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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. Re: Anyone combine Champs with Call of Cuthulu? I can run CoC type scenarios in a supers game once in a while, but I'd never do it for an extended period. Difficult to run and pretty depressing for the heroes. Rob
  2. Re: Which published characters do you use? I think these were The Arcane....from Aliens Enemies. Rob
  3. Re: DC versus Marvel: different styles
  4. Re: George Perez & Champions Let's see... Holocaust....Jim Lee G.R.A.B. Kevin Maguire Mechanon.....George Perez The Champions(5th).....Paul Smith Harbinger of Justice......Todd MacFarlane Tyrannon The Conquerer.....Ron Lim(did Silver Surfer and has thus drawn just about every "cosmic" character there is) Just about anyone from Teen Champions......Art Adams Viperia.....Barry Windsor Smith Ripper......John Romita Jr(he does a good Juggernaut) Nightwind......Sal Buscema Just a starter list....and honestly...I'd happily see any of the above artists draw any Hero system characters. Rob
  5. Re: Millennium City walled or not The reason you may have gotten the impression of the wall is the fact that in this area...8 mile IS considered a "barrier", but one based on social/economic factors...not physical ones. Basically...below 8 Mile Road is "The City" of Detroit, while above it is the suburbs. As someone who lives in the area, I can tell you the difference in crossing the 8 Mile line is like being in a different world entirely. About as different as South Central LA and say...Beverly Hills. Millennium City just plays on this by doing the same approach...just in reverse(now the city is the place to be). Rob
  6. Re: The Marvel Magnificent Seven (Avengers) As a HUGE Avengers fan, I'll support this opinion as well. Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch need to be on there. Hulk doesn't belong at all. I'd probably also get rid of Giant Man if you are limited to seven....if I had to choose between him and Wasp. Rob
  7. Re: Best Martial Artist: Champions Universe How about Fiacho? Or Utility? They both seem like competant fighters. I for one WOULD include Nightwind. Though he does have some exceptional "chi" powers...most of his character is standard martial artist and his stats reflect that.
  8. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide Hmmm...I greatly enjoyed both books myself. I thought a great many characters in CWW were useful. All depends on what you're looking for I suppose. But Maat fits into my current campaign perfectly. Hidden lands was decent, but there aren't that many character writeups in it...so you'd best be intrigued by the settings(Atlantis, Lemuria, and so forth). Rob
  9. Re: Buyer reviews of 'Ultimate Metamorph' I was a bit disappointed by the book. Most of the powers have been repeated twice or more already and there was very little on how one might "play" a metamorph...which would have been vastly more useful. It did confirm my opinion that a decent clone of Rogue would cost at least 1500 character points. Rob
  10. Re: Need Spell ideas... Thanks for the responses so far. As for those who wanted more background....essentially said character is inhabited by the spirit of a dead supermage who fought in the battle of Detroit....hence the power pool. For the record, we're about 40 sessions in...so despite my description....he didn't "just get" the power pool....we had been working our way up to it for a while. He started as a martial artist with "spirit" powers(Desolid, Invisibility, TK) and now the inborn magical talent of the spirit inhabiting him is starting to assert itself. Rob
  11. One of the characters in my Champions campaign has just gotten a 30 point Magic pool. Anyone have any good idea for spells that would be appropriate to the genre? I have both Grimoires, but the spells in there don't seem really suited for a supers game(and most are ridiculously expensive). I'd just like to be able to provide my player with a premade lists of spells. Rob
  12. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See? Uh...am I the only person who sees NO need for SPD value over 12? I mean your fastest martial artists can be amply demonstrated with 6 or 7 SPD in my view. That still leaves 5 more points of SPD. Adding SPDs above 12 will just make Hero more power gamey than it needs to be. IMO Rob
  13. Re: Norse Gods There was a pretty good Thor build in the old 4th edition Champions Presents module. Rob
  14. Re: Most Powerful 350 in CKC
  15. Re: Most Powerful 350 in CKC Honestly, I think Tachyon from the Champions genre book is a better built 350er than any of the characters from CKC. Rob
  16. Re: What Marvel/DC storyline have you ripped off...err been inspired by? I'd say I'd have to be "ripping off" The Watchmen in my current campaign, but only in bits and peices(thus nobody knows what the hell is going on). Rob
  17. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide Overall, I liked it. I was a bit surprised that it's basically a big villain book, as it was suggested it wouldn't be. Then again, I like villain books, so that wasn't a big deal. I thought the art was decent....but some of the characters had no illustrations. Not having a pic for a guy called The Black death is criminal! The writeups were generally well done and plenty of good(and powerful) heroes to go around. Among the heroes, I liked Ma'at because she fits into my campaign perfectly. Lots of the bad guys were fun. Taipan is nasty no doubt, but the "sandwoman" clone was neat too. Rob
  18. Re: Which villain needs an overhaul? I usually replace Radium with Anklosaur in the 5th edition version of The Ultimates. Radium doesn't really fit in with the others. As far as overhauls, honestly...Eurostar got powered down WAY too much. I'd dare say even a 350pt team has an even shot at taking them out. Plus...5th needs more villain teams. Rob
  19. Re: Post your most abusive munchkin character here Dude, as I'm in your play by email campaign, writeups like these really start to worry me. Rob
  20. Re: Villain Summary Charts/Tables In Books I'll concur with the above statement. The tables aren't really used all that much by me. The characters I'm interested in, I usually read up on them enough to know all the stuff listed anyways. The only thing I WOULD keep is the threat level rating. That is useful...and a nice in game way to define said bad guy's power level. You might just put the rating somewhere within the character writeup as opposed to adding it to the chart. Rob
  21. Re: How would you update Shadows of the City? I've played Shaughnessy more like one of the detectives from Law and Order. I kept Mongrel's urban slang, but because he mostly shoots first and talks later....and even then not very much...it has done nothing to lessen his menace. My group just finished the "ambush" scenario. They managed to capture two Pack members, but the entire group was badly injured....even after the effects of a PC with Healing powers. Should be interesting to see how they handle the climax. Rob
  22. Re: How would you update Shadows of the City? Not really...just like to have the characters updated...and as I'm running a 350 pt standard supers campaign....and most of the players already have around 30 XP, I wanted to modify the characters to match. Some things in the module didn't work for me....so I changed them. For example, I made Reverend M much more subtle...and gave him a new name(as Rev M sounds...well..stupid). Hated the Moondog character...so I replaced him with Fenris from CKC and so on. Just comparing notes with others to see if there is anything I can improve upon. Rob
  23. I'm currently running this mega module with my 5th Edition Hero group and looking to update the characters within it to 5th. I've already done The Pack, but anyone have any advice on how they would update characters from the other two sections of the book? Rob
  24. Re: Favorite Super-Mercenary Of the four listed, Hazard. I prefer Utility though. Rob
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