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A question about Languages


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What does one do about language costs for someone who was raised in a BiLingual home...In essance someone who has to native languages are they both free or do you still have to pay for one of them. (My character is Cajun and therefore grew up speaking both english and french)

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Originally posted by Redmenace

L.Marcus makes a good point but my own call would be to give it to the player as a freebie.



I mean, if you have a house rule about giving each Character 10 free points of "Background Skills" for hobbies, etc., and this would count as part of that, I could see it.


But otherwise, if I were in your campaign, I would expect to get something of equal value for "free".


I mean why couldn't my Grandpa have taught me about Lockpicking when I was growing up?:)



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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Redmenace

L.Marcus makes a good point but my own call would be to give it to the player as a freebie.


So what about the guy who was raised in household where everyone spoke a different language?


Does he get one heck of a freebie?

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Why take it to that extream


Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

So what about the guy who was raised in household where everyone spoke a different language?


Does he get one heck of a freebie?


If the GM lets you do it and then the next 10 characters have the same type of background, you are abusing his goodwill.

I would be willing to let the first character have it for free. And make him pay for it if the next character has the same type of background. As long as it is done with moderation and restraint it’s not really hurting anything is it?



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Why would I give it to him or her for free? It is a one time gift of three points that doesn't effect combat and seems to suggest that there is some thought to a background. How often is it likely to come up? If reasonably often then pay.


Imho, there are many little skills and Ks that aren't going to be purchased but we all have access to, Ak- home state, Ks- your specific sub culture, Contact- parents or friends. As long as people don't mooch off of the GM's goodwill I'm willing to grant a single 3 pt boon to a 350 pt character.



If the other players complained, which would be valid, I'd be willing to consider giving them each a 3 pt freebie as long as it had a sane background reason and wasn't combat related.


As I said, IF it were my call

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I'd make them pay for it. Otherwise they're getting free points the other players didn't. It would also lead to a lot of characters with bi-lingual backgrounds crawling out of the woodwork. As for "they get 10 free points anyways" - yes, but those are points everyone gets for things everyone can do. Not everyone has a second language (normally).

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I would think that a person whose background included being brought up in a bi (or multi) lingual household should get one language free (of his choice from the various languages spoken at home) with a reduced cost for any of the other languages. Obviously it is up to the referee to keep an eye on it. Say for example a player is brought up in a Spanish speaking household as part of his background. The player would get English for free (assuming that the game is set in an English speaking country like the U S A or Australia) and could take Spanish at a reduced cost (say half ?)

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You still get one freebie and have to pay for the other. I would say this because a) It is game balance. B) Characters shouldn't be buying beginning skills/powers/contacts etc without it being written into their background. It might give the character an excuse for purchasing an exotic language(I once played a character with a legit reason for knowing Iriquois in his background), but the character should have to pay for it the same as any other character would have to pay for background skills.

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Originally posted by Redmenace

Why would I give it to him or her for free? It is a one time gift of three points that doesn't effect combat and seems to suggest that there is some thought to a background. How often is it likely to come up? If reasonably often then pay.


Imho, there are many little skills and Ks that aren't going to be purchased but we all have access to, Ak- home state, Ks- your specific sub culture, Contact- parents or friends. As long as people don't mooch off of the GM's goodwill I'm willing to grant a single 3 pt boon to a 350 pt character.



If the other players complained, which would be valid, I'd be willing to consider giving them each a 3 pt freebie as long as it had a sane background reason and wasn't combat related.


As I said, IF it were my call


It's a slippery slope. Best to close the door to abuses and say no freebies to anybody, regardless of background. It's just a language, it doesn't cost a bunch, just pay the bloody points.


Otherwise, why should it stop at non-combat related stuff only?


What if my character comes from a paramilitary background (think Spartan) and everything he might be entitled to as a freebie is combat related? What if my character was raised by ninjas? Why shouldn't I get three free points of combat related stuff? It's background-related. Just like your bi-lingual guy.


The point costs are there for a reason. It keeps everyone from playing ambidextrous lucky wealthy multilingual staggeringly attractive unbelievably graceful bodybuilder genius artistic speedreading special-forces trained noblemen.


Unless you're playing Champions, in which it's entirely possible to play such a character and not be unbalanced. In which case you can afford to pay to purchase a bloody second language.



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It sounds like a good middle ground solution, so to for St Barbara.


All right BNakagawa you've convinced me, he can pay the 3 points. My thinking was that in a game where people can easily throw attacks that can penetrate tank armour the language freebie was minor and more likely than not just roleplaying material.


As you point out, at that point level it is equally inconsequential for them to pay the 3 points. Fair enough and well argued.

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What's fair is fair.


What I like about the system is its ability to allow people to put their points where their mouth is.


granted, the ability to speak another language fluently isn't as campaign-shattering as the ability to stop time or raise the dead but it doesn't cost as much, either.

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Since I live in a bilingual city in which probably 60% of the population speaks Spanish, I'll throw in the observation that in my experience few people are fully bilingual. They'll speak one language at "Native" level and the other at a 2 or 3 point level. So I'd say that most people with true bilingual language skills have put some effort (i.e., points) into it. I know lots of people who speak superb English but with a Mexican accent, and people who speak excellent Spanish with an American accent. But relatively few people speak both flawlessly.

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Crimson, one of the NPCs for my Teen Champions game-in-the-works, was raised in the US by an Irish-American mother and an Iranian-America father. As with any PC who has that kind of background, she had to spend the points for all the extra languages she ended up with.


Trying to get a second language for free because the character was "raised in a bilingual household" is like trying to get a Martial Arts package for free because the character's parents ran a dojo (or insert art-specific name here).

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