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Stanley Teriaca

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Everything posted by Stanley Teriaca

  1. It's Rumple Skilltion. I just know it.
  2. And of course Teleios couldn't keep Landsman away from human contact anyways.
  3. What can I say? I'm not surprised that Trump got the guilty verdict. I don't think he will get jail time, but that is probably due to social status than anything. If Trump becomes president again he will become the Convicted Criminal in Chief. How would that affect his job as President? If he never gets a pardon (doubtful they wouldn't pardon hIm if he gets elected again), how would he do his nation representing duties if he can't leave the country? Anyways, I'm not happy nor not happy about Trump getting found guilty.
  4. Auto correct can't read minds or control how thick ones thumb is.
  5. If you really want to emulate a comic book, it needs an issue number. It doesn't have to be #1 or anything like that, a random number would be nice.
  6. Reminds me of Delissious in Dungion. The place is cursed so that it is painfuly easy to raise the dead there.
  7. An obvious attack, at least unless you make that invisible.
  8. Use huge robots to rob banks for precious metals to make curcit boards and other devices for even more huge robots.
  9. Scientific experiments. Getting unwilling subjects for there unwilling scientific experiments. Performing said experiments, no mater the cost. Mass abductions among the homeless population of the campaign city. Distribution of strange weapons among the criminal underworld.. New designer drugs flooding the city streets. Respectable people acting strangly, as if hit by a mind control device. (Insert plot here.)
  10. Forget Holy. Waterboard the Vampire with something they can't cross...running water.
  11. 1) Depends on the GM I believe. But a good rule of thumb is this...to pass as a generic version of something needs no Disguise or MIMic skills. To actually be that thing, you do need the skills. 2) Basiclly yes unless you buy shapeshift to affect IR vision also. Then no.
  12. I understand. I will probably never face this myself (except for myself), but I understand. You can always adapt portions of my writeup for your use.
  13. Thank you. But I didn't want a commentary from you but from others. And I wrote her a long time ago. And forgive me for being slightly flippant, but you and PhantomGM2602 are a bit too close to this villain to be objective. Also, I would love to hear from others on what they would do differently, how I could (assuming I was the GM) mod her for a non-magical girl style campainge, etc. I would also like @DShomshak's opinion on the character, as he has a magical girl in his current Advent Guard campaign.
  14. Been wondering what people think about this writeup. What do you think?
  15. I was inspired by the Vertigo series Y, The Last Man, which is a virus which kills 99.9%% of the male population (which only leaves the hero Yorick Brown and his monkey Ampersand). They solved the problem sorta by cloning Yorick. I was also inspired by the fact that it would take place in the Champions Universe and Telous exists, along with whatever genetic scientist WITCH has.
  16. She is decently his current darling.
  17. Do you have permission to do Gargoyle?
  18. WITCH will have other ways to reproduce, like cloning. And they will make sure the next generation will be all women.
  19. It doesn't have the "make men insane when they see me" power, but that is probably a huge PRE attack. Some characters in the story do die of fright when he appears right on the spot. And it should be noted that the writeup lacks space flight (at least 1 light year a year. It is immortal so he can take his time flying to Earth.) But...we can always assume THIS writeup is Cthulhu's avatar (or asleep) form and that him fully awoken would be much more powerful than this. And don't forget his mental class is Alien (and for him we suggest you use the optimal mental classes of minds for him and his kin.
  20. #7 is Verb, #26 Is Zero, #14 is Interplanet Janet, School House Rocky sometimes appears in the beging title sequence, if they actually include it. The Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips stuff starts on #49 and ends on #52. And that is basicly it, super character wise.
  21. School House Rock was a series of very short edutainment cartoons starting in the mid 1970s ABC Saterday morning timeslot between the 'real' cartoons. They attempted to teach us gramer, math (mostly the multiplication table up to 12), American history (to coinsine with the bicenteneral), science, computers (the 80s 'spinoff' Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips segments [guess which one is the boy and which one is the living computer], money managment, and the goverment). When Disney bought ABC, they got ownership of SHR also.
  22. I @tiger's take on CLOWN, The Fox is the new co-leader of the group (along with founder Merry Andrew).
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