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Doc Democracy

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    Doc Democracy reacted to assault in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    The problem with alien cultures is that you need a degree of familiarity at the same time.

    It's the difference between "yeah, I get it" and "no, I am not going to read forty pages of mediocre prose just to be able to play". Much of the skill in worldbuilding lies in that difference.
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    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Gauntlet in Healing/Regeneration power build :help:   
    I think the trigger is essential to this.  The power is set to go off, it needs not be close to when they are about to die and could be years in advance, and sits there waiting for the right circumstance.
    I think the definition of dead is important.  As Duke mentioned, the games are fantastical enough that many undead, mechanical and other non-traditional living beings exist.  If -10 is dead, then the trigger is when the being is taken to -10 BODY (that is my working memory too).
  3. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Chris Goodwin in Power Builds and Custom Adders   
    I thought I'd expand my reasoning a bit.
    Let's assume for the sake of easy math that the initial attack hits on 10-, or 50%.  Which means it has a 50% to miss.  Two attempts gives it a 25% chance to miss, or 75% chance to hit.  Three gives a 12.5% chance to miss, or 87.5% chance to hit.  I'm reasonably certain both my math and my reasoning are correct. 
    Going back to the dice probability chart for 3d6, 12- is a 74.07% chance to hit (approximating 75%), and 14- is 90.74%, close enough to 87.5%.  Because we're working on 3d6 and not percentiles, we can call +2 per pass "good enough".  We can buy +4 OCV with a single attack for +8 base points. 
    I'm assuming each attempt is a separate "pass" taking +1 Segment of Extra Time.  -1/2 is an Extra Segment, or -3/4 is an Extra Phase.  Let's assume -1/2 for a variable amount of extra Segments that could be 0, 1, or 2; it could as easily be -1/4 if it seems too much.  With the +4 to hit: if you hit exactly or by 1, it hits on the third pass, at +2 Segments, if you hit by 2 or 3 it's the second pass, at +1 Segment, and if you hit by 4 or more it's the first pass, on the Segment it's fired. 
  4. Haha
    Doc Democracy reacted to unclevlad in Healing/Regeneration power build :help:   
    1.  More duplicates?  Buy more.  +5 points to double.  Eek.  I don't like the approach, but this is a trivial workaround if you do.
    2.  On the Resurrection...mmm, I know it is.  I may have mis-thought it a bit.  BUT...8d6 probably isn't *close* to enough, which I think CRT emphasized.  
    Healing, N d6 (N will be discussed in a bit), Resurrection (+20 points), 0 END, Resurrection Only (-1/2), Trigger (when struck after being killed), plus maybe the expanded effect, and the "must be hit again" limitation
    So, what's N?  First, the healing must be great enough to take the corpse to 1 BODY...and if this is going to happen all at once, on the trigger, we're talking taking the BODY to full.  So, even with just 10 BODY...we're talking 20 BODY, or 40 pips.  Hello there, 12d6 minimum, and that's if you don't allow damage past negative BODY.  
    Oh, and...we need Decreased Re-use Duration...a HONKING BIG ONE, if we want it to work as OP suggested.  
    So, we're looking at, what, 140 base points with a +3 1/4 advantage...?  +1 1/2 decreased re-use, +1/2 reduced END, + 1/4 trigger, +1 expanded effect.  595 active?
    3.  Chris was pointing out the qualifier to my statement.  You can't recombine with a dead duplicate...so for the duplication approach to work, the duplicate has to be resurrected...at which point, he's not dead, and therefore, recombine's allowed.
  5. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to braincraft in Healing/Regeneration power build :help:   
    Re: Healing/Regeneration power build
    The phylactery is the real character, and it Summons a new Lich every time the old one is destroyed.
  6. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Sean Waters in Healing/Regeneration power build :help:   
    Re: Healing/Regeneration power build
    Summon does not work. Sure you can MAKE it work, if you want to ignore some bits, and this was how we did resurrection before we had resurrection, but technically the summoned creature, even if it is DEFINED as the original is still a GM beasty and NOT the original, and, even if the player was allowed to run it, it can not stay around indefinitely - only so long as it has defined 'tasks' to complete.
    Resurrection DOES get expensive though it is the 'right' way to do it, probably....if it is a GM villain, handwave it for goodness sakes, if it is a player....hmmm....
    Here's a cheat: + 30 BODY (only to avoid death if hit again after 'dying' -1/2: no figured) and +50 STUN (only active if hit again after 'dying' -1/2) costs 66 points.
    Basically, say your ghul has 30 stun and 10 BODY norally and gets 'killed' i.e. takes 20 BODY damage, it appears to all intents and purposes to be dead, but in fact has 50 BODY, so is only down to 30: gets hit again and the extra BODY and STUN clicks in and it is up and running at full health. Probably not wxactly what you are after but about the right effect?
  7. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Steve in Homing   
    Re: Homing
    Personally I like to do it using continuous uncontrolled (requires attack roll every phase, ends when attack is successful). You make the attack, pile in the amount of END necessary to keep it going multiple phases and it will keep attacking until it actually hits or runs out of END.
  8. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to L. Marcus in Find Weakness and Lack of Weakness for 6th Edition.   
    ... Subtitle ... ?
  9. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Duke Bushido in Find Weakness and Lack of Weakness for 6th Edition.   
    Thanks, Hugh. 
    how about that!  It took sixty-odd years, but I finally found a place where I'm the _subtle_ one!

  10. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Killing Me Softly   
    I tend to ignore BODY once the current adventure is over.  Start of next adventure, everyone is hale and hearty.
    BODY damage, as you intimated, should raise the stakes during the adventure and players should be adapting their tactics to ensure their injured comrades are not unduly exposed to further BODY damage.
  11. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Lord Liaden in How would one find the Janus Key?   
    The Janus Key appears to possess sentience and some level of intelligence, and randomly "chooses" a wielder to appear to. That's how Amnesia of the Cirque Sinister got it. You don't find it. It finds you.
  12. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to L. Marcus in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    Henke is a bit of a legend, true. Almost as good as Ibrahimovich and much more personable! When he went from Celtic to Barca in '04, the two clubs met in the Champions League, the game played in Glasgow. Larsson scored on his old club -- and refused to celebrate. Class act.
  13. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    My favourite player on my favourite team is a Swede.  Hendrix Larsson is a god.  Sweden is the last country I would find fault with....
  14. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from L. Marcus in Favourite Mediaeval Setting?   
    Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Less hate for a dessert you probably have never tried.  There are a lot of scandi-snacks that I might point at that are, health-wise, as questionable as the modern classic you are trying to denigrate.
  15. Thanks
    Doc Democracy reacted to Tech in Killing Me Softly   
    I do this as well. The character is automatically assumed to have healed from any previous episode injuries. Not once, to my memory, have I ever had someone still injured when another episode started.
  16. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Killing Me Softly   
    I tend to ignore BODY once the current adventure is over.  Start of next adventure, everyone is hale and hearty.
    BODY damage, as you intimated, should raise the stakes during the adventure and players should be adapting their tactics to ensure their injured comrades are not unduly exposed to further BODY damage.
  17. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Swimming question   
    Right, if it could go either way, give it to the player character.  If they probably wouldn't make it, let them just barely pull it off, gripping to the edge of the building with their fingernails.  Use a DEX or appropriate roll to get up safely.  This is HERO games, not chump games like real life where you'll probably fail and die.
  18. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Swimming question   
    The answer is about 0.65 seconds. A SPD 6 character running at 40m goes 40m in 2 seconds.  So would go 13m.
    This will vary with running and SPD of each character in working out how far they move in 0.65 seconds....but as Christopher says, we are not doing physics, we are playing a game.
    I would fudge towards reasonable feats for heroic purposes, possibly giving harder rolls the bigger the stretch being asked by the player.
  19. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Rich McGee in Swimming question   
    Physics doesn't work that way.  Your downward acceleration from gravity will certainly make you fall faster and faster, but the only thing reducing your horizontal momentum from running off the roof is wind resistance.  In most cases involving even superhuman physiques you'll likely hit the ground before your horizontal movement comes to a halt - although capes and patagia and whatnot might change the math some.
    Not really worth worrying much in a game, but (for example) the fact that a bomb only slowly diverges from the horizontal vector it shared with the plane it dropped from is pretty much the basis of the science of putting falling ordnance on target.    
  20. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Grailknight in Swimming question   
    That would depend on relative heights. If his Running velocity can cover the distance before he falls too far from his basic leap, then he makes it. If not, he slams into the side of the next building somewhere below the spot he was trying for. Maybe he does a move-through on that wall and goes through. The person who bought Leaping always has a better chance of success but Hero is about cinematics not realism.
  21. Thanks
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Swimming question   
    I am inclined to go all SFX on this and not require additional powers for things that make sense.  A motorcycle running up a ramp would also get no ability to leap over a row of buses?  Evel Kneivel would have been devastated...
    Now, how far is a really difficult question because water is a real drag, submarines would not leap far and I do think dolphins do have a leap ability that adds to their velocity.
    I would be meaner than @unclevlad for that reason, I might give him about 5m.
  22. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Chris Goodwin in Is Hero still your "go-to" rpg system?   
    Or an avater of a god of chaos.
    Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker?  Suppose he has killed the Joker.  More than once.  Every time he does, a short time later, months at most, someone else pops up as the Joker -- always in Gotham City -- and usually kills a bunch of people as his first outing. 
    Why do you think that in one appearance he was Jack Napier, in another he was Arthur Fleck, another as Jack Oswald White...
    Kill one, the chaos god bides a while then selects some other poor soul to be the next Joker and possesses him.  The cycle starts again. 
    Why hasn't the Batman figured this out?  Why is this god of chaos obsessed with him?  Why does he always come back in Gotham City?
    Why can't DC writers come up with a story at least as interesting as this?
  23. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Black Rose in Tunneling Query   
    Hugh provoked me to go look at numbers. 
    If you look at the "full power" here you would have 16m Tunnelling through 13PD.  That is 3+15+24 = 42 points.  Any answer to the cost of the more limited power needs to cost less than this. 
    If you look at LoneWolf's plan, then the core cost is 28 points, with an additional 12 points that add PD at the cost of reducing movement.  With a -1 limitation that is +12 points that comes to a total of 40 points.  I think the limitation on this power is probably worth more than two points.
    If you used my custom limitation then you would be paying 28 points...it is the same as the extreme at either end so you might think that you have more flexibility than purchasing either extreme, so perhaps a 1/4 limitation is the right one.  that comes to a cost of 34 points.
  24. Like
    Doc Democracy got a reaction from Black Rose in Tunneling Query   
    Seems like a custom limitation "Movement through substance reduced 2m for every +1PD above 6PD".  You simply then have to consider how much that is worth.  +1/2??
    I think people sometimes look for complexity rather than reach for the obvious solution but this looks nailed on to me.
  25. Like
    Doc Democracy reacted to Ragitsu in A Thread For Random RPG Musings   
    I do not like that particular hobby-lingo (i.e., "murderhobo") and the accompanying overall trend of overanalyzing Player Characters in tabletop roleplaying games that usually resulted in more harm than good. There's too much finger-wagging while geeks try to police (if not one-up) other geeks. This "movement" (and even that is somewhat of an imprecise label) has lead to the informal-yet-widely accepted shunning of certain character types that fail to fit within a surprisingly narrow band of criteria and an implication that bringing a bit of the THAY-A-TUH to the table automatically makes the collective experience better. There should be considerable latitude in permissible character archetypes. Look, if everyone is having fun playing peripatetic warriors and rogues who support themselves through acts of violence...why the need for an intervention? Or a scolding? As long as the players are cooperating and all concerned parties can differentiate between reality and fiction, who cares how people find their fun?
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