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Everything posted by Beetle

  1. Re: WWYCD: Sleeping With The Enemy Black Arrow - Would yell "I am soooo telling ElectroKnight about this!" and run off to the team leader. Darkshadow - Would take the opportunity to arrest the adversary if there were any outstanding warrants. If not, he'd make a harsh comment or two about inappropriate choices and would cross that teammate off his ever shrinking list of people he trusts. Panther - He wouldn't say anything because he did it himself. He had a hot & heavy affair with female supermerc that the team had gone against a couple of times (though she was more "grey" than supervillain).
  2. Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters? I loved that line of comics (though I was distressed by what happened to the Comet after the original creative team quit). "Bob Phantom" was one of the funnier bits I've ever read in a comic. I never tried to work them up in hero, but I can't imagine it would be that hard. They were fairly simple (except for the Black Hood), which is one of the things I liked about them. One nitpick, it wan't Impact!, it was !mpact
  3. Re: Self-Exiled Angel -- Character Background Brainstorming This probably won't be helpful, but... If you introduce any sort of angel as a major character in a campaign, you're going to have to deal with the theological fallout. I'd recommend that you make sure that your players are ok with that sort of thing before doing this. Many people have definate ideas about the way god is or what "heaven" is like, and won't enjoy a game where things are very different.
  4. Re: Comics from the Good Ol' Days Jerry Ordway's "Power of Shazam" is a more recent comic with a "silver age" feel that you might want to check out. It was excellently done, and did a very good job of blending the old feel with the modern age. Back issues of this too-soon cancelled masterpiece should be readily available at comic shops.
  5. Re: Suddenly... a new and better you The closest I had to this problem was with my speedster character, Bolt. Prior to gaining his powers he had been a professional athlete (a pitcher for the Orioles) who was in a horrendous car crash that should've left him with permanent disabilities. During his 6-month coma, somebody (the campaign didn't last long enough to find out) experimented on him and he got super powers, and the super physique to go with it. So in his regular ID he had to pretend to still be affected by his accident (even then it was considered a "miraculous" recovery). He also had to go to great lengths to fool his physical therapist, who was starting to get suspicious. Not to mention that he was bitter over the loss of his baseball career and the incorrect belief that he had been driving drunk at the time of his crash (due to falsified medical records). I think he had the best origin of all my champs characters. (also it was fun to see how long it took the rest of the team to realize that you should never make a character team leader if it has the disads of "arrogant", "overconfident" and "impulsive" even if the player has more experience in the game than all the other players combined... good times )
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I've changed my signature, so it's safe for St. Louis Cardinals fans to read my posts again...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In our GURPS Firefly campaign, we had rescued a bunch of young girls who were about to be sold into slavery, and went about trying to find nice planets to drop them off on. Our GM has a long list of names that she uses as a random name generator, and one of the girls ended up named Honda. Trav (the pilot): "Honda is part chinese and part european, right?" GM: "Yes" Trav: "So she's a Honda hybrid?"
  8. Re: The cranky thread I shoveled snow this morning. I'm not ready for snow.
  9. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels I wonder if it has something to do with the order one comes across them. I read Fionavar first (it was written first) and liked it very much (even if it does get over-Tolkeinish at points). But when I read it, I wasn't burdened with comparing it to Tigana, which is a masterpiece.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From last night's GURPS "Firefly" game (it needs no context): "The skeleton is not orgasming!"
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Magic number!! Funny, I don't feel any different...
  12. Re: Reccomended Reading: Fantasy Novels If you're looking for epic fantasy, you can't do better than Tad Williams's "Memory, Sorrow & Thorn" trilogoy composed of The Dragonbone Chair, The Stone of Farewell and To Green Angel Tower. Excellent books. A lesser name that some may not be familiar with is Lawrence Watt-Evans. I'm a really big fan of his work, in large part because he concentrates on having his characters act like "real" people. His darker early work, "The Lords of Dus" (The Lure of the Basilisk, Seven Altars of Dusarra, The Sword of Bheleu and The Book of Silence) are very good and have an interesing cosmology. His Ethshar novels (a series of mostly unconnected stories set in a common world) are very different, in that they keep a generally lighter tone. It's too bad Ethshar's been put on the back shelf because I think they filled a niche that seems to be ignored in fantasy today. Finally, his more recent stuff (Touched by the Gods and the "Dragon Venom" trilogy) is also decent. Also, Steve's recommendations in the back of FH were very good (except for the mean comments about Fionavar which clearly show him to be a communist under alien control )
  13. Re: Dark Champions Review Thanks for the link. I especially liked the line "Steve's usual painstaking approach to genre issues and to things that interest Steve"
  14. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing! Black Arrow would probably give something slightly provocative and mildly inappropriate. Like something from Victoria's Secret (or a gift certificate), or a "better sex" book. Then she'd be surprised that people thought it was inappropriate ("I'd put 'em to good use if it was me.") Panther would offer to play at the reception (he's an excellent jazz musician) Darkshadow would send a card. He doesn't do weddings.
  15. Re: The cranky thread I was horrified this weekend to see and hear Bush and Kerry ads all over tv and the radio. Arrrrggghhh!!! We've lost our immunity! And they're not even meant for me, they're for New Hampshire! Bad campaigns! Go buy ads on WMUR-Manchester, NH and leave the Boston stations alone!
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's almost impossible to be stressed out while listening to Luscious Jackson.
  17. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions *****SPOILER WARNING***** They killed Hawkeye? And they broke Diamondback's neck? Well, that settles the "not buying Marvel Comics ever again" question...
  18. Re: Fate of a Champion (no Mitch) Given the chaotic nature of battles, any one (or more) of the Champions could legitimately wind up dead or comatose from an encounter with Champions. It might be a fun exercise in creative GMing to randomly determine which one gets hurt and then later work the story out as to how.
  19. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions As somebody who hasn't followed Disassembled, can I get a quick rundown on who they've killed or permanently injured? There are certain characters whose death would cause me to never buy a Marvel comic again (not that I was really planning to) To answer a question posed a couple of pages ago, my favorite Avengers arc was also Proctor/The Gathering but my favorite Avengers run was the Roy Thomas stuff way back when (40s-80s or so). Black Panther and Vision joined the team, Arkon tried to blow up the earth and woo the Scarlet Witch at the same time, Hawkeye became Goliath. Good times. Worst arc by far is the Crossing (Heroes Reborn doesn't count because it never happened! The lineup for New Avengers seems interesting, but the presence of Wolverine would stop me from buying the title. Also, this may be blasphemous but I prefer the second Spider-Woman to the original. (and not for nothin', but shouldn't this be in NGD?)
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I just noticed that the WAG thread has 43,200 views but only 12,500 replies. Who views that thread without replying? It's like it's a conversation you can follow. Were there really 31,000 instances where people couldn't think of an associated word?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My regular group switched to Shadowrun for a couple of weeks to change the pace. Having never played Shadowrun before, I was running a simple troll named Hammer. Our group was charging an area when we ran into a locked door. Our cyber-samurai guy was going to try to kick it down when my troll stepped in saying: "Stop! Hammer time!"
  22. Re: Favorite Pulp Character Another vote for The Shadow. Especially the Orson Wells version. They did more mystical/paranormal type stories with Wells, and Margo Lane (Anges Moorhead) was actually useful. She would tap phone lines and help Lamont solve cases. By the 1940s, she screamed alot and was the subject of many "women driver" jokes. BTW - how do I get a job like "wealthy young man about town"?
  23. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER What color are Mountain Dew cans? Green. What color does VIPER wear? Green. Coincidence? I think not...
  24. Re: The cranky thread The plumber is coming over today for the second time in a week to fix a leak from the upstairs bathroom (it's different leaks). I don't think I can handle catastrophic plumbing failure, even if I am just renting.
  25. Re: Pulp Hero Forum While I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Pulp Hero, there's just something a little unfortunate about that name (not that there's a better one). It reminds me of during WWII when the newly created naval commander in chief was called CINCUS (say it out loud).
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