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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Would skill levels that are used just for damage work?
  2. Here's a whacked out idea ... probably illegal as all get out, but ... how about buying a Summon between the two that summons a specific being (the gestalt form), with a side-effect of Extra-Dimensional movement that sends the two 'original' characters into some subspace, while the combined form is active? (Note: From the initial post, I'm not sure if you have two different PCs that combine into a new form, or if they're all the 'same character'. I'm assuming that it's two separate PCs with two separate players.)
  3. Another option might be to link some extra Strength to the Force Field, with the limitation Only To Resist Disarming, if the immunity to disarming isn't total. Otherwise, I'd say OIF it.
  4. I let them go off of EGO ... but I have always been annoyed by the 'having to wait 'til DEX' part if I want to move. Traditionally, I have always created Mentalists with identical EGO and DEX (usually 20/20 under 4th) ... in 5th, I'll probably go for the Lightning Reflexes route (mostly for simplicity's sake ... just do everything at once already).
  5. The urge to suggest Super Heroes In Training is overwhelming. Vindicators is good, as would be any name that amounts to 'benign protector', like Sentinels, Guardians, and the like.
  6. Well, we didn't roleplay this week, as the DM whose turn it was was feeling quite under the weather, so we broke out our host's Munchkin cards. The second game we played was a gigantic conglomeration of Munchkin (with Unnatural Axe and Clerical Errors), Star Munchkin, and Munchkin Fu. The player on my left pulls the Loud Hairy Alien sidekick, and proceeds to try to make a Chewbacca roar, though it just really ... didn't ... come out right. A little too much 'grunt' ... which prompted me to say ... "Just a guy out on the prowl, tryin' to get a little Wookiee."
  7. Almost never. Natural disaster type stuff, yeah, but touching on things that edge on political or religious grounds is something I avoid, as I figure I'm bound to offend someone along the way. Imagine if, say, I had some nefarious Dark Seraph plot built around the ... *ahem* indiscretions ... recently revealed about the Catholic Church? It's a subject I feel is best left untouched, and even unaddressed (I haven't even mentioned if things like that, or 9/11, have occured in my gameworld ... I'm leaning towards 'no'.)
  8. I would probably base Power Defense off of Constitution, myself ... for 'hardy sorts' who can weather/shrug off that sort of thing.
  9. What's the little cutie's name? He looks like my little Sphinx when he was a kitty.
  10. *can't stop laughing* That's not just cute, it's ky0000000000t!
  11. Wasn't that one of the femme fatales from the Bond movies?
  12. Superhero Physics. The same reason people can pick up buildings and battleships and they don't collapse under their own weight, speedsters don't catch fire from friction, and people with Growth don't break their own legs at maximum size.
  13. *laughs* Thanks for reminding me! This one's from a friend of mine from college days, telling me about an old game of his, where someone created a character named Warhead. Pretty simple power structure ... Duplication (4 duplicates). The duplicates had: A squidload of Superleap, and A no-range killing explosion, both with one charge each. Basically, he'd split off his duplicates, then they'd leap at someone, land, and explode, dying messily. Of course, after a couple of games, they realized that dead duplicates STAYED dead ... so the explosions became personally immune, and the duplicates would spend their next phases running for their lives back to the original.
  14. Oh, if bad NAMES are legal on this thread, I have a couple more candidates. Stretching powers ... decent character build, actually had a background, had the whole elastic powers thing going. "Okay, what's the codename?" "Captain Condom." "..." A height-impaired psionic ... dubbed the Mental Midget. He didn't quite grasp what that *meant* ... A female character with feline powers with a name I really can't say on this forum ... fill in the blanks yourselves ... two words, first was 'Power', it was alliterative ... Oy.
  15. Plagiarize, Plagiarize, Plagiarize (sp?) But remember please, to call it, research. I usually wind up taking a name from somewhere, and putting a twist on it ... altering a couple of letters, mixing syllables, all that kinda jazz ... so it sounds more fantasy-y. I just make it a point to only steal from things that I can be reasonably sure nobody else has watched.
  16. VIPER watch? Has VIPER finally hired agents smart enough to tell time?
  17. Well ... my wife is prepping for a Champs game. We have one guy who likes oddball characters. His favorite is the psionic who sees through other's eyes, thereby staying completely away from the fight. However, for this game, he wanted a takeoff of Arthur Dent from the Hitchhiker's Guide. So I did it. And it's scary. (Fear Towel-Lin Kung Fu!) Beyond that ... lessee. The guy who had 5s in all stats, with campaign-maximum stats bought via foci (each stat had a different focus, at that), all Unbreakable Personal OIFs. All powers were Focussed. All skills were Focussed. Take away his foci, and the guy becomes a frickin' vegetable or something. And the conversation for getting the character background was something like, "So where did he get all these magic items?" "He found them." "Where?" "I dunno. He just did."
  18. Pulsar, after KOing a PC: "WHO ELSE WANTS A PIECE OF THE MAN!?" Soulfire (a PC), after blasting Pulsar with a frankly obscene damage roll: "Just a small piece."
  19. Re: Re: ... *spits Mountain Dew out of Col. Orange's nose.* (Don't ask) Holy Flaming Kiwi ... a 30 DC Attack ... yes, I would recommend scaling that back, unless it's one of those things that is either really hard to use (low activation, prohibitive END cost), or is just there for him to demonstrate how big a badass he is on inanimate objects (shredding a tank).
  20. "A BOAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" --During my last FH campaign, any random player. I hadn't realized that, over the course of the game, every single time the PCs were on a seagoing vessel of any sort (including a simple barge), something happened and it invariably sank. This happened like six times.
  21. You should just make a team of undead Marvel mutants. You can call them ... The Uncanny X-Humed! (Hopes the joke hasn't been done yet ...)
  22. What about Daredevil and Wolverine? That's basically what I was thinking of with EC: Enhanced Senses. Daredevil especially ... 360 Radar, Tracking Smell, etc. etc. Geez. Just out of curiosity, would you accept EC: Invulnerability, a la Juggernaut?
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