-switching" thing a lot when speaking but not as often when typing. i meant the name of the actor who is Iron Man in the MCU.
  19. They're probably not going to revisit the Mandarin character since they don't have an Iron Man under contract for another movie. But my take on it is that the guy they picked up wasn't the real Mandarin. AIM probably picked the name for their patsy to piggyback on the legend of "The Mandarin". The backstory and rumors of a Mandarin which were already out there in the world would have made the AIM character more believable as a threat. And that would leave a real Mandarin still out there....
  20. I didn't like Cavill as Superman at all. But it's difficult to tell how much of that was a bad director and an even worse script or whether Cavil was a terrible actor surrounded by other terrible actors and they were all dealing with a bad director and a terrible script. It's nice that Cavill tries to understand the character and do it justice, unlike some actors in comic book movies. But any attempts that he made to do that didn't come through in the films to me. I like Chris Evans as Captain America but I remember him going into some event standing on a red carpet with some other actor from the Avengers movie. The person interviewing him is doing a big reveal of who the villain was going to be in the next Avengers movie. The interviewer tries to do a dramatic buildup and then announces to him, "It's Ultron!" Both of the actors get a blank look on their face and Chris Evans says, "Who's that?" The interviewer had to try to explain to them that Ultron is the ultimate evil indestructible robot of the Marvel Universe and that this is a big deal while they're standing there with blank looks on their faces. And when the interviewer finished talking, Evans gave a deadpan, "Okay" and was still clearly confused as to what was menacing or significant about the Avengers fighting a robot. By that point in time, Evans had done two MCU movies for sure and Winter Soldier was probably already filmed. Plus he had done two Fantastic Four movies but apparently was still completely unaware of the identity of one of the most iconic Marvel villains. But even given that total disinterest on Evans part, he still manages to do a hell of a job when the cameras are turned on. "I'm interested and I care but my performances suck and my acting is wooden" vs "I have no idea what's going on and don't care to know but I read my script and try to connect in character with the other actors while the camera is on". < shrug > I would be curious when Morton Downey, Jr. finishes up acting in the MCU what would happen if the DC movie universe hired him to play Maxwell Lord, the charismatic paranoid billionaire who manipulates the Justice League. Would Downey pull off a killer performance with a character who is tailor-made for him? Or would the movie director and script have him come off as a bad cartoon (as DC movies has Lex Luthor over and over again) At this point, I'd bank on Downey not being able to pull off a killer performance because the director, script, and editing would do everything in their power to stop the performance from being entertaining, powerful, or even slightly interesting.
  21. Describing this person as a "fruit" wouldn't be politically correct since he is partially composed of vegetables.
  22. I had fun in one campaign with half-elves...but they were half elf and half black human. Caused some confusion when describing them, "No, they aren't dark elves. They are half elves who are black." "So their skin is black?" "Yes." "So they are dark elves." At that point I caught on to their confusion and tried to stretch out the conversation as much as possible, trying to amuse myself at their expense. I guess I could have described them as "African-American half-elves" but since the campaign wasn't set in the Americas....
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