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Posts posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. On 5/8/2024 at 9:55 AM, Asperion said:

    What is the best way that an AI would take over the world? Would they go for the classic Terminator approach or something more subtle? How intelligent should the AI be to even attempt this? What tools would they bring in on their behalf? Anything else that you would like to mention would be appreciated. 


    Well, what kind of campaign do you want to run? The AI's intelligence and methodology follows from that.

  2. On 4/28/2024 at 10:52 AM, Steve said:

    I’m starting to wonder if it could be a type of Ego Attack that doesn’t actually cause STUN damage. The dice are only rolled to see if the target is Stunned from the pain.


    This is why I suggested the Change Environment Stunning variant from APG1. 😁

  3. On 10/28/2023 at 3:40 PM, Hugh Neilson said:

    On the skills front, I think "Hero as game design" could be better defined.  In Supers, we could likely get by with a single skill a la Detective Work.  A police procedural game might focus more on that aspect, mandating more granular skills.  Lawyer and Medical Doctor are likely enough for Supers where a courtroom or hospital drama, respectively, would need a finer breakdown.  Ditto Science.


    I've played around with the idea of this as a toggle, depending on setting. In a supers game (as you suggest), there would probably be only one character (or a minority of group members) taking Criminology or Forensic Medicine and there's really no need to break it down further. If we are playing Police Procedural Hero, all the characters will have it, so we need to flip the toggle. Now, using the main skill requires subskills (Knowledge Skills related to the main skill) to use it effectively. Using the main skill without at least a Familiarity in the relevant subskill would have a -3 penalty because they don't have the more specialized knowledge needed to effectively apply the main skill. Higher levels in the subskill would allow a complementary roll, as usual.


    Example: Detectives Willams and Hunter analyzing data from a crime scene trying determine which direction a gunshot came from.  Both have Criminology, but only Hunter has Ballistic Analysis. Detective Williams will take a -3 to his Criminology roll.

  4. On 10/25/2023 at 8:02 PM, LoneWolf said:

    One thing to keep in mind is that even the developers make mistakes at times.  To me this is clearly one of those times. This has apparently been going on for a few editions.     


    To me the fix is simple.  For hardened defense you halve anything that is not hardened to the appropriate level.  For impenetrable you apply the amount of appropriate impenetrable defense against the minimum damage. 


    Even though this is not official I suggest that everyone adopt this as a house rule.  I would also suggest that this be officially adopted and added to any upcoming FAQ. 


    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

  5. 13 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

    Penetrating is essentially an NND effect;  so long as you have 1 point of impenetrable defense that applies against the attack, the Penetrating minimum damage is negated.


    This is incorrect. (Or else why would you buy more than one point of Impenetrable?) Each point of Impenetrable defense stops one point of Penetrating damage. For example, if a character has 5 RPD, plus 5 RPD (Impenetrable), it would stop 10 points of damage plus 5 points of Penetrating damage.

  6. 13 minutes ago, IndianaJoe3 said:


    "The spacecraft successfully conducted a selenobraking maneuver." 


    3 minutes ago, L. Marcus said:



    Potato, potahto.


    (Followed by, "potatobraking manuever" and, "Is potato.")

  7. On 8/20/2023 at 1:20 PM, Scott Ruggels said:


     Russia’s Lunar Lander Crashes Into the Moon: The robotic Luna-25 spacecraft appeared to have “ceased its existence” after a failed orbital adjustment, the space agency Roscosmos said. “The Luna-25 lander, Russia’s first space launch to the moon’s surface since the 1970s, entered lunar orbit last Wednesday and was supposed to land as early as Monday. On Saturday afternoon Moscow time, according to Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, the spacecraft received orders to enter an orbit that would set it up for a lunar landing. But an unexplained ’emergency situation’ occurred, and the orbital adjustment did not occur.”


    "The spacecraft successfully conducted a selenobraking maneuver." 

  8. On 8/12/2023 at 1:08 PM, Grailknight said:

    The abstraction is workable for those familiar with the system but would be terrible for newbies. Characteristics, even with their pricing issues, give some basis for understanding an ability with just one word. Without them you'll have a wordier and harder read than 5th-6th and that won't fly for attracting new players.


    I see this conversation as being useful on an SRD/SDD level, but I don't think I'd want to play it. :) 

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