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Grond Spikes Your character...so how much damage do you take?


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We had a situation come up in our game the other night and I want to make sure we did the correct rulling.


Grond made a grab attack on a PC and threw him at another PC 2 or 3 hexes away. Grond missed the PC he was throwing at. We ruled that the thrown PC hit the ground and are wondering how much damage he should take.


Grond had 80 Extra Strength in his throw.


Now, the way we ruled it is this:

1) The thrown PC, hereafter PC, did a move through on the gound.

2) Grond had 80 Extra STR and looking at the throwing velocity table means he could have thrown the character 32" which equals the characters velocity.

3) The PC's STR was 15.

4) Using the Move Through formula we figured the ground took 14d6 and the PC took 7d6.


Is this right?

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Re: Grond Spikes Your character...so how much damage do you take?


Originally posted by Herolover

1) The thrown PC, hereafter PC, did a move through on the gound.

2) Grond had 80 Extra STR and looking at the throwing velocity table means he could have thrown the character 32" which equals the characters velocity.

3) The PC's STR was 15.

4) Using the Move Through formula we figured the ground took 14d6 and the PC took 7d6.


Is this right?


Well, unless he managed to knock the ground over, he takes the full 14d6. I just wanna know, how high did he bounce? :D

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Re: Grond Spikes Your character...so how much damage do you take?


Originally posted by Herolover

Now, the way we ruled it is this:

1) The thrown PC, hereafter PC, did a move through on the gound.

2) Grond had 80 Extra STR and looking at the throwing velocity table means he could have thrown the character 32" which equals the characters velocity.

3) The PC's STR was 15.

4) Using the Move Through formula we figured the ground took 14d6 and the PC took 7d6.


Is this right?


Angle of impact is all important. If the throw is horizontal, or near it, half the damage, or 8d6. If, as the thread title implies by the term 'spike', the throw is nearer verticle, 16d6. The PC's STR has nothing to do with this. Of course you might want to allow the PC a breakfall roll as with Knockback, with the same modifiers. If he makes it (good luck) he would take no damage.

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As I understand the circumstances, it's something like:


Grond is the G, and T is his target PC.


G--------(3 hexes)------T


And Grond is winging the grabbed PC in a (relatively) straight line towards the target, rather than 'spiking' him straight down. I would continue to trace the PC (Projectile Character)'s path onward to the distance of Grond's standing throw. If he hit something vertical, he'd take appropriate damage based on its Def/Body; otherwise, he'd take 8d6 from skidding on the pavement.

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Originally posted by Ghost Archer

Assuming a true 'spike', straight down, and assuming an average dice roll on 16d6 of 56 (3.5 x 16), Ghost Archer would take 25 STUN and no BODY.


How about you?

Assuming an average 16d6 roll, Zl'f would take 44 STUN (12 PD, assuming her 6 of Combat Luck applied) and 4 BODY, and would be at -15 STUN. She'll be out a little while. (With a SPD 9 and a REC 12, not very long.)


My old character Ranger? He wouldn't have even noticed the attack (62 PD). :D

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I would think it would be treated as a throw, rather than Knockback or Move Throughs.


If you use the rules for a Martial Throw (which is just a fancy Grab & Throw anyway), you can throw a character up to however far your STR indicates for full STR damage. You can throw them further if you reduce the damage. So if Grond (STR 90) threw somebody less than 32" away, they would take 18d6.


Of course, it he's thrown into a vertical object, like a wall or other character, it might be different.

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

Assuming an average 16d6 roll, Zl'f would take 44 STUN (12 PD, assuming her 6 of Combat Luck applied) and 4 BODY, and would be at -15 STUN. She'll be out a little while. (With a SPD 9 and a REC 12, not very long.)


She'd be out until segment 12. ;)

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I'd treat it the same way as Lemming. Use straight str damage, halved if the target doesn't directly hit the ground or full damage if it did.


The velocity of the target is totally irrelevant. A lighter target would be thrown at a greater velocity, but its mass would be correspondingly lighter. A heavier target would be thrown for a smaller velocity, but its mass would be greater and the kinetic energy when it hits the ground or a wall would be the same.


The only way that kinetic energy would differ at all would be if Grond was throwing something like a feather, where air resistance would come into play.

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Mittens - if she doesn't hit anything solid, 3 stun. If she does hit something solid, Unconscious unless she has her force wall up, in which case, stunned and 11 stun left. Which brings up a question on whether or not you can pick up a force wall, but this being Grond, I'm going to assume he can. (also, if he does heft the entire force wall bubble with her inside, it'll be hard to miss somebody with such a missile)


Jadewing - (weighs more than a ton) if she doesn't hit anything solid, nothing, otherwise about 4 stun, depending on writeup.


Adeptus Mechanicus - nothing if he hits nothing solid, assuming he makes his armour activation roll. If he hits something solid, he'll probably take 19 stun but he won't be stunned.

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FlameJet is flying, he will only take damage if he impacts something with BOD+(1/2) DEF > 7. His Plasma Envelope is a 2d6 AP Damage Shield. So Jet actually takes negligible damage from about BOD+(1/2) DEF < 12. His natural PD is 10, and the Plasma Screen does allow for an additional +10 against meltable objects. I don't think Grond is one of those. It will work on walls and such, so he can drop an average of 5d6 normal completely, and up to 10d6 on a lucky day before being dazed.

I imagine Grond shrugged off the 7 BODY, 21 STUN Armor Piercing attack. Obviously Grond threw him cause he was HOT though! Someday I'm going to buy that Tunnelling damage shield for this sort of emergency. :)

Jet does need to make a Breakfall roll to hold his orientation, and a Plasma Power roll to fly back to the combat.


Lightning:: Grond grabbed him? Lightning's DCV is around 7 when surprised, and about 13 or 14 normally. I think Grond missed. But sometimes lightning taunts people in Spiderman style with Wally West recklessness.

If Lightning hits something solid, he's probably paste. 18d6 will leave him with 2 BODY on an average roll, and at GM's option for STUN. (Unless he's really lucky, he does have clinging, so at a good angle he might be able to breakfall vertically) If there is enough space, then he WILL make his Breakfall roll. Picture it as landing and running back around towards Grond. :)

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If the Rook is Aware of Grond (yeah buddy, make that Stealth roll!) probaly nothing

(a 63 point VPP means you dont have to suffer anything if you know it is coming).


Fir Bolg is probably paste if he hits something solid, otherwise.. he maybe takes some stun.


however with a 30 Str Grond is Waaaaaaaay outta his class.

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Put me down for a vote that it's like knockback. For damage, however, I woud use Grond's full STR.


If Our Hero hits something solid (and doesn't break it), he takes 18d6 (assuming 90 STR). If he hits the ground and bounces, he takes half damage. He could avoid damage altogether with a spectacular breakfall roll.

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I would think it's like knockback...


However, I've been known to call it a "lip skid". if he just bounces along the ground(8d6). If he hits a solid vertical object(16d6).


If Caveman was spiked, well... It would be on like Donkey Kong... it would be about 26 stun. Not stunned but ticked off. Since he gets knocked around alot, he's used to it.

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When thrown, I believe that you should take STR damage, influenced by whatever you land on. If you just skip along the "floor", I would call it half-damage that can be reduced by Breakfall, as if the character suffered knockback.


For the basic damageof being thrown, the rule is mentionned under the Grab standard maneuver (FRed p.256). It says that after grabbing someone you have the choice of squeezing for STR damage and holding on to him, or throwing him for STR damage, subjecting him to the affect if a throw (see Martial Throw) and releasing him.

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So, 16 BODY/56 STUN average? Two of Three would fare very well...


Anthem: 13 STUN. (Combo of High Def + Damage Red.) That girl can take a hit. She just probably couldn't harm him.


Uncle Slam: I'm not sure... 16 STUN I think (He's a veteran, and he'd definitely take Grond in a straight up fight these days.)


Audra Blue: 11 BODY, 51 STUN. I think she'd be at -27 STUN so she'd be back conscious in about 7 minutes. But I'd roll for a hit location and say she broke some bones there, just for color.

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