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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I slept in on Saturday and today after staying home sick and sleeping in for Thursday and Friday.


Why, then, am I still so smegging tired??


Try being sick, then getting only three hours of sleep per night because you've infected your 1-year-old who spends much of the night crying, puking, or both.

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Re: The cranky thread


(Cross-posted to my LJ):


So I had this e-mail from work last Friday announcing an Urgent board meeting at 1pm to discuss recent personnel changes. I didn't think much of it. I mean, I think they revised the Corporate Org Chart about 4 times last year because of people leaving and/or simply re-allocating one group to a new department. Well, this time, it was a little bit more serious. The Hatchet Man paid us a visit, and it was a freaking BLOODBATH. A whole mess of senior staff and Director-level folks were let go, including my boss.


As if that new wasn't enough, this week, the one woman in our department went on maternity leave, and pretty much told everyone that she will not be returning. And starting tomorrow, the one guy left in the department who is my senior will be out for a week to help out his mother after she gets neck surgery. In the blink of an eyes, we went from a staff of seven to four. Granted, the now de-facto department head will be back in a week, but that still leaves us with just four folks for the next five work days, one of whom is still a rookie. The Ex-Boss was trying to get approval to expand our staff so we would have a total staff of seven plus the Boss. That got axed as well. We should be able to replace Mrs. Maternity, but that can take weeks.


What I'm curious to see is if they will be re-creating a Manager for our group. Yeah, I know, they just cut lose a mess of people and positions. However, in so doing the VP we now report to also has two other groups in addition to the Help Desk she is now directly responsible for. This means, among other things, that she will have to personally sign all of our expense reports and approve all of our timesheets - and she was overworked before all of this hit the fan. She will need to have department managers in place to help her stay sane. We used to have a Manager, but when he left to work with a different group, they never filled that position, so we all just reported directly to the Department Director. Now that he's gone, we're reporting to the Division Vice President.


Luckily, no one else seems to be in danger of losing their job. But still... daayuumn!

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Re: The cranky thread


I stayed up till 1:00 am making cookies for OddHat. I didn't mind that, but I'd hoped that my apartment would smell pleasantly of cookies for a while. It was not to be. I woke up at 3:30 to get a snack. Afterward I started the dishwasher. Just before 5:00 am I woke up to the smell of burning plastic; a plastic plate had fallen onto the drying heating rod. UGH. Had to open the patio doors and let some 23 degree air in. Brrrr. Lighted an anti-smell candle I have which is still lit. Can still smell the burning plastic. Didn't get back to sleep, and I have to stay up as Maintenance is supposed to come. Also the Cleaners will be here at 2:30. I hope I can get a nap today. Must drive OddHat to the Dentist at 10:30. I don't mind that either, but I hate missing sleep. I'm past the age where all-nighters are not a problem.

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Re: The cranky thread


Crap, I have to go back to the old model to see how this is supposed to work. I haven't ranted about proprietary languages lately. Especially ones whose manuals lack an index, whose error messages might as well be just one-word assembly language snippets, where the list of reserved keywords doesn't have links to what those keywords are supposed to do, ....


Oh, and my doctor called after yesterday's physical, and my triglyceride count is back up in the why-aren't-you-dead regime.

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Re: The cranky thread


This is a story of a man. A man and his risk management department. It is not a happy story.


About six weeks ago we openned an account for a man who was not from around here. His english was okay, but not great. It took him three trips to bring in his Social Security number. Later we were informed by our risk management department that the ssn was not valid and that he needed a letter from the Social Security office stating what his number was or we'd close the account. The closing date was 1/03/07.

We called him twice, sent a letter, and told him when he came in. It happens occasionally.

A legal restraint was put on the account not allowing any transactions. They were going to close the account and sent him a check for the proceeds.

The third comes and goes. He comes in and asks for his money. We can't give it to him. We explain why, he says okay and leaves.

Lather rinse repeat.

After two weeks (around the 15th) my manager begins sending the risk review department emails asking that the account be closed and the check issued so he can get on with his life. Nuthing. He comes in on the 29th and the legal restraint is still there. I call the department and am informed that unlike me, they close at 6pm.

I explain that I will call the next day, get the restraint removed, close the accounts for him and give him his $100.

So, tuesday afternoon at 4:15 I call. I'm on hold. He shows up. I'm on hold. They keep me on hold until 5:55 (I was supposed to be off work at 5:45) and then hang up.

We call "escalation"; they say to take it out of a GL and fix it in the morning.

This morning I was on hold for 20 mintues. But I got through and fixed it.

It's just that...


I really want to find that department and firebomb their office.

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Re: The cranky thread


Apparently they interviewed a candidate who was "just what [they] were looking for" the day after Josh got his second interview. I'm guessing that means more clerical experience, and more knowledge of the adoption industry.


It's unsurprising, though. There are a LOT of qualified people, for each decently-paying job around here. It's why wages are so ridiculously low; why pay someone what they're worth when they'll snatch up the job at half that wage, just because all the ones at the next pay scale are taken?

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Re: The cranky thread


If you could pass on the "much sympathyness" I would appreciate it.

Will do. Thanks.


It could be worse, really. He COULD be unemployed and in desperate need of that job. It was a step up in payscale, and salary, at that. And he was impressed with the company. But apparently he wasn't the person they were looking for.




Well, back to the job-hunting sites.

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Re: The cranky thread


Will do. Thanks.


It could be worse, really. He COULD be unemployed and in desperate need of that job. It was a step up in payscale, and salary, at that. And he was impressed with the company. But apparently he wasn't the person they were looking for.




Well, back to the job-hunting sites.


I know the feeling, and he (and you) have my sympathy. I got my current position after 6+ months of sending out 6-10 resumes a week. But then again, I was looking for an IT job in the SF Bay Area. Lots of jobs around, but lots of people looking to fill them too. Ended up getting offered a job that I applied for near the start of the search, but with an organization that moves a bit slow...


Not trying to do a one-up, but to explain that when I offer my sympathy, it is with the ability to know the pain involved. Not getting a job that you were really hoping for is one of life's great boots to the head.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am about two-tenths of an inch, index finger and thumb held slightly apart, to simply giving up gaming completely. I'm getting getting far more frustrating than enjoyable, a bigger headache than it's worth.


I've just torn up and thrown out all the character sheets I have. I'm erasing my Hero Designer files, campaign notes, character sheet PDFs, everything. The only thing stopping me from simply selling everything is the co-ownership issue with my wife.


I. Am. So. Pissed. Off. Right. Now.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am about two-tenths of an inch, index finger and thumb held slightly apart, to simply giving up gaming completely. I'm getting getting far more frustrating than enjoyable, a bigger headache than it's worth.


I've just torn up and thrown out all the character sheets I have. I'm erasing my Hero Designer files, campaign notes, character sheet PDFs, everything. The only thing stopping me from simply selling everything is the co-ownership issue with my wife.


I. Am. So. Pissed. Off. Right. Now.


If you destroy all your gaming stuff and "swear off" gaming, you'll eventually regret it. Perhaps not immediately, but once you've had a chance to calm down...the good memories will reassert themselves.


From my own unhappy experience, a gamer CAN quit -- and have every intention of _staying_ quit -- because in long-running games or groups, things can have a way of becoming such a frustrating miserable mess that the pleasure has ebbed away to nothing...and the idea of gaming further fills you with disgust. And so you go on a "Night of the Long Knives" style rampage through your gaming materials, and feel some relief and a little satisfaction.


But sooner or later, you/one/a person -- as a gamer -- will find yourself drawn back into gaming, even if you end up having to crawl back, because even if it is sometimes pathetic, or flawed and wretched, gaming is really the only "game" in town for us...the gamers.


And that's when you'll start missing the things you trashed.

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Re: The cranky thread


Hey Collie,


Send me all your Hero stuff and I'll help you shred it. ;)


Seriously though, what could anger you to the point of wanting to give up gaming?


A lot of little things that have been building up for a while.

Players who've been playing Champions since 2nd Edition asking me newbie rules questions.


People who don't know the rules well enough to play a game thinking they know enough to run it.


People who leave right after the fight, ignoring the actual RP involved. Players who play the same goddamn character regardless of genre, age, setting, abilities or background. Players with character you can't criticize because they take anything said IC as a personal attack.


People who throw temper tantrums and storm out when they get called on blatant rules misuse. Not even rules interpretations, basic crap for a game they've been playing since 2000.

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