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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. In the real world, the fundamental difference between torpedoes and missiles is that missiles fly through the air and torpedoes are underwater. No such distinction applies in space (unless rubber science creates one).
  2. There's a short table on 6e2 212, but it only has a few examples. Fantasy Hero and HSEG have armor by hit location, but it doesn't break it down into a generic activation roll.
  3. I agree that skill bloat is one of the less-discussed drivers of character cost. Many skills have been split into multiple separate skills, and the list of Knowledge Skills keeps getting longer. However, one thing that GMs (and writers) need to keep in mind is that different genres need different levels of detail. Reed Richards and Hans Zarkov both have extensive knowledge of many scientific disciplines, but they aren't used much past, "analyze weird phenomenon of the week." The M:I team members are fluent in multiple languages, but lack of fluency never comes up (and everything is portrayed in English). On the other hand, in a police procedural, everyone will know the basics of Criminology or Forensic Medicine, but they will have different areas of expertise.
  4. I've always filed DC/AP caps under, "campaign guidelines," not rules. You're not going to let an Iron Man expy into your medieval fantasy game, and you're not letting Captain Megablast have a 30d6 Blast in a street-level supers game either (even if he does have a cool concept). Captain Megablast.hdc
  5. So, you're saying that the Hero System is perfect as-is? I didn't think so. There's still a lot of cruft in the system, and complex systems that resulted from design decisions made multiple editions ago. Does it need another edition? Good question. (I don't think that Champions Now was it.)
  6. Some will evaporate in the heating process, so measuring afterwards is preferred.
  7. Maybe in cities, but not necessarily in the suburbs. One mall near me was built on the site of an old golf course.
  8. FWIW, I will sometimes give large creatures a, "Size Matters" power that reduces the damage they take from attacks scaled to affect normal humans. The lowest level reduces the effect from Beam attacks but not others.
  9. It was either post this here, Random Videos, or Foods For People Who Don't Care Anymore.
  10. I think China would have considerable difficulty invading Australia. There's 2500 miles of ocean between them, for one thing. (Imagine launching the Normandy invasion from Canada.)
  11. In 6e, a Barrier is treated as a wall. Any attack going through one must overcome the wall's DEF and BODY to penetrate it. NNDs do no BODY (unless bought with the appropriate advantage), so they cannot penetrate. I remember Force Walls acting the same way, but it's been so long since I've played 5e that I'm not 100% sure.
  12. Don't make me send the Narn Bat Squat after you.
  13. "Hello. My name is Juan Pablo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
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