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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


A letter I would like to write..


Dear Customer,

I understand you are unhappy your alarm system is not working. I understand your frustration - trust me, I'm the one spending my days fixing the problem for you. However, please do not yell at me or become beligerant. It makes me unhappy, often times it makes me annoyed and angry. It makes my day bad, they are often not spectacular to start with. Yelling at me will not solve your problem. In fact, as you call me names and insult my intelligence consider the following:

I know when you're at work. I know when you're at home. I know when you've set your alarm to sleep at night. I know your passcode, I know how to shut off and shut down a system in four buttons. I know the response time of the local police. I know the equipment that monitors your system. I know where it is. I know how to shut it off. I know the telephone company that services your area - and how to get them to turn off your service. I know everyone involved in making you safe, sometimes they are friends of mine.


Please do not make me angry. I'd like to help you, it's my job. I enjoy helping you, please don't make it a chore. That would be unfortunate.





I had a peachy day, how about you?

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Re: The cranky thread


This year has been not good to me either starting at the tail end of last year.

So I have to agree. Mine was more workwise. Though there is a family dimension as well.


And meeting you was one of my highlights for the year as well.


We will survive.

And together, we are GLORIA GAYNOR CAKE!!!

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Re: The cranky thread


given that run of luck, I'd buy a ticket TODAY!


The worm has gotta turn sometime!


OK, I realize that is the Gambler's fallacy, but... Wow, Karma has not been nice to you. You are certainly due for some good stuff.


(Or is this payback? Nah, not you.)


Good luck. I'll say a prayer for you.



Payback...I hadn't thought of that. (note to self NO MORE CEREAL KILLING!!!)



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Re: The cranky thread


Got an email from our prospective landlord saying that someone else has contacted him about a possible multi-year lease.


We've only gone thru the hassle of meeting with him a few times, answered multi-questions about our lifestyle, gotten a bunch of personal references from the people that founded BF where we work (all good references, a couple glowing), showed him our financial dealings proving we weren't deadbeats, said we can wait a couple months while the current tenant makes sure of her living arrangements, and then this.


Rat Bastard. Now I have to start looking at other places again. We liked his place, it was in town, good size, and the rent was decent. Grrrrrrrr.

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Re: The cranky thread


Got an email from our prospective landlord saying that someone else has contacted him about a possible multi-year lease.


We've only gone thru the hassle of meeting with him a few times, answered multi-questions about our lifestyle, gotten a bunch of personal references from the people that founded BF where we work (all good references, a couple glowing), showed him our financial dealings proving we weren't deadbeats, said we can wait a couple months while the current tenant makes sure of her living arrangements, and then this.


Rat Bastard. Now I have to start looking at other places again. We liked his place, it was in town, good size, and the rent was decent. Grrrrrrrr.

Really sorry to hear that. Good luck with it, I can't believe the guy is such a jerk but I've heard of other situations like that. Usually, it ends up that they found someone who will pay more.

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Re: The cranky thread


Got an email from our prospective landlord saying that someone else has contacted him about a possible multi-year lease.


We've only gone thru the hassle of meeting with him a few times, answered multi-questions about our lifestyle, gotten a bunch of personal references from the people that founded BF where we work (all good references, a couple glowing), showed him our financial dealings proving we weren't deadbeats, said we can wait a couple months while the current tenant makes sure of her living arrangements, and then this.


Rat Bastard. Now I have to start looking at other places again. We liked his place, it was in town, good size, and the rent was decent. Grrrrrrrr.

That blows!

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Re: The cranky thread


Got an email from our prospective landlord saying that someone else has contacted him about a possible multi-year lease.


We've only gone thru the hassle of meeting with him a few times, answered multi-questions about our lifestyle, gotten a bunch of personal references from the people that founded BF where we work (all good references, a couple glowing), showed him our financial dealings proving we weren't deadbeats, said we can wait a couple months while the current tenant makes sure of her living arrangements, and then this.


Rat Bastard. Now I have to start looking at other places again. We liked his place, it was in town, good size, and the rent was decent. Grrrrrrrr.

You've got every reason to be cranky, lem. Sorry. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


Lemming: Mr. Landlord? This is Tdkguy, he's going to be handling my complaints.





Mr. Landlord: AUGUUGH!

Hmm. That is a nice scenario...


I got written up at a previous job for "kicking" a file cabinet. Actually I hadn't at all, but I had thrown a dead harddrive into the dumpster that day.


When one of my coworkers heard about it, her words were "Was the file cabinet thru a couple walls? If not, Mark didn't kick it."


Anyway, I'm looking for other places with less annoying landlords. Had a nice conversation with one of the people that manages places in town. She didn't have any available, but gave some pointers.


And I have other things to be cranky about, but that's for another post.

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Re: The cranky thread


Actually, there is a way to lose weight this time of year, but I don't recommend it. Being very sick, unable to keep anything but clear liquids down, will do it. I've had a holiday season where I did that.


Take Old Man's advice about Jan 2.

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