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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


OK, I feel justified in griping about this one. My sinus infection is currently in its 4th fun-filled week; I'm taking 5 different meds trying to knock it out. (I actually managed to make it to GenghisCon this weekend, tho I mostly showed up to run my games, and then went home and back to sleep.) This morning, I'm finally starting to genuinely feel better.


Then my boss walks in the room...


We're moving to a new office building Friday, so we're in a packing flurry. My program has ~66 shelf-feet worth of library to pack up. Because I've been out of the office so much, I'm a little behind where I wanted to be, maybe 2/3 done, but no crisis. Yesterday we have a staff meeting, and it is announced that on Thursday they'll be taking down our current bookshelves to take them over to the new building. Implied task: I need to get all my books packed up before then. No problem. I pack a few boxes this morning, then go back to my office to catch my breath so I don't overdo it. So I'm sitting there trying to catch up my email, and all of a sudden my boss decides he wants to take the bookshelves over to the new office RIGHT FREAKING NOW!!! So now I have to jump through my butt, grab the remaining books off the shelves and throw them in random piles on the floor (so much for knowing what's where), with him literally grabbing the shelves as soon as I'm finished.


Now normally this would only be annoying. As it is, it absolutely kicked my butt. That tentative "So this is what being healthy feels like!" feeling of the morning has been blown, and my entire day's energy is shot. I'll be lucky to make it home before I fall asleep.


Most of the time, I have no problem with my boss; I've certainly worked for far worse. But every once in awhile he pulls one of these Instant Crisis! tricks. Today was a bad day for one. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


I am so far in debt it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg to pay this month's bills.


Any Filthy Rich Playboys out there need new Arm Candy ? :idjit:


I ain't filthy, nor rich, but there is some debate about my status as a playboy, I'm always up for some nice arm candy ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


I mean I'm glad oxygen's on the ball and have sent us every film they showed last quarter. Alas though, Breakfast at Tiffany's has been in the database for, oh, my lifetime. Terms of Endearment nearly that long. So, now I'm wading through crap to see what's good.


Sigh. I got my work done early, and so I get stuck with this. No good deed goes unpunished.



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Re: The cranky thread


Ah, Lent ... the time of year when every prostheletyzing pamphlet-pusher in the county decides to abuse those who work with the public by forcing religious literature on people at work when they really can't refuse it without risking a customer complaint for being 'rude' despite the fact that they were being rude first.


I've worked a single 8.5 hour shift since Ash Wednesday, and have had 5 of these things foisted on me.


Gimme a break.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah, Lent ... the time of year when every prostheletyzing pamphlet-pusher in the county decides to abuse those who work with the public by forcing religious literature on people at work when they really can't refuse it without risking a customer complaint for being 'rude' despite the fact that they were being rude first.


I've worked a single 8.5 hour shift since Ash Wednesday, and have had 5 of these things foisted on me.


Gimme a break.

Tell them you've given up pamphlets for Lent. :straight:

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Re: The cranky thread


Obviously' date=' she is related to Mrs. Mentor.:D[/quote']


Heh. Are we talking "because she pays for it; she makes one and a half times as much as you do", too?


I've caught up somewhat, she used to make double my salary, but the big car company that's name begins with G and ends with M hasn't given pay raises to it's salaried employees for years.


Man that's a sweet gig.


or are we talking "because everything in the universe revolves around her" like She Who Should Not Be Named.





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Re: The cranky thread


Heh. Are we talking "because she pays for it; she makes one and a half times as much as you do", too?


I've caught up somewhat, she used to make double my salary, but the big car company that's name begins with G and ends with M hasn't given pay raises to it's salaried employees for years.


Man that's a sweet gig.


or are we talking "because everything in the universe revolves around her" like She Who Should Not Be Named.





The universe revolves around her, but in a good way. In a paradoxical way, while everything in the house revolves around her, she manges to give back even more than she receives.

Kinda cool.:D

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Re: The cranky thread


The universe revolves around her, but in a good way. In a paradoxical way, while everything in the house revolves around her, she manges to give back even more than she receives.

Kinda cool.:D

so you are just lucky to be in the orbit closest to her? :)
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Re: The cranky thread


Heh. Are we talking "because she pays for it; she makes one and a half times as much as you do", too?


I've caught up somewhat, she used to make double my salary, but the big car company that's name begins with G and ends with M hasn't given pay raises to it's salaried employees for years.


Man that's a sweet gig.


or are we talking "because everything in the universe revolves around her" like She Who Should Not Be Named.





Josh has very grudgingly admitted I'm the primary breadwinner.


But he provides the health insurance, so I figure we're even. ^ v ^


My crankiness centers on how lovely and sunny it appears outside. Then you get out into the dratted wind! I HATE being tricked into almost not bringing my coat!

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah, Lent ... the time of year when every prostheletyzing pamphlet-pusher in the county decides to abuse those who work with the public by forcing religious literature on people at work when they really can't refuse it without risking a customer complaint for being 'rude' despite the fact that they were being rude first.


I've worked a single 8.5 hour shift since Ash Wednesday, and have had 5 of these things foisted on me.


Gimme a break.


Huh. I've never gotten this kind of stuff. My standard response to people pushing pamphlets at me is to ignore them, which obviously doesn't work if you are dealing with them as a customer. :) My second tactic (if ignoring doesn't work) is to immediately throw said pamphlet in the trash. Though I haven't had to deal with people shoving paper at me for a while. Used to get pretty thick around the 16th street mall in Denver.

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Re: The cranky thread






Hey, it's John.


John! What's up?


Hey, the bar we're having the seminar at, they only have 110 power.


Oh. Well, that won't work, the demo requires 220 volt like I told you.


We can't convert?


Well... we'd have to buy a transformer... and even then the bar would have to have more than one circuit in the room, which is not likely.


How hard would it be to get the converter?


I don't know, I'd have to look it up. And even then it probably wouldn't work.


So no demo?


No demo. You should start looking for another venue.


We cannot, we've sent out the invitations already.


So... we've sent out invitations to a demo that we can't have?


Can you find a converter?


Sure, I'll drop everything I'm doing to hunt for a transformer that might work, because somebody chose to host the demo at a bar that doesn't have the power that I told you we needed three weeks ago.


Okay, great, thanks!

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Re: The cranky thread


Ha! I thought that was bad. But then I had to walk out of an important customer planning session so that I could puke up lunch in their bathroom. Nothing like tasting lunch twice, and having bits of it go in the back of your nose and stick in your teeth! And now the burning sensation of bile.

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Re: The cranky thread


Better, though not 100%. I'm skipping dinner unless you count two crackers and half a bottle of powerade. This is either some stomach flu or the world's fastest acting strain of salmonella. Probably the former. It's weird, this came out of nowhere--I went from fine to ejecta-from-both-ends in 30 minutes.

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Re: The cranky thread


The good news is that the chills, aches, weakness and nausea have subsided (though they are not completely gone). The bad news is I got four hours of sleep before the east coast guys called to complain they couldn't reach our intranet. 90 minutes later we narrow it down to some kind of routing or vpn issue with Comcast in DC. And they won't give me the time of day because I am not an actual Comcast customer. So here I sit, exhausted and unwell, and there's nothing I can do for my colleagues.

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Re: The cranky thread


Better' date=' though not 100%. I'm skipping dinner unless you count two crackers and half a bottle of powerade. This is either some stomach flu or the world's fastest acting strain of salmonella. Probably the former. It's weird, this came out of nowhere--I went from fine to ejecta-from-both-ends in 30 minutes.[/quote']


Hmm. Frequently something that quick after eating is food poisoning. All in all, sounds like you're having way too much fun. Best of luck in getting over it, whatever it is!

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