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Superhero Images


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Re: Superhero Images


After recovering a very, very old hard drive, I found some artwork my old GM made. This first one is a character from a campaign where we played ourselves, gaining superpowers in an accident.


The hero's name is American Gothic. He was a patriotic hero, but he focused more on street level crime ala the Punisher. His powers were similar to the Vision (desolid, density increase, flight while desolid, a solidification attack inside someone), minus the solar gem :P


He always drew them on the character sheets itself, which is why the poses sometimes look a bit off.


I'll be posting two more today (just have to convert them from Tif to JPG), then I'll see about scanning some other stuff he drew for me.


Anyway, enjoy!

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Re: Superhero Images


Next up is Brawler. I originally created him for a Suicide Squad inspired game a long, long time ago. When I started playing with the artist, Curt, back in the early 90's, I decided to use him as a pc.


His background was that he was once a pro-wrestler. His super powers manifested, and he got banned from the ring. He turned to crime, eventually becoming delusional, and fixating on Golden Avenger. He would call GA "The champ", and their fights would be "title matches". Brawler continually took credit for things he didn't do; when they went into Dante's Inferno to save a friend, they encountered a Dragon. The rest of the team knocked it, then he landed an elbow drop from a superleap, got up, and said "ok, I knocked it out, let's move on" :P


Brawler even went so far as to tick off the goddess Kali by refusing her come ons. This led to her invading the reality he ended up in (which Curt ran as a great take on the Great Darkness Saga, with us fighting evil versions of ourselves), after having captured Staten Island (which we lost!), and using the residents as her warriors. We eventually defeated her, and after she lost, Brawler told her that her invasion was his plan to humilate her for coming on to him!


All in all, one of the most fun characters I ever played.

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Re: Superhero Images


Last one for today (as I need to scan more of the stuff I have)


This is Nightstalker. He was a Batman/Moon Knight street level hero. He was taken over by some criminal group we fought, and turned into the villainous Dark Knight (image to be posted after I scan it). He used a pair of nunchucks in battle. He was an ally of ours after we freed him from the mind control he was under, but was never a regular member of our team

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Re: Superhero Images


I did this as the cover-page for my campaign notebook. The two characters are (top) American Eagle; a sort of Superman-type character, and (bottom) Revenant, a Batman-type character.


Both have differences from their "archetypes"; American Eagle got his powers in the explosion of a Nazi cosmic-energy machine in WWII (that also gave the same powers to his arch-nemesis, Baron Zerstorung). Revenant is...well...a revenant! His entire family, himself included, was killed on Halloween by pirates in 1654. He came back.


Comments welcome :)

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Re: Superhero Images


Very nice! :thumbup: I like how the fingers of American Eagle go past the edge. I would suggest doing that all the way around for both figures. Halfway in and halfway out sort of thing. It gives them a little more life I think and breaks the "monotony" of the boxes.

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Re: Superhero Images


Thanks! I like to try to have a bit of something creep past the edge of the "box" when I can; not too much, but a little something.


Because of Revenant's position, I couldnt figure out how to really do the same thing for him, though. Let a little of the cape out and youve gotta deal with the whole thing! ;)


Here is the final version of the Gothic City Knights; Revenant, Jade Spectre, and Goblyn.

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Re: Superhero Images


Maybe the "tops" of the cape curls of his left foot? Since I don't have an once of artistic talent I couldn't say for sure.


I like the final version fo the GCK. I'm impressed how Goblyn actually looks younger than the others and yet all we can see is his lower face.

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Re: Superhero Images


Been messing around with 3-D Rendering lately, here is my wife's character (Koh Rin) and my character (Sarah) in our game.


Koh is a Temporal manipulator and Sarah uses Invisibility.


Feedback on the render is welcome, I'm still getting into it...

These look great. The only thing that I notice is that the eyes look weird. And I cant really tell why, they just do to me.


The overall pic is much better than some I have seen on the net.

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Re: Superhero Images


I agree with Tim on all counts. They look great, but their eyes are...weird. Too pale? I dunno.


Heres a drawing I did awhile back, but finally got around to coloring in Photoshop.


This is the original Mockingbird for my Metaworld campaign. (There have been two people to use the name in the game).


For some reason, this has been one of the most popular costumes Ive ever designed. And Ive designed ALOT of costumes. Whenever Missy shows up, she becomes very popular among the PCs. Maybe its the tomboy attitude, or the scratchy voice, I dont know :)

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Re: Superhero Images


hmm.. Well, Koh Rin's eyes are actually distored a bit, larger iris' and the pupil's are vertically elongated. Sarah's eyes are just a super pale blue.


I'll mess around a bit and see if I can get them to look less off. I think the problem is in the reflection map I used....

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Re: Superhero Images


Whenever Missy shows up' date=' she becomes very popular among the PCs. Maybe its the tomboy attitude, or the scratchy voice, I dont know[/quote']


Since gamers still tend to be male, I'm not surprised to hear that Missy is popular. In fact, my guess is that there are two reasons for Missy's popularity...but they're not the attitude and the voice.

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Re: Superhero Images




Finally got around to scanning some more images my old GM drew. This one is a character I played named Kronos. He was part of a time travelling law enforcement group, similar to the Green Lantern Corps. Instead of rings, they used a power source shaped like an hourglass. He had various temporal powers (he could cause someone to grow older/younger, with the negative stat effects involved. He could also speed up time to make himself move faster, fire a blast of pure temporal energy, and create a temporal warp field, which acted like a force field). Hope you like!

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Re: Superhero Images


This one is Iron Maiden. Her steel body gave her great strength and resistance, and was also partly reflective. She was once a villain, but eventually became more of a neutral type, working as a super powered merc later on in the campaign. She worked with our a group a few times, but couldn't stand Brawler (who hit on her a few times)

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Re: Superhero Images


Last one for today.


This is Time Twister, the main enemy of Kronos. He was once a paratime policeman himself, but decided to strike out on his own. Using an older temporal device (shaped like a sundial), along with powered Gauntlets, boots and helmet, he started all kinds of trouble for the heroes (he trounced us at least twice). He had this temporal field that would teleport anyone attempting hand to hand combat against him, basically moving them both spacially and temporally.


A more powerful version of him appeared in Herozine, along with his older incarnation, Professor Eon (a golden age temporal villain who became Time Twister later on in life)

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