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bubba smith

HERO Member
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Everything posted by bubba smith

  1. do made for tv moviies count? if so I have one "if you need me you've got me you know that "
  2. complication jetpack needs to be refueled complication jetpack is consider to be stolen/ government property
  3. if a conspiracy theorist can't find anything wrong with you no one can
  4. what's that ?3red ed was before my time
  5. if you mean Luke Cage at first it was just 'Christmas' later a witer expanded it
  6. here's one for a superVILLAN universe just because I;m self interested doesn't mean i'm total scum
  7. even the local hermit has to get out of the house sometime
  8. 60 percent boxing /karate 2 30 percent wrestling / judo the other ten percent is what he/she picks up from opponents
  9. I had the platers convenience in mind in regard to the cost you probably have enough resorces
  10. this seems more like DARK CHAMPIONS to me
  11. that may be but I meant in power level
  12. who needs an extrateresrial invasion?? foregn governments are bad enough
  13. point taken to me street level means Batman the punisher Col. Steve Austin /Jamie Sommers walker texas ranger DD.Etc.
  14. perhaps thr ptb considered the titile'action HERO too generic or they wanted to point out it was compatible to CHAMPIONS
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