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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


We will probably have to put down my wife's 19 year old cat tomorrow. :(


She has bad teeth, abcesses actually, and her health is so poor we can't have her put under, even if we could afford another $500 vet bill right now.



My condolences gewing.

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Re: The cranky thread


A small part of it.


Volunteers are not supposed to do grooming such as cutting off hair mats from the cats. (Nail clipping is also verbotten) Safety etc...


There's a volunteer that is a regular and I guess she thought she was exempt. She felt something that lumpy on a cats neck and cut it off. It was a cyst. Pretty well beneath the skin.


The cat is fine now.


She was rushed up to the clinic where one of the vets, cleaned the wound, removed the rest of the cyst, etc... Thankfully, she came out of anathesia ok. That was a big concern as well, since the cat is about 17 years old.


Of course, most people's reactions at work is "WTF?" :bmk:

Oh, man. That made me flinch just thinking about it. Poor kitty.


So not only was she not supposed to be grooming it in the first place, but she almost caused irreparable harm in doing so? Stupid, stupid girl.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's why I stay out of the political threads now; they don't contribute anything but hard feelings. I know I'll never agree with the POV of the conservatives here' date=' and they'll never agree with me. If people agreed to disagree, fine. But the threads just degenerate to name-calling. It's funny how some folks think it's fair play to bash the opposing viewpoint, but once their own their own beliefs are challenged, the challenger is a "troll."[/quote']


Yeah, unfortunately there are a lot of people in the world across the political spectrum (and most other sets of beliefs that you can name) that only see problems with things that effect them personally and negatively. Me not getting hired because of my race is a problem; me getting hired because they didn't hire you because of your race is cool. Raging against "idiots" that I disagree with is just fine; ranting against people I agree with is just trolling. It is so widespread I guess it is just "a part of human nature". A part that makes about as much sense to me as religion does.


Personally, if something is bad, it is bad. Doesn't matter if I'm being hurt by it or if I'm getting an advantage out of it. It is still bad. But I've said all along that I'm a freak. :D

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks for the condolences, folks. Rosie is not in any pain anymore, but she slept on my wife's pillow for around 18 years.


It is going to be rough. The worst part is that she was feeling a little better today, the abcess drained during the night, apparently.


two years ago we had to put down my Wife's 17 or so year old Boston Terrier.


THis year we lost a new cat (my favorite) to coyotes or some such, had to put down another cat that has slept with my wife for 10 years after he became very ill, and now rosie.


It has been rough.


Roseshadow, Pukha, Scoop, and Sassy. We miss you.


Thanks again, folks.



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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks for the condolences, folks. Rosie is not in any pain anymore, but she slept on my wife's pillow for around 18 years.


It is going to be rough. The worst part is that she was feeling a little better today, the abcess drained during the night, apparently.


two years ago we had to put down my Wife's 17 or so year old Boston Terrier.


THis year we lost a new cat (my favorite) to coyotes or some such, had to put down another cat that has slept with my wife for 10 years after he became very ill, and now rosie.


It has been rough.


Roseshadow, Pukha, Scoop, and Sassy. We miss you.


Thanks again, folks.




Words cannot express, so I won't try. Other than to say you have my empathy.

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Re: The cranky thread


screw x-mas. the holiday season can bite me.


stupid concept...


I've learned to ignore it as much as possible. I don't mind the holy day; I will attend Christmas Mass. Interestingly, I know a few non-Christian families who celebrate Christmas, at least the gift-giving part of it.



As for my cranky rant: Why are so many people who ride bicycles idiots? My stepfather nearly ran one over by accident because some idiot on a bike succenly came from behind and cut him off. At a narrow intersection. At night. :stupid:

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Re: The cranky thread


As for my cranky rant: Why are so many people who ride bicycles idiots? My stepfather nearly ran one over by accident because some idiot on a bike succenly came from behind and cut him off. At a narrow intersection. At night. :stupid:

Lots of them seem to have a massive sense of entitlement combined with a belief that vehicle laws do not apply to them. At least in Colorado and I believe also in California that belief is incorrect. A bike on a street is bound by the laws just like any other vehicle on the road. This includes stop lights and signs, contrary to what a large percentage of bike riders seem to think. Speed limits too. I know of at least one person that has been given a speeding ticket while riding his bike. I believe it was for doing 45 in a 25 (residential) zone. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Lots of them seem to have a massive sense of entitlement combined with a belief that vehicle laws do not apply to them.


Those don't bother me so much as the ones who believe that physics laws do not apply to them. Car: 1500kg. Bike with rider: 80kg. p=mv; momentum p is always conserved...

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Re: The cranky thread


Lots of them seem to have a massive sense of entitlement combined with a belief that vehicle laws do not apply to them. At least in Colorado and I believe also in California that belief is incorrect. A bike on a street is bound by the laws just like any other vehicle on the road. This includes stop lights and signs' date=' contrary to what a large percentage of bike riders seem to think. Speed limits too. I know of at least one person that has been given a speeding ticket while riding his bike. I believe it was for doing 45 in a 25 (residential) zone. :)[/quote']

Cali bike laws are HARSH. Especially down south, not only did I have to register my bike (you get a little sticker with a licence number) but my brother recieved no less than two traffic infraction tickets while on his bike.


13 year olds getting stopped and ticketed... that's hard core man. hard core. Of course, he was lucky he wasn't pulled off his bike and clubbed.....

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Re: The cranky thread


Cali bike laws are HARSH. Especially down south, not only did I have to register my bike (you get a little sticker with a licence number) but my brother recieved no less than two traffic infraction tickets while on his bike.


13 year olds getting stopped and ticketed... that's hard core man. hard core. Of course, he was lucky he wasn't pulled off his bike and clubbed.....


Sounds good to me. Teach 'em young that the rules apply to them too and maybe they'll get it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Those don't bother me so much as the ones who believe that physics laws do not apply to them. Car: 1500kg. Bike with rider: 80kg. p=mv; momentum p is always conserved...


80Kg? I didn't weigh that when I was riding my bike most places I went, much less the weight of the bike... ;)


And in my experience it isn't that they don't think the laws of physics apply, just that it is the job of all other vehicles on the road to avoid them, regardless of what they do.

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Re: The cranky thread


Perception does affect experience, Mantis. If you can't change the nasty experience itself, still, you can change how you react to it; i.e. change your perceptions and reprogram yourself a little.


I'm trying to avoid saying anything so inane as "just cheer up," here, so work with me, guy, please....

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Re: The cranky thread


I used to bicycle like a banshee, but I was very respectful of how much damage an auto would do to me. Of course, the number of cars that didn't pay any attention to me was frightful.


I'm going straight thru an intersection (green for me), car turns left in front of me. Braking and swerving to avoid that one.


Same day on the way home, I look over my shoulder to see if someone is going to zip past me to turn right at the next corner. I duck just in time to avoid an SUV mirror that would of clocked me in the back of the head if I hadn't looked.


That being said, there are lots of idiot bicyclists. About the same proportion of idiots elsewhere on the road. ;)

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